Laws don’t apply to the ultra rich in the US.
Do you have any examples besides Donald Trump?
Comment on Is Trump Made of Teflon? 5 months ago
Laws don’t apply to the ultra rich in the US.
Laws don’t apply to the ultra rich in the US.
Do you have any examples besides Donald Trump?
There’s that DuPont heir who infamously got away with raping a baby.
What the fuck
Literally the entire RNC
*DNC included.
If we were blatantly engaged in insider trading like Pelosi we would be in prison
Not sure why the downvotes, she does use her knowledge to play the stocks along with many many others. If politicians want to trade stocks their trades should be made public 24hrs before they are made, that way everyone benefits
Alice Walton, one of the owners of Walmart "while speeding in Fayetteville, Ark., she struck and killed Oleta Hardin, a 50-year-old cannery worker. She never received so much as a ticket. "
That Oxy family. Or the whole Panama papers? Or recently all the Boeing execs that ignored or silenced various whistleblowers with regard to the 737 Max. 5 months ago
Laws don’t apply to the ultra rich ____________________.
This is true everywhere. 5 months ago
Tell that to Jack Ma 5 months ago
Despite a firm hand-slapping by the CCP Mr. Ma remains one of the richest men in the world and is still extremely influential. 5 months ago
He may have a large value on paper, but I don’t think he actually has access to most of it anymore. He’s been removed from every single important role in any of the companies he owns.
and is currently a visiting professor living in Japan at the moment if I recall correctly.