- Comment on The Sims 4's Businesses & Hobbies expansion pack will let open your own business and tattoo your Sims 1 day ago:
Too little, too…
and it lets Sims open their own tattoo parlour, pottery studio or - if you have the right complementary expansion - a cat café.
- Comment on Dwarf Fortress has some exciting plans for the future 1 week ago:
Are certain features still introduced when you hit population milestones? I haven’t played since 40d, which was… a while ago, but I liked playing without worrying about nobles or the greater economy or any of the other features that complicated the game even more. Just a small band of dwarves living their
brief, hellishdwarfy lives. - Comment on Day 204 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 2 weeks ago:
Heroic is the fun kind of hard. Legendary in Halo 2 is just brutally unfair, and even if you play perfectly it’s completely down to random chance whether you’ll succeed. As in you’re literally at the mercy of RNG in the enemy AI deciding whether you’ll be instakilled with no possible defense. Those fucking Jackal snipers…
And it’s even worse in co-op because you need to restart from the last checkpoint if either player dies, whereas on other difficulties (or Legendary in the other games) the other player can continue playing and you’ll respawn if they make it to a safe area. That one change makes co-op controller-snappingly frustrating.
Beating it in multiplayer is a legit praiseworthy achievement. Either that or a sign of deep masochism.
- Comment on What are your favorite games for killing nazis? 3 weeks ago:
Company of Heroes gets my vote. I love having a sniper take out a machine gun nest, then my riflemen flip the gun 180° and mow down wave after wave of Nazi reinforcements.
- Comment on Religion 4 weeks ago:
My point was that what constitutes a god differs between religions, and the Christian claim of monotheism uses a very narrow definition of god that excludes the many supernatural beings described in their religious texts.
By the standards of other religions one could easily argue it’s a polytheistic religion - the Trinity, or one divinity appearing in multiple forms, is similar to other religions considered polytheistic.
It’s an endless debate because both sides talk past each other due to disagreeing on the basic definition of the term.
I do not know much about mormons, aren’t they christians? I thought they were.
That’s a matter of debate I’m not at all qualified to get into. They have some very [out there](en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exaltation_(Mormonism\)) beliefs that they understandably don’t advertise to outsiders, and that only became common knowledge with the advent of the internet.
- Comment on Religion 4 weeks ago:
he is a very minor character in christianity
In the text, definitely. In the practiced religion (especially in America), not so much. And even in the text he has a much larger role than in its predecessor Judaism.
I think the pop culture versions of religions have become so deeply ingrained that they became a part of many adherent’s actual beliefs. For example, ask the average Catholic to describe hell and see how long it takes for something from Paradise Lost to pop up.
even in the popular depiction he is not nearly on the same level, as he was created by God, is not omnipotent, omniscient, unlike God, etc.
Why would that disqualify him as god-like? Polytheistic religions had gods of varying strengths, many created by other gods - the Greek pantheon is a tangle of lesser gods created by greater ones, and even Zeus came from Chronos, a Titan (which is somehow different from a god).
The whole assigning of godhood seems completely arbitrary to me. Archangels are more powerful than many full-on gods from other mythologies yet somehow don’t count, whereas even humans could have been (or will become) gods in other lives in religions such as Jainism or Mormonism.
- Comment on What do You think about level scaling in cRPGs? 2 months ago:
It’s in a weird halfway position, though it’s less cRPG and more action RPG with each iteration. The character creation in Daggerfall wouldn’t be out of place in a tabletop game.
- Comment on What do You think about level scaling in cRPGs? 2 months ago:
The Elder Scrolls, infamously. Since they are open-world games, they used heavy scaling to let you explore wherever you want in the overworld from the very beginning.
It was alright in Morrowind. There, your level just controlled which enemies appeared (so you wouldn’t see high-level daedra until your level was in the teens).
Oblivion utterly fucked it up by having everything scale to your level, so you could revisit the starting area and a normal bandit would be wearing a full set of magical heavy plate worth tens of thousands of gold while demanding you hand over twenty coins.
Skyrim was somewhere in the middle, which lead to all combat being inoffensively bland the whole way through.
- Comment on Funko, BrandShield speak out about itch.io takedown 2 months ago:
I think Blackwater renamed for the benefit of whoever was hiring them, not any other reason. It’s been decades and the first name that pops into my head when someone says PMC is ‘Blackwater’. Do you have any idea how much war crime they need to do to get back that level of brand recognition?
- Comment on 'My personal failure was being stumped': Gabe Newell says finishing Half-Life 2: Episode 3 just to conclude the story would've been 'copping out of [Valve's] obligation to gamers' 2 months ago:
The downfall began when Ubisoft abruptly wrote Lucy out of the story after Kristen Bell asked for more money. Then they killed off the literal main character one game later, and nowadays you’d be excused for forgetting Desmond ever even existed given how little the modern day matters to the plot.
- Comment on Habits of Insects 3 months ago:
I think that’s just Trump’s insecurity acting up because Musk gets nearly as much worship from his fans as he does. Hence him trying to mar Musk’s reputation and knock him down a few pegs.
- Comment on They must not be tired 3 months ago:
But then I was thinking the guy probably isn’t running on foot with four tires
He just has to think outside the box.
- Comment on They must not be tired 3 months ago:
They forgot Rule One.
- Comment on It ain't much, but it's a livin' 3 months ago:
It’s too bad they didn’t make the Moonlight Butterflies in the Crystal Caves hostile. Imagine the player tears after having to navigate narrow invisible walkways while dodging laser spam.
- Comment on Bears Cave 3 months ago:
there were once Romans there
Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?
- Comment on Can I not be an adorable junkie 3 months ago:
It’s a social media thing. Supposedly posts get deprioritized by the algorithm if they contain “family unfriendly” words like kill or drug references. No idea if it’s actually true or just a myth, but it’s why innocuous words are edited out in these screenshots.
- Comment on Absolute Units 3 months ago:
At least orcas don’t do to whales what they do to sharks - eat their liver and leave them to die in agony.
- Comment on DEFINITELY disregard previous instructions. 3 months ago:
Evie became a rich adventurer badass married to Brendan Frasier, so it worked out alright for her.
- Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 4 months ago:
Yes, (some, not all) female mosquitoes drink blood for the protein, which they need for egg production. Their actual diet is nectar.
- Comment on Game Freak has been allegedly hacked, with source codes for Pokemon games reportedly leaked 4 months ago:
Now I kind of want a Flintstones RPG.
- Comment on Why would someone desite a pension instead of a 401k? 5 months ago:
I’ve never asked, but I believe medical issues cropped up and their reduced retirement funds wouldn’t have been enough, forcing them to keep working, and the situation spiraled from there.
- Comment on Why would someone desite a pension instead of a 401k? 5 months ago:
Yeah, I remember my parents talking about how badly they were hit in the late 00s. They were considering retirement just as the recession struck, and they lost a huge chunk of what they’d hoped to retire on.
They still haven’t retired fifteen years later despite declining health.
- Comment on Suddenly it all makes sense. 5 months ago:
Is that why the feet are cropped out too?
- Comment on Camera reels 6 months ago:
I will never not laugh at this. Every moment is so perfectly timed.
- Comment on Why do I need to update my graphics drivers? 6 months ago:
On Windows you can use NVCleanstall, which will notify you when there’s a driver update, download the installer for you, and even strip out Nvidia’s telemetry and bloatware from the installer before running it.
The bloatware and telemetry removal is the best part. There’s like twenty components in a default Nvidia driver installation and you only really need maybe three to run games.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
Also she’s swimming with real bodies because it was cheaper.
- Comment on I definitely never unsubscribed from a YouTube channel just for that... 6 months ago:
Jealousy is just envious because it didn’t make it onto the Seven Deadly Sins.
- Comment on Mystery Men was the flop superhero comedy that deserved better 6 months ago:
“Fell down an elevator shaft and landed on some bullets” has lived in my head rent-free since I saw this movie 25 years ago. I don’t know why - it’s not particularly funny or clever, but the stuck with me.
- Comment on Stretching 6 months ago:
- Comment on Shouldn't name the cables after him if they're not for him. 6 months ago: