You can’t argue that 40k panders to the LGBT crowd because fuckin obviously if you’ve ever even looked at a 40k title, but you also can’t really argue that 40k isn’t at least a little sexual.
You got ratlings, pretty much everything slaanesh, aeldari waifus, and the entire Ciaphas Cain series. And while yeah, you don’t exactly get steamy love triangles in mainline 40k lore, you also have callidus assassin’s and sisters of silence popping up all the damn time. Sex isn’t the focus (mostly. Looking at you ciaphas) but it’s certainly present in the setting. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Lgbtqia people existing is not “real world politics” and they are grossly underrepresented in media. 5 months ago
Oh fuck off, queer people aren’t politics. It’s literally just humans existing, but since some bigots want to limit their rights you call it political. This is the same exact thought process of asking “the Jewish question”.
And yet here you are saying a bunch of dumb stuff about devs pushing things in. You can’t have it both ways. 5 months ago
Do you have examples of DEI’d games? Do you have sources for saying devs don’t want to do it anymore? So far I only know of guys that record videos of themselves screaming “fucking pronouns” being offended by the mere presence of pronouns, and that’s not even “DEI”. There’s also that weird steam recommendation character who criticizes every game that has a woman who isn’t meant to be a sex object, but these are all very fringe and often severely disturbed people, not at all representative of any real impactful opinions. 5 months ago
The funko pop star wars nintendo pronoun screamers are to the political right what Alex Jones is to Ronald Reagan 5 months ago
I feel like I need a translator for this comment 5 months ago
OMG totally agree. It’s so upsetting when my game isn’t just about straight white characters. 5 months ago
Not what I said. And like many others entirely missing the point. 5 months ago
Yeah I’m making fun of you 5 months ago
Do you have some examples? It would really help to discuss specifics. 5 months ago
From the term used I can easily determine you are more conservative than most here, and even if your comment got reported multiple time on the basis of rule 2, I’d like not to overreact and give you the occasion to develop a bit more your arguments by providing examples instead of just “its like that because I feel like it is like that”.
So, could you please kindly provide, as other in this thread asked, example of :
In my humble opinion, Games being a work of art as much as it is an entertainment, it is up to the creator to chose what kind of story it want to talk about.
Does they want to talk about how the LGBTQ community, which has been oppressed for a long time, in their game ? Fine by me, at lease I can have some insight from the viewpoint of someone of this community, albeit virtual, to better understand said topic.
Those topics where not talked at all previously, so of course it would feel like it becomes a lot more present in the last years, just by contrast with the absence of it in previous titles. It is also a brand new storytelling topic on which game designer have very little experience with, so it is logical for it to be talked about awkwardly at time (thus the need for specialized consulting firm like Sweet Baby Inc), with some very obvious stitches at times. Just give them time to understand how to blend it better in the story and gameplay, and you’ll get the fun games you wish for, with a diverse cast you won’t even have to complain about.