It’s actually very likely the guy didn’t even have a knife. I had a mentally ill guy once approach me and my friend while we were hanging around in the street waiting for the store to open. He was rambling a bit but he mentioned he was gonna get hit shotgun and kill someone (he didn’t specify us, in fact I don’t think he ever made a direct threat against us, but it was clear he was trying to scare us). My friend was sweating bullets but I just asked if he was hungry and gave him my bag of trail mix. He left, confused. I’m quite sure he didn’t have a shotgun.
People are so used to violent confrontation in the United States that just suggesting violence indirectly can be enough to scare them into giving you something. Anon’s “mugger” was probably doing this. 11 months ago
I would immediately interpret that as “I don’t need a knife (to absolutely fuck you up right now)” based on the
obliviouscompletely casual tone and lack of any 11 months ago
Which if you know anything about martial arts is complete bullshit and doesn’t exist. If the dude has a knife, there isn’t a “badass” alive that survives without huge injury, and death most times. There is a reason the saying “the winner of a knife fight dies in the ambulance” exists. 11 months ago
Which is why you end the fight before it starts. The greentext got lucky but by reacting oddly enough to make the robber pause then leaving they did the right thing.
I’ve been in a similar situation except I punched the thief before they drew the knike and then left. The fact he was obviously high as a kite probably helped. Ultimately, a knife fight between two sober, focused opponents, who are intending to kill or seriously injure will likely end as you suggested, but it the aggressor isn’t actually ready to fight the fight can be avoided, or ends up much less lethal. 11 months ago
A knife fight between someone who has a knife and someone who doesn’t just makes you an easy target. A 12 year old can stab a huge guy to death. Check the marker tests on youtube. A dude wears a white shirt / nothing, the 12 yo has a marker and is told to stab. Even with them not doing the “maniac stab” there is always a cut or stab that kills you. Lots of time tendons are cut which means you couldn’t defend yourself. Lots of time someone nicks your liver. Sometimes a stab goes through an artery, through the heart, etc. The fact that your punch worked means you got extremely lucky and the other guy immediately stopped. 11 months ago
If you are an out of breath drunk and a dude who trains jujitsu tells you that you just let it go, I would find someone else to try to scare 11 months ago
Except again, no one trained in a martial art tries to be a hero when a knife is involved. The “Nike” technique is the only solution, you only fight when there is literally no possible way of running. Even then, throwing your wallet at them is prefferable to getting stabbed and dying. 11 months ago
Just uh, run your ass off and hope that you're faster. Running can be badass if you throw some parkour in or something, right? 11 months ago
Responding with a nonsense question or statement can apparently reboot an assailants brain momentarily, and make it easier to defuse or escape. I dont remember where I read it, but apparently if someone’s trying to shoot or stab you you can scream something like “Chickens dont eat meat!” And the assailant will go " whats chickens got to do with this? Do chickens eat meat? Im pretty sure they do its just not really normal to feed them meat. But still, why are we talking about chickens?" And by then you’re uppercutting him in the balls and legging it in the other direction. 11 months ago
That’s fucked yo why did the chickens have human arms?