- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Complete bullshit. This whole, “no he was thanking and giving his heart to the crowd” excuse is such bullshit. There are so many ways to make that gesture.
The amount of hoops people will jump through to cover it up is mind-blowing. When it looks like a salute, when a country says it’s a salute, and when Nazis recognize it as a salute, yes, it’s a fucking salute.
- Comment on "Free" Speech Absolutist™ 2 months ago:
Aaaand the solution to this? Get the fuck off Twitter. I don’t know why people love to see blatant abuse of authority and are cool with that. Quit being chodes and supporting a chode.
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 2 months ago:
EverQuest has about four years sunk into it back in 99. If we’re talking steam, it’s probably TF2 with about 1400 hours
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 3 months ago:
It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out and how long it goes on for. I feel like every other shooting, even school shootings these days get the “thoughts and prayers” treatment. Then it’s onto the next news at six and who won last night’s game.
- Comment on what a moment to live 3 months ago:
I spent this week searching for Christmas gifts. It’s cold outside and I suddenly had this thought that everyone in my family plus my friends are getting tan colored jackets with hoods. It just came to me out of the blue.
- Comment on Sleep well tonight 3 months ago:
Am I your friend?
So, weird similarities…I have a bag of napkins, like, the paper ones that you but from the store. I guess my dad bought them years ago and they just sat in his room, never used. After he passed, I figured, hey - free napkins.
I can’t bring myself to use them because they smell like his room.
- Comment on What games have you put the most hours into? 3 months ago:
EverQuest was my jam back in the day. It ruined highschool for me. Nearly 5 straight years of farming and raids.
I wouldn’t do anything different though. I met some awesome people that got me through the awkward years of high school when the internet was still somewhat new.
- Comment on Ok boomer 5 months ago:
When I bring my banana through the cashier lane they give me a dirty look. But when I ride one of the lawnmowers inside and try to mount a self check out, I get kicked out of the store. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!
- Comment on Stay frosty 5 months ago:
Like sleeping with a lawn mower in the room. But I’d take that over being sticky and hot.
- Comment on Valve bans Razer and Wooting’s new keyboard features in Counter-Strike 2 7 months ago:
Professional Boggler here. You rang?
- Comment on "Maybe even sleep a little, if I'm lucky." 7 months ago:
I always thought it would be so cool to work in a skyscraper, like… 55th floor or something and just take a break to look out over the city. Then I realized that taking a break would probably get you fired.
Oh, and I bet people be banging all the time on those top level floors.