- Comment on how do you separate your clothes and linens to avoid fabric degradation and bleeding? 1 week ago:
Like what cheap are we talking about here? Ordering from overseas?
Walmart or other cheap places are perfectly fine.
- Comment on The torque better not be too strong with this one 1 week ago:
Hex was for that before.
- Comment on The torque better not be too strong with this one 1 week ago:
Hex already fit that niche.
Torx was just so they could make wood screws that weren’t Robertson and it bled out from there.
- Comment on I'll just wait for my doorbell to ring, thanks. 1 week ago:
Doesn’t need to be automated, if they’re taking a massive pile of stuff to fedex everyday instead of printing labels, they’re asking for stuff to get mixed up.
The only places that do that only deal with an couple items a day, and they wouldn’t employ a system like Shop to begin with.
- Comment on I'll just wait for my doorbell to ring, thanks. 1 week ago:
Most places print their own labels and it’s added to UPS/Fedex/postal when it’s picked up.
- Comment on plant nutrition 1 week ago:
Aeroponics says hi.
- Comment on I wonder why people litter in the USA? 3 weeks ago:
They probably emptied them when they opened and it’s been busy since it’s the morning rush.
But sure bitch and moan since you think they’re lazy instead of probably slammed by people like you wasting their time.
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 3 weeks ago:
I managed to find an image of it.
And not surprisingly, it doesn’t use the word code, nor does it refer to any code standards either.
They use regulation, requirements and standards, none of those being codes. See, you’re a fucking idiot that’s conflating local ordinances with model building codes. Codes are for structural things, not aesthetics you muppet.
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 3 weeks ago:
and these are zoning code requirements that specify how fences are built and there is a section about which way it faces.
You think zoning requirements are code…?
Your document doesn’t load, and sorry zoning requirements aren’t code, and I’m sure your PDF specifies that.
I knew you couldn’t find a code that states that, and you didn’t, but try to claim you did dude, sure.
As I said, laymen and the fact you think zoning bylaws are code is just fucking asinine lmfao. What a muppet.
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 3 weeks ago:
Your link is broken, but I can see it’s a PDF and its name, so I can tell that’s not code.
But I pulled up the “ordinance” that it likely would be referring (which still isn’t a “code”), and would you look at that, not one mention about what side it should “face”.
So again, laymen with absolutely zero understanding and this is the exact shit I’ve been taking about. You can’t even link the right thing, and it’s not even a code lmfao. But sure insult me to show how correct you are….
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 3 weeks ago:
And still doesn’t link any, what a shocker.
And it’s not semantics, I know codes don’t state it, and local ordinances do, and idiots like you conflate them which makes any intellectual conversations about it might impossible.
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 3 weeks ago:
There is no codes that say that, maybe local bylaws, but to say code is just pathologically wrong.
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 4 weeks ago:
Google fortress style fence, it has rails on both sides and the fence looks identical on both sides. Sounds like you should maybe up your Google game yourself before calling someone else out.
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 4 weeks ago:
If the neighbor was being agreeable you would be splitting the cost on a shared fence.
If you feel the need to insult someone because you can’t comprehend the difference here, well that’s one you.
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 4 weeks ago:
Fences are short enough almost anyone can pull up to look over.
Who told you that’s a thing? Thats hilarous.
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 4 weeks ago:
There’s a reason why the person is paying for a fence by themselves on their own property don’t you think? The person did, and the neighbor is being a twat, so now they need to pay double the price and lose property while the dick neighbor gets a free fence and land.
Yes that’s the solution, but obviously people are dicks and thats the situation that’s being talked about here.
Why the fuck do you think we are talking about Joe neighbors lmfao?
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 4 weeks ago:
If they don’t want it on the property line and they aren’t paying a penny, than nope, person paying gets the pretty side. Why would the neighbor who doesn’t own it or pay for it get the pretty side?
Also, you couldn’t install it without trespassing, so you couldn’t legally build it that way anyways
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 4 weeks ago:
You would always have the pretty side if it’s your fence. You could attach the panels without trespassing on the neighbors property.
- Comment on Washer estimated "1 minute left", took 13 minutes to finish 5 weeks ago:
Mine has a filter light that comes on after a couple months or when it detects slow draining. Techs expensive and people buy cheap appliances. Than bitch that they aren’t fancy.
- Comment on Washer estimated "1 minute left", took 13 minutes to finish 5 weeks ago:
A clogged drainage filter will make it take longer than anticipated. It’s usually lack of maintenance when these timers get THIS bad.
- Comment on Don't ask if its level 1 month ago:
So funnily enough, it’s plumb, level is horizontal and plumb is vertical.
- Comment on Don't ask if its level 1 month ago:
That looks a Stabila level, not a cheap one to lose…
- Comment on I'm going to try not to swear when you're around. Is this a good apology to a coworker? 1 month ago:
Vast majority of society does it, a small fraction make a big deal out of it, some do it behind closed doors, but to say society condemns it is just wrong, it’s only a small fraction of a over controlling corp jobs that disallow it. But what’s funny, those execs are all doing it themselves, maybe open the curtain and stop doing what a small portion of society has deemed “acceptable” for the rest of the world.
Some judges won’t care, others would love to swing their power around, you seem to be wanting to be crushed am quieted by those above you for no reason other than their own enjoyment of theirs hypocrisy over you.
- Comment on I'm going to try not to swear when you're around. Is this a good apology to a coworker? 1 month ago:
Curtesy? Dont say dang darn or shoot, theres zero difference, but it’s okay for you to have an outburst of frustration, but not for others?
Thats hella biased dude.
- Comment on I'm going to try not to swear when you're around. Is this a good apology to a coworker? 1 month ago:
It’s part of my religion, are you trying to suppress my religious rights?
Or something like that, there’s always an angle to play if someone wants to petty or want to exert their “power” over their coworkers.
- Comment on I'm going to try not to swear when you're around. Is this a good apology to a coworker? 1 month ago:
Than they can fight that any outburst is unprofessional and they are being harassed for what other coworkers are doing.
- Comment on I'm going to try not to swear when you're around. Is this a good apology to a coworker? 1 month ago:
Any outburst would be unprofessional, a specific word changes nothing unless directed at someone,
- Comment on I'm going to try not to swear when you're around. Is this a good apology to a coworker? 1 month ago:
Than replacement words shouldn’t be acceptable either, you can either express your frustration or you can’t. A choose of word shouldn’t make a difference, it should be unprofessional to make an outburst at all.
- Comment on Dave The Diver's creator wants to make games about Dave's backstory and explore different genres 1 month ago:
So be like SteamWorld? I love their concept, as long as it’s well done.
- Comment on To the center of the earth!📉 2 months ago:
If it was to scale you could just use a protractor and skip the whole math part, which is the entire part of the lesson…