Clearly he should have just sent the fucking pipe bomb.
Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago
I’d like to respectfully suggest that sending a chat to a customer service representative with a physical threat to a building (with your real name attached, no less) might not have been the best tactic to get your concerns addressed. Yes, we all know you are frustrated and were joking about it, but I don’t think the FBI will be as amused as we are. At least you’ll get your message on time while in custody. 11 months ago 11 months ago 11 months ago
I didn’t send them a threat. Mistr isn’t associated with United Healthcare/Optum. I was making an expression of frustration to someone who would likely understand since I’m sure I’m not the first person they’ve had to help with this insurance provider. 11 months ago
That was still pretty stupid and you might very well end up in trouble for making a threat like that. Not a great way to communicate frustration. 11 months ago
You’re absolutely right. Having moved past the feelings of frustration, I see that was stupid. 11 months ago
Doesn’t matter if it was a threat to them or not, it’s still a threat. I’m sure it’s been reported. Sorry.
If anything, a single isolated threat meant in jest may fuck your life up more than being a legit asshole. If you have a pattern of threats like this, the authorities will be forced to charge you with something, and you will at least know they are paying attention. But a single threat probably just places you on some list, and you’ll never know you were placed on it. Who knows where being on that list will fuck you over. 11 months ago
Well as long as we’re taking obviously figurative language and interpreting it literally, I didn’t say I was going to send one, I said someone should. So report away. 11 months ago
I’m in the United States. Way back in the day, I worked as a bill collector. A customer made a similar comment to me while my supervisor was recording the call, just coincidentally for quality. They reported him to the police and I was later asked to testify at his trial. He was sentenced to six months in jail for making terroristic threats.
For context, this was shortly after 9/11 so people were on high alert. I doubt anyone at Lemmy is going to report you, we’re just concerned that sort of behavior is going to cause an amount of trouble that later cost/benefit analyses would lead you to regret. 11 months ago
Dude you’re acting like a child. Grow up. 11 months ago
Ok, so you’re thinking of bureaucratic and corporate entities as if they were human. They are not human. You need to think of them as primal animals.
Take a silverback gorilla. Something you should never ever do is stare one in the eyes. They take it as a challenge and are very likely to attack you. They don’t really understand or care if you were actually staring at a fly that was near their face, or if you were just “figuratively” staring, or if you meant it as a joke. Do you understand? The gorilla will still Fuck. You. Up. Because, regardless of your intentions, you stared a gorilla in the face.
The pharmacy company also doesn’t care about your intentions. You said that an act of violence should happen. You gave a method, a target, and clearly have a motive. They will report that to the authorities. Think about how much shit they’d be in if they didn’t and there was someone just a little more unhinged than you who actually went through with it.
Lastly, it’s just a really dumb and immature thing to say. Wishing death on others because of a mild annoyance is going to make people you’re talking to uncomfortable, because that is not a normal reaction. It sends up a lot of red flags that you are an unstable and dangerous person incapable of controlling their emotions. 11 months ago
Dude, easiest way to fuck your case up is to make a threat where they can close your account and take you to court.
You know how when you say things like “I’ll sue” to customer service, their immediate action is to stop all conversation and send it to a lawyer? You’re a number in the system. Min wage customer service who would absolutely empathize with you, has to stop all communication.
And instead of getting any help, you’ll be explaining your message to a judge about how your “j/k terrorist threat” wasn’t real.
Delete all of this. Cool down. Try again and be professional. 11 months ago
Eh they said someone needs to. (But yeah, I wouldn’t personally recommend it.) 11 months ago
Not likely. 11 months ago
While I wouldn’t have an ounce of sympathy for UHC if this happened, I agree that threats, no matter where they are sent, are not a smart move.
There are much more creative ways to wish them ill. I will pray every night that everything they eat tastes like moldy rotten meat left in a car in the Phoenix summer for a week straight. I hope their CEO breaks the world record for most hemeroids on a single person and can’t get any pain meds because he has to go through Optums mail order pharmacy. I hope ants swarm them in their sleep and eat off their limbs until they wake up screaming as a disembodied head and torsoe. I hope they fall asleep on the top deck of the yacht they bought with our healthcare premiums and get so sunburnt their skin wins a baking competition for flakiest croissant.
This system is absolutely inhumane. I can’t imagine the kind of mental gymnastics a non-narcessist, non-sociopath would have to do to run this kind of business.