- Comment on Bloomberg: Sony Interactive Entertainment working on portable PS5 3 months ago:
- Comment on Bloomberg: Sony Interactive Entertainment working on portable PS5 3 months ago:
I guess I’m saying folks who are interested in a console handheld are probably not also looking at the deck since it is literally a computer. I don’t disagree on the lack of first party and exclusives. I think they can make a great device, it’s just gonna have a huge lack of content much like the psvr2.
That being said I think there’s a chance they go the route of psvr2 and somehow make the handheld compatible with steam so they don’t have to curate a library given the high cost of game development these days.
- Comment on Bloomberg: Sony Interactive Entertainment working on portable PS5 3 months ago:
This wouldn’t be a steam deck competitor. At least less directly than it is a switch competitor. And Sony tends to do hardware well, they just don’t have the best pricing track record as of late.
- Comment on Score 3 months ago:
Boomer humor…
- Comment on The more you know 4 months ago:
That’s the joke.gif
- Comment on Yakuza creator Nagoshi says the era of game size being most important is coming to an end 4 months ago:
I’ve gotta disagree on BotW. I love Zelda games and the mechanics of that game were an amazing shift in the franchise. But that open world was so boring. The same like 4-5 enemies, even the harder variants didn’t have different movesets. TotK was even worse with the depths and a majority of sky islands being empty and devoid of content.
But the e gameplay is so fun it’s a lot easier to forgive them than say AC Odyssey.
- Comment on FIRST LOOK: Common Side Effects | adult swim (6:09) 4 months ago:
Is it not finished?
- Comment on Is it okay to take drugs to make yourself a better person? Does it make a difference if "better" is mental or if it's physical? 4 months ago:
What about little-a meth as a treat though?
- Comment on In the era of remakes and remasters, what niche game would you like to see receive the treatment? 4 months ago:
I’m thinking like the dead space remake. Extra gory!
- Comment on In the era of remakes and remasters, what niche game would you like to see receive the treatment? 4 months ago:
How about a dark gritty reboot of LttP?
- Comment on 'It Has Plateaued': Should We Be Worried About Console Gaming's Future? 5 months ago:
“Mostly the same games” except for all the Nintendo IP. Most folks aren’t pirating games I’d imagine so they’re aren’t really the same libraries for the vast majority of consumers.
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 5 months ago:
Real men pee however they want and make sure not to leave a mess for the next bathroom user. Standing or sitting has nothing to do with masculinity.
- Comment on Why is selling fake medicine legal in the USA? 5 months ago:
That’s an issue of not letting oversight agencies have enough teeth. Not a “welp we’ll just never figure this one out I guess” type of situation. We’re not special and other countries have solved many of these problems.
- Comment on The internet, every October 5 months ago:
We know.
- Comment on Why does it seem the majority of protests in the US are to oppose something while so many protests in other countries are looking to influence improving something? 5 months ago:
Reading OP’s comments it sounds like they are getting at in America, from their perspective, protests don’t start until things are really bad, while in the EU protests, again in their perspective, are more proactive or at the early stages of things going wrong.
- Comment on Every Frame a Painting: What would Billy Wilder do? 5 months ago:
I was randomly looking through my YouTube subscriptions and popped into the channel on the same day they put out the teaser. I was so confused but thrilled to see more videos coming. Watching this one tonight!
- Comment on Some Feminist Tips 5 months ago:
Ahhh, then this is just stupid republican trash.
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 5 months ago:
Just like Reddit was back in the day.
- Comment on Some Feminist Tips 5 months ago:
I’m trying to figure out how this is a shitpost personally.
- Comment on [Tom Warren] The PS5 Pro still hasn’t sold out in the US or UK. Looks like the $700 price point will mean this console will be readily available this holiday 5 months ago:
Ps5 pro, just got released. But it’s entirely too expensive for what its offering over base ps5, doesn’t have a disc reader, and while I love my base model there really aren’t that many games taking advantage of it so having to pay more for remastered last gen games doesn’t feel like a good value for most folks I’d imagine.
- Comment on Help me to settle on a face design for the character I've just added to my game, called The Humorless Toaster. (It's only here to make toast, not listen to your nonsense.) 6 months ago:
HIT? Hitler Is Toaster?
- Comment on Just released my game, Amata, into early access! The whole campaign is ready to play and there is a free demo! <33 6 months ago:
Looks great! What kinda difficulty would you say it is comparable to? I’ll try to play it after I’m done with black myth.
- Comment on How the fuck do you meet new people? 6 months ago:
Organized hobbies have been the key for me. Gives me a place to go, forces me to be minimally social, but can allow for multiple events so the pressure is reduced to make the most of every outing. Plus you have something else you’re enjoying. Everyone’s recommendations of sports or gaming falls right in line with this. But I have other hobbies I love like woodworking that I can find places to take classes and meet people. The other benefit is the more you do it the more you get used to be out among people again and it can be less awkward/anxiety inducing.
- Comment on Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done 7 months ago:
And what exactly has that wall done if the rate of illegal border crossings is so high? Or is that dems fault as well? Talk about echo chamber…why don’t you get out of yours.
- Comment on Day 3 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 8 months ago:
- Comment on Cillian O'Sullivan To Play Roger Korby in Strange New Worlds – Trek Central 8 months ago:
I really wish they wouldn’t continue to grow the cast. We’re starting to get into game of thrones levels of simultaneous story arcs. The original core cast was so good.
- Comment on Awnings: a simple cooling tech we apparently forgot about 8 months ago:
It sure why you’re being downvoted, it’s is unfortunately true. Makes your house look like a diner most of the time…
- Comment on Neil deGrasse Tyson reads his peer review of Terrence Howard's mathematics theories 8 months ago:
Yes, just because I’m speaking negatively of a black man I must be racist…. Fuck off. I made no comment on his race.
- Comment on Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed? 8 months ago:
Every Christian takes an historical proof of Jesus as affirmation of the stories within the New Testament.
- Comment on Neil deGrasse Tyson reads his peer review of Terrence Howard's mathematics theories 8 months ago:
He’s also just a bit of a prick regardless. There are so many more entertaining science personalities that don’t act pompous as fuck.