Yeah seriously. They should go after every guy who’s done shit like this, in every state. That’s what they’d do if the establishment was even half assed competent. But they aren’t willing to do that, because they’re either donors or elites don’t attack elites or whatever the reason may be, but it’s lending credence to the “this is a trump witch hunt” narrative.
Because it was a bullshit case that should never have happened and people like stewart are just cheering the end of the US. I understand how people love their R or D team, but this case is so obviously nonesense that I cant understand how its not obvious. 11 months ago
How the fuck can 450m dollar fraud be victimless 11 months ago 11 months ago
i’ll name them: the People of the State of New York.
see? not that difficult. 11 months ago
NY should go after other fuckers too. Starting with the ones that said “victimless” 11 months ago
Yeah seriously. They should go after every guy who’s done shit like this, in every state. That’s what they’d do if the establishment was even half assed competent. But they aren’t willing to do that, because they’re either donors or elites don’t attack elites or whatever the reason may be, but it’s lending credence to the “this is a trump witch hunt” narrative. 11 months ago
Because it was a bullshit case that should never have happened and people like stewart are just cheering the end of the US. I understand how people love their R or D team, but this case is so obviously nonesense that I cant understand how its not obvious. 11 months ago
Go suck some more tump cock you fascist fuck 11 months ago
You didn’t even answer the question, bootlicker. 11 months ago
Nice try Russian troll 11 months ago
lol, says the person who’s totally team red.