The votes are in … Big Trouble in Little China beat out Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves by a hair (1 vote it seems) (see voting post here).

Please treat this as Discussion Thread for the film over the next week or two … or if you like, write up your own posts about it!

If you have any tips on where to get it, please feel free to share (I’ll probably add them to the top post)

I’ve certainly never seen it and look forward to watching it!

Honourable Mentions

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

  • For being rather popular (came a close third in the voting).
  • It was my nomination as a nostalgia visit back to popcorn 90s AI action sci-fi, which my partner hasn’t seen.
  • I’ll probably watch it some time soon

Soylent Green

  • Also popular in the voting, and keeping up what might be a classic dystopian trend here

The Apartment (1960)

  • Easily the oldest film suggested this round! I’ve never seen it but it seems to be a classic and I really appreciate that someone nominated it (and it was popular in the voting too!)

And there were other films in the nominations too you might be interested in (see the voting post linked above) … for me personally Underwater (2020) stood out as one I’d not heard of (despite being recent), and, as an Alien fan, I’ll be more than happy to give it a watch.