Reminds me of my friend who wouldn’t go to the hospital immediately after getting hit in a rear end collision. He finally went a few days later when he started to lose feeling in his face and extremities. Turns out his neck was broken. Now he’s got brain damage and a lot of motor issues. But hey, he’s likely going to get paid from the insurance co. I told him to go straight to the hospital when he called about getting hit.
Anon smashes his head
Submitted 8 months ago by to
Comments 7 months ago 7 months ago
Ah that sounds like just a little minor neck break. Drink a glass of milk, snort a couple lines of coke (it’s also white so it must have lots of calcium and you gotta admit it’s a bit more fun than a second glass of milk), then walk it off. Listen to some heavy metal to help strengthen the neck so that it won’t be so weak next time he gets hit by a car. 7 months ago
Lmao, Anon’s just mad that OP now get to slap that ghostussy 7 months ago
More like zombussy 8 months ago
… Smash 7 months ago
Itchy… Tasty… 7 months ago
Let’s test your gag reflex just for fun 8 months ago
Sincerely hope thats creative fiction and that there isn’t someone who cracked their skull and thinks losing motor control is normal and okay. 8 months ago
I started to feel bad for the person with a concussion and gangrenous untreated wound, but then they pivoted to whether they could now acceptably creep on dead girls, and I just see a problem that’s about to solve itself. 8 months ago
Eh, if we had good data on what they were like before the incident, maybe.
This is all with the firm understanding that this $100% happened. 8 months ago
To be fair, they may be brain damaged.
People say all kinds of crazy shit after a good head wound. My partner fell off a staircase a few months ago and asked me why I was letting the government put roaches under the bathroom sink. 7 months ago
Just to imagine make me feel sick 🤢 7 months ago
I knew someone from an FLDS family.
(For those who don’t know, FLDS is a fundamentalist branch of the Mormons that are basically an insanely oppressive and abusive cult. They still do polygamy!)
She’s extremely mentally ill, but this is about her now deceased brother:
When he was about 2, he fell, head first, onto a rusty nail. Mom decided the medical solution to this was neosporin and a bandaid.
It went about a bit less than an inch into his brain.
He grew up extremely unable to regulate emotions, did violent dangerous things all the time, unfortunately killed himself a year back.
Point of me saying this is: Shit like this absolutely happens.
I feel like a whole lot of people who end up on 4chan are quite likely to be seriously neglected and abused.
I can very easily see a person with serious damage like this not being taken seriously and even assaulted by their parents for mentioning it.
They likely can’t get to a hospital on their own, and would be screamed at more if parents found out they went. So, post on 4chan. 8 months ago
This actually sounds kind of hot. Someone realizing they died and their first thought was getting some undead sugar. 7 months ago
You are an incredibly sensitive person, but that comment did not inspire joy-joy feelings in all those around you.