Last time, I don’t think Trump was expecting to win. He ended up needing to scrape together a cabinet, and a bunch of those officials were old-school Republicans who chafed at all the crazy stuff he wanted to do.
This time, the Heritage Foundation is preparing him, and the new Senate will rubber-stamp all his appointments. He will pick people who intend to “dismantle the administrative state”. Grover Norquist famously wanted to make Government so small he could drown it in fhe bathtub. He might get his wish. 3 months ago
They’re organised this time 3 months ago
Control of the house, senate, presidency and Judiciary. 3 months ago
He had pretty much that his first two years. Maybe not the judicial branch, totally. But, he had both chambers of congress. They could have done a lot but didn’t because of incompetence, a little dissent and fear of electoral reprisals.
Now, they’re more organized and possibly more unified behind the rat-fucking that’s planned.
If they move too fast they’ll lose the House in two years. If they slow boil, we’ll all be cooked before we know it.