- Comment on Interesting. It's a constant reminder 3 months ago:
If they opened outward, they’d block egress in the hallway, which would have equal or more traffick than any single room connected and will enough people in the hallway, you wouldn’t be able to open the door to escape at all.
- Comment on Nobody understands me. 3 months ago:
Was a bio major. But I like math/physics more than bio. Granted, I covered the quantum stuff in biophysics and an inorganic chem-like class and I only had to take the thermo part of pchem.
- Comment on Nobody understands me. 3 months ago:
Still better than ochem.
- Comment on Stat of the day 3 months ago:
Looks like 7.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 3 months ago:
Makes sense if they were caught, the system would bring a case against them. But given the facts of the case, a reasonable jury should find them not guilty.
- Comment on Sex!? 3 months ago:
Kinda surreal when someone gets pregnant without IVF.
- Comment on Share holder value 3 months ago:
Given how much CEOs are leaches on companies, it should be true as long as they don’t replace the CEO.
- Comment on 2025 is set to bring a ‘manager crash’ after all that burnout and lack of support adds up 3 months ago:
Mine offered to pay me half the rate of my non-management work. But I did get a decent raise for my non-management work from the promotion.
- Comment on The more you know 4 months ago:
Maybe betacam?
- Comment on Frog's Gift 4 months ago:
Studying fly development has led to cancer treatments targeting the sonic hedgehog pathway.
- Comment on Is lemmy really any different from reddit? 4 months ago:
The basic idea seems to be that it should be pretty similar to reddit, but with federation. Definitely still seems to have its own separate character though. And different instances have their own unique cultures, some more differentiated than others.
- Comment on Bandai Namco reportedly tries to bore staff into quitting, skirting Japan’s labor laws 5 months ago:
If you know they are just trying to get you to quit and don’t actually want you to do anything, I imagine it’s easier than a job where you have to worry about how you appear to bosses and others. The facade of being productive itself can be taxing.
But it also depends how much leeway they give to do whatever. If you know you can just stay up all night and come in to sleep 8 hours, the time could pass pretty quickly…
- Comment on Anon loses weight 5 months ago:
IME, after getting used to hunger, it usually just goes away (although I have a hard time differentiating feeling hungry and sleepy - getting regular sleep helps me not overeat from mistaking the two). Getting use to it can be annoying, but it doesn’t take that long. Personally prefer just eating once a day and think exercise can help a fair bit. Doesn’t matter if it makes you feel hungrier if you already just fill your belly with relatively low-calorie-density foods and stop when it doesn’t comfortably hold more. For some reason some exercises make me feel hungrier, others sometimes make me less interested in eating. Maybe its a timing thing; if its close enough to bed time, exercising til I’m exhausted and have like a 3K calorie deficit for the day makes me just want to sleep rather than cook (in this case, the not being able to tell the difference between hunger and sleep may mean I interpret it as sleepy at night).
- Comment on Anon plants a seed of doubt 5 months ago:
Texas. TBF, its not like my eye color is actually totally different from my listed color.
- Comment on Anon plants a seed of doubt 5 months ago:
Yes. Also eye color is listed (despite there being a photo, making it seem kinda unnecessary).
I don’t check my passport often, so I just assumed it would have that same kind of info.
- Comment on Anon plants a seed of doubt 5 months ago:
The listed height on my driver’s license (and probably passport?).
- Comment on Anon plants a seed of doubt 5 months ago:
Always fun to say I’m my legal height and have guys get defensive about their height because it would mean they’re shorter than they say they are. Maybe I round down a bit?
- Comment on Real experience 5 months ago:
Hopefully the concentration is about 55.5 M H2O.
- Comment on Preference 5 months ago:
- Comment on Anon is a tour guide at a museum 5 months ago:
Was your brother my 6th grade history+english teacher who spent more of class time having recess or playing Risk (the board game) than anything else?
- Comment on Anon is a tour guide at a museum 5 months ago:
My AP history teacher liked to make up stuff. But like, he’d say he made it up right after telling the made-up thing.
- Comment on Anon goes to the store after turning 18 6 months ago:
Many just detect temperature changes. And upside down can will spray cold air. If there’s any space between the doors or between the door and the frame, you can spray it in and it’ll detect the temperature motion. Fancier models do exist that are more specific, so YMMV.
- Comment on I miss Adam West... 6 months ago:
Usually 4%/x25 has been considered the rule-of-thumb (and that’s based on a study that considered dying broke okay; not based on capital preservation). x20 would usually be considered fairly aggressive (although that depends if you are including other things like SS benefits if you are in the US).
Given the super-high CAPE ratio currently, even 4% would be be aggressive if you want capital preservation. Something like 3%/x33 would be more geared towards that.
- Comment on Anon goes to the store after turning 18 6 months ago:
Breaking into buildings by triggering their REX-sensors?
- Comment on How Do Archers Resist Firing Arrows At Everyone In The Spectator Gallery? 6 months ago:
The other people taking lesson’s shooting you or you shooting them? Or both at the same time?
- Comment on Redirect to prevent back button 6 months ago:
Usually with this, it’s like 20 entries, so pushes everything else off.
The ones where it’s only a couple entries mostly seem to be the ones where there’s multiple articles on a single page and it’s at least might be attempting to be helpful?
- Comment on "It's better to piss in the sink than to sink in the piss" 6 months ago:
What does pee holes have to do with it. It’s just about relaxing the muscles in the area that were holding the farts and pee so the farts come out too.
- Comment on "It's better to piss in the sink than to sink in the piss" 6 months ago:
If you hold farts in till you go to the restroom, its a natural time they’ll come out as you relax while peeing.
- Comment on Perspective 7 months ago:
Pretty sure I’ve had excel do something like change 1/2 into March 6th…
- Comment on Colorblindness check! 7 months ago:
Shows as a png for me too.