The game’s story is not exactly full of twists and turns.
Tell me you don’t know shit about ER’s lore without saying you don’t know shit about ER’s lore
Comment on Elden Ring Twitter warns of DLC spoilers being posted everywhere 8 months ago
What spoilers? That you fight a big, weird-looking boss with multiple baby heads or something at some point? The game’s story is not exactly full of twists and turns.
The game’s story is not exactly full of twists and turns.
Tell me you don’t know shit about ER’s lore without saying you don’t know shit about ER’s lore
“And thus it was that the Great Finger Lords, thralls to Gordana the Pulchritudinous, cast their withered finger-bodies into the Well of Sangine Apoploxy, shattering the Piteous Eye, and covering the vale in a shadow of fingers.
Only when the Order of the Beshivered Spindle is restored upon the Great Finger-ruine Mountain will Bodkin the Befingered return to rebuild the Yeoman’s Sepulchre and return the Affrighted Digitus to its finer-realm. Fingers.”
Lol. This is perfect
That’s not fair. You didn’t mention at least 5 different women with bare feet!
I can only speak for myself. For me it felt really great being able to explore the world having absolutely zero idea of what is what, how much game is left, etc. It is reminiscent of a time when I was a kid and playing a game was exactly like that.
I even got quite sad when my friend “accidentally” told me
That a certain action I did locked me into a specific ending unless I did something I probably wouldn’t be able to figure out. Rationally I understand that this is as inconsequential as it gets, but I didn’t even know for sure if there were multiple endings until that point. 8 months ago
Strats against bosses, how to obtain good items, etc
Also, lots of people really care about Souls story for some reason. 8 months ago
I love me some souls games but i’m not sure i’ve ever gotten much of the story from the games. I always have to go read about them on wikis. 8 months ago
The story is from reading all the item descriptions and talking to everyone, gotta find it yourself unlike most games. 8 months ago
It’s still not good lol 8 months ago
The story is much better told through Vaati’s words. And his voice is very soothing to listen to.