Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 18°C, max - 24°C. 25% chance of at least 4mm of rain
Whoever you are, you are loved ♥️
Submitted 3 months ago by to
Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 18°C, max - 24°C. 25% chance of at least 4mm of rain
Whoever you are, you are loved ♥️
Had a garbage sleep with last night’s temps. But on the plus side I could have a really long sleep. I only just properly got up. Though I did get up for half an hour for a quick zoom this morning. I needed it though. I feel less emotionally strained and foggy, and like I can properly get into the swing of moving
It is just dawning on me that cause of my screw up with trying to redirect that parcel that’s now gone into hibernation in Adelaide, I can’t actually have internet at the new place until it arrives. Guess I can’t finally put my 1.1TB of banked mobile data to use (full 5g even inside at the new place! Initially was reporting about 300mbps down, but Amaysim caps their download speeds to 100mbps. It settled out at about 115mbps. That makes it faster than the max NBN speed I can get at the new place, so perhaps 5g home internet is actually a practical option
I feel less emotionally strained and foggy, and like I can properly get into the swing of moving
When we were 18 I moved into a new place, and on night 2 or 3 I got up at like 3am for a drink or something and walked straight into a freakin wall. Ever heard the sound of an idiot bounce off the wall at 3am? it sounds hilarious. Unless you’re the idiot. So make sure you turn a light on if you need to get up.
Beep Beep 🚚
🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋
Hmmm no line today.
I’m craving something sweet today please Chef.
I’m normally here every day but now I’m on a diet so I gotta cut back
Today on our drive to Christchurch we got acquainted with Brian FM. Brian is our soul mate. 💜
We need a Brian here in Melbourne, only, taking playlists sent in by people.
I think you can follow Brian FM on I Heart radio. Definitely gonna try it when I get home.
Absolute steal on one of the mrs’s Christmas presents! She wanted some tea so I went to grab one of the tea2 gift packs. One was like 85 bucks, the assistant stopped me and said “hey just so you know if you buy 2 its like 80 bucks” and was like “so 160 in total?” he goes “no, both for 80” wait so I get a second one, and have to pay 5 bucks less? Heck yes!
Silly question. Is it normal for a hairdryer to overheat and cut out before you’ve finished drying your hair? Is this a quality issue or is it faulty/damaged?
I’ve been having this happen with different cheap hairdryers. And while my hair is difficult to get dry/takes ages, it isn’t even going for a long time. I only ever rough dry my roots and am having the dryer cut out before I’ve finished doing that.
Check if the intake is blocked by dust/lint. Even if partially blocked might not be getting enough airflow through to counter the heat, and safety cutoff can happen. If all good, then probably it’s just a badly designed hairdryer. Sometimes it’s worth paying a bit more for a basic name brand item than the super cheap ones. Maybe in the Boxing Day sales you could find a bargain?
That’s a good idea, I don’t attend the shops but could keep an eye out for online deals.
I don’t see anything blocking the intake but can double check
Okay the new Eurovision theme for Switzerland next year contains techno and yodelling, what more could you want? (Skip to 1:30 for the track.)
they do themes? Thats cool didnt know that. Saw the stage, that looks decent. Wasnt a massive fan of Swedens.
Really just the neutral/background tracks for the title screens, voting, etc.
The stage is a bit nicer next year! Not sure about the typography personally but will have to see it in action. 3 months ago
Gosh the internal review process for traffic fines is such a crock of shit.
I’m challenging a red light camera fine as I think it was incorrectly issued - my car crossed the stop line when the light was yellow, then it turned red and the cameras went off. You have to cross the stop line after the light has turned red to commit the offence. Wrote a detailed challenge with reasons, my recollection of the situation, referring to the photo evidence you can access etc, all I got back is “we are satisfied the offence was committed”. That’s it. Pay up or go to court.
I’m in this crap position of having only my recollection of the situation to rely on. I can’t prove my car was in the intersection when the light was still yellow outside of pointing to the police photo which shows exactly this. But that wasn’t good enough for the review. It’s a really expensive fine too. Feels like guilty until proven innocent rather than the other way around.
I’ve been much more careful since this fine, the light is yellow I’m stopping. I don’t trust those fixed cameras one bit. 3 months ago
Ooh - I have first-hand experience with this! I had green, but needed to stop because a pedestrian was crossing the intersection illegally somewhere in Hawthorn. I was over the line, but not 100% over the line. When the pedestrian cleared the way, I continued and the camera went off. Your whole car needs to be over the line when the light turns red. The flash goes off the same millisecond, there is zero grace on that.
I challenged, and had to go to court. Explained what happened and the magistrate and he agreed that I was not breaking the law. I can’t find the outcome term online now - I’m at work and don’t have time to research it. I can explain what happened in layman’s terms though:
When you challenge the offense, you are saying the police made a mistake. That you shouldn’t have been issued an infringement. The police will fight you in court over that.
In my case, I was given a verdict that basically meant “person is guilty but there are extenuating circumstances”, and I didn’t need to pay the fine etc. It did cost me a day off work, though
If you are saying your front tyres were over the line, so you’re not guilty, I don’t think that’ll fly. Your whole car has to be over the line when it turns red. In my case, they could see I was doing like 5-10km/h when I went over the line, I obviously wasn’t zooming through. So while the photo didn’t show the pedestrian, they believed me. 3 months ago
This is really helpful, thank you - tells me that I should just pay the fine. The time, stress and anxiety of challenging the police isn’t worth it for me. The front tyres were over the line on red but from what I’ve read, with fixed camera fines, part of the car being over means no infringement. All I have is my version of events and I’m going against fixed camera equipment, I don’t like my chances. 3 months ago
I always thought you should not enter an intersection on an amber light or you are gonna get done once it’s red. 3 months ago
I thought so too at first. The road rule is not about being out of the intersection once the light is red, but the vehicle not crossing the stop line once the light turns red. It’s only if you do this is the fine justified. 3 months ago
Iirc it specifically says something along the lines of “you must stop at a yellow light unless it is unsafe to do so”. If the light goes red when you’re 5 metres from the stop line and you’re barreling down the road at 60, obviously you aren’t going to stop