Comment on The Elite's War on Remote Work Has Nothing to Do with Productivity ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I agree with the article that real estate is at the core of the issue. Always follow the money.

However, I also think some mid-level supervisor types get off on the power trip of making subordinates do things they don’t want to do, such as wasting several hours a week commuting and polluting between home and office.

And of course you’ll always have the suckups who want to score points by acting so eager to show up in person. They are the reason it’s so hard to unify and fight these measures in many shops.

I’m not talking about people who have a genuine preference for working in the office. There are many legitimate reasons to have such a preference. I’m talking about psychos who want to force everyone to do it when it’s not necessary, and don’t support telecommuting as a legitimate way to work.
