Basically the original Cave Story fan translation versus the official one done for Cave Story+.
Comment on Reject reality 5 months ago
Find anime with good english subtitles.
Find anime in better qualy.
New sub sucks. 5 months ago 5 months ago
subs suck. Dubs rule 5 months ago
Voice actors in dubs are usually worse than the original VAs 5 months ago
Unless you speak the language they’re speaking: How would you even know if they’re doing it good? 5 months ago
I actually kinda like that, because when the VAs are being cringy and shitty, I can’t tell. All I get is the emotion of the delivery.
And in the past, very passionate or emotional performances were really cringy in English, so I would prefer listening to the original VAs for the delivery of emotion and tone, and read the subs for the meaning. 5 months ago
I’m reaching a point where I’m exclusively watching dubbed. It’s gotten better in the past decade now that anime companies have a bigger budget to hire better trained voice actors. 5 months ago
The original VAs dont speak my language. Why even have sound if I’m not going to understand what they say. 5 months ago
Depends on anime and country. English dubs just sound off in nearly everything to my non-native ears. Brazilian dubs, on the other hand, often hit a good spot, but that could be nostalgia and/or bias. Portuguese dubs, on the other hand… Dear lord, just no. 5 months ago
That used to be the norm, but many newer anime (and older popular ones) have great dub VA talent. 5 months ago
Saw this with the DnD5e translation. The fan work was leagues better than the official thing 5 months ago
I usually download raws with fansubs to circumvent this. 5 months ago
Where? 5 months ago
subsplease dot org
they essentially strip the official subtitles of any fuckery or mistranslations rather than reworking from the ground up, so its more like a hybrid of official and fan subtitles. HorribleSubs did this for many years before them, so a lot of their work is out there too.