a real promo flyer received here in 2006. been hanging in the office ever since.
Huh. This company still provides dialup Internet.
But I’m less interested now not because of the slower Internet speeds but because the goat promo code expired.
Submitted 5 weeks ago by adarza@lemmy.ca to [deleted]
a real promo flyer received here in 2006. been hanging in the office ever since.
Huh. This company still provides dialup Internet.
But I’m less interested now not because of the slower Internet speeds but because the goat promo code expired.
How do I get grandfathered in
Please don’t do the goat
Is the goat for mowing the lawns around solar panels?
Dialup? In 2006? Pretty sure we’d had ADSL for well over five years by then, pretty sure everyone had switched where I lived (not USA).
There are some places in the US where the only reason they aren’t still stuck on dialup is because of the cellular data network and/or starlink sattelite internet.
Especially at the time it could have been useful as a backup connection. Where I work our network team had to work very hard to get all of our locations a backup connection that didn’t go through the same physical “line” as what we already had (so much of the physical infrastructure is comingled).
bjoern_tantau@swg-empire.de 5 weeks ago
hypnotoad__@lemmy.ml 5 weeks ago
I came here for this, thank you