Being a professional just means you get paid for it.
Professional gamers get paid to play games.
Comment on Valve bans Razer and Wooting’s new keyboard features in Counter-Strike 2 6 months ago
I refuse to wrap my mind around “professional” video gamer.
Being a professional just means you get paid for it.
Professional gamers get paid to play games.
It’s mind boggling. That’s all
Professional Boggler here. You rang?
The future is now old man. What is your take on professional chess player?
More like captain obvious troll. Find better bait, this shit is low quality
That’s cool granddad, you must be such an open minded and pleasant individual
Look up the prize pool for the esports world cup that is going on right now
Which one? There’s pretty much world cups on most esports back-to-back from now to November, lol.
Which one? Besides the one in saudi arabia right now what else is there?
My point is that late-summer to late fall is pretty much the seasons for worlds in most esports. I don’t follow literally all of them to know which one is going on currently, so my point is that mentioning which game would probably be helpful, as not everyone is as immersed in the esports scene to outright know which game has Worlds on which weeks.
I refuse to wrap my mind around “professional”
video gamersports athletemusiciandancersculptor~painter~~writeretc.
People are called to create content. The fact that they have found ways to monetize that content is a net boon to society, because it means we’re truly in an age where art and entertainment can be consumed and appreciated, while the artists and creators are able to focus on their content creation full time. A key defining factor of the renaissance era was that artists were actually properly funded and could focus on their art without being bogged down by a day job.
Not sure if you’re an artist yourself or if your handle is meant to poke society’s nose. :)
Either way, yes, I know what art is. I also know that it is very much in the eye of the beholder. I just don’t happen to agree that playing video games rises to either an art form or a profession. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
If playing a game pays the bills, why shouldn’t it be a profession?
Nice work if you can get it, I guess.
Man, you really pissed off a bunch of yahoos who scream “hax” while getting teabaged
I did seem to find a soft spot, didn’t I? 6 months ago
So guess you can’t fathom professional chess players, professional race car drivers, professional footballers, professional boxers, or professional athletes of any sort for that matter?
They’re all games. 6 months ago
I’m going to pretend that we’re not now trying to call button-mashing “athletic.” Such exertion! 6 months ago
Yep, because professional chess players are well known athletic masterpieces 🙄 6 months ago
Professional, maybe by the definition this thread seems to prefer. Athletes, no. 6 months ago
The term “professional” has nothing to do with athletics…
As long as you’re getting paid to do it you’re a professional something. Just means it’s your profession. 6 months ago
I get the common usage of the term. It just seems weird that society is so bored that it’s willing to pay people to play games. although It’s probably no different in the abstract than paying any other performer or service provider for entertainment. I guess it’s fun to watch? 6 months ago
So it’s about the amount of physical exertion, not about it being a game?
So you can’t wrap your head around the concept of professional chess players? Professional poker players? Darts? Curling?
Hell, in rally, you just literally sit in a car. Such physical exertion! (And I’m Finnish and have been in an actual rally car, before you’re going to try and make a point about how physically demanding you think it is.) 6 months ago
Hey hey, you leave curling out of this. You go sweep a rock until it barely reaches the hog line a few times and check your heart rate. 6 months ago
actually professional motor sports are quite an exertion because they drive for hours with no rest and they’re doing a lot of movement of the wheel and pedals - it’s not just driving down an interstate for a couple of hours 6 months ago 6 months ago
Make me? <shrug> 6 months ago
Chess is an athletic competition? 6 months ago
It was in the Olympics 6 months ago
I’ve commented elsewhere on the death of modern Olympics.