- Comment on Anon envies the boomers 20 hours ago:
“Don’t be ugly” is definitely helpful physically, but vital intelectually and emotionally.
- Comment on Cola facts rule 1 week ago:
Lies! Look at the picture, they’ve managed to pick up sone coke. It’s a matter of quantity rather than ability.
If they’re lieing to us about that, what else are they lieing to us about?
Wake up sheeple etc…
- Comment on When you forget that you hired THEM because you weren't skilled enough to do it yourself 2 weeks ago:
So their standard hourly rate is $100, but for $75 more they’ll teach you how to do it? That might not be a bad deal, depending on the task, and how frequently you’ll need to do it in future. Even if you had to go to the super delux “do it while I watch” option to really get to grips with it, it might be worth it.
- Comment on Could Trump Force X To Become The Everything App For Government Payments 2 weeks ago:
I’m sure he could and would. All he’d need to do is dictate that X is the only payment provider all government departments may use to improve ‘efficiency’.
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 4 weeks ago:
… and half the country is extremely enthusiastic about that.
There’s the reason nothing is done about it. It’s probably not actually half, but enough people didn’t speak up early enough, and so this has become the loudest voice in the room. Unless, and until that changes, the whole world is in for a rough ride.
- Comment on Anon has cold feet 4 weeks ago:
Moisten your socks until you reach your desired temperature.
- Comment on Good morning I choose frosted strawberry. 1 month ago:
Things I was not expecting to see first thing in the morning: number 1…
- Comment on Admin team update 2 months ago:
Thank you for the time and energy you’ve put into making this instance what it is, I hope you can rest, recharge and start enjoying it with the rest of us.
- Comment on I just saw this in a supermarket and I am now very upset and angry at whoever thought of such a thing and you need to feel my pain. 2 months ago:
Be careful, that much antihol in one go won’t just get you sober, it’ll send you right out the other side. Few can deal with that clear a view of reality.
- Comment on Blizzard may have violated the UK GDPR following my 2019 Data Erasure Request 2 months ago:
Pre-ordering something would usually cause a $0.00 transaction to confirm the card details are valid. It would be a ‘pre-auth’ transaction where the merchant reserves an amount on the card for payment at a later date, when they ship the item. If a fraudster makes a pre-order they xan validate that the card details are valid, then cancel the order, usually leaving the victim none-the-wiser. In your case, the bank noticed the transaction and notified you, but that seems to be rare. Once the fraudster knows the details are valid, they can sell them on.
It’s just a theory, and unless your bank and Blizzard work together to track the transaction, why it happened, and who instigated it, its going to be difficult to get to the bottom of it.
- Comment on Blizzard may have violated the UK GDPR following my 2019 Data Erasure Request 2 months ago:
Is there any chance your new card details got leaked from somewhere you used them? Using stolen details to sign up to something like that and, say, making a pre-order, would be a good way for a crook to validate them without a transaction appearing on your statement.
If it’s not that, then Blizzard definitely have some awkward questions to answer. Good luck!
- Comment on Blizzard may have violated the UK GDPR following my 2019 Data Erasure Request 2 months ago:
Whilst it’s quite possible they’re up to no good, it’s also possible that someone is fraudulently using your payment details in Irvine to create a new Blizzard account. It sounds like your bank already blocked your card, which is good, but they may also be able to block payments to Blizzard when the card is unblocked.
- Comment on AND THEY DIDN'T STOP EATING 2 months ago:
Further research shows that they blew everything up trying to deal with the ancient, insatiable, worms they released on themselves out of curiosity. Upon reflection, it is probably better that we didn’t arrive earlier.
- Comment on AND THEY DIDN'T STOP EATING 2 months ago:
We’ve got to leave something interesting for the alien xeno-archaeologists of the future to uncover.
- Comment on Plat plat plat 2 months ago:
I had not considered the concept of an army of bipedal, running, neurotoxin coated, suicide frogs, and now that I have, I intend to stay far away from amphibians, just in case. I still think they should each sport a set of human like teeth though, just to really drive the point home.
Kudos on ‘Kermitkaze’, that gave me a good chuckle.
- Comment on Plat plat plat 2 months ago:
The issue is you’d really need an evolutionary pressure for them to develop that attack behaviour. It could be defensive, but jumping on the thing you’re trying to fight off is a rather bold strategy, especially when the results aren’t instant. Alternatively, it could be an attack behaviour, allowing them to take down larger prey. Thus just leaves the issue of how the frog would consume its meal. They could probably evolve to swallow smaller prey, but the obvious adaption, which I think we’d see in this case, would be for the frogs to evolve teeth.
- Comment on It's never a bad time to check your biases 3 months ago:
Sometimes their emotions have gone so far past reasonable that the first thing you need to do is bring them back to the point you can actually reason with them. After that, yes it’s really vital to take their emotions seriously, they need to understand them and trust that the people around them will take them seriously, but they also haven’t yet built the skills to moderate their own feelings, so sometimes you need to add those externally.
- Comment on It's never a bad time to check your biases 3 months ago:
Oof, yeah I could see how that could happen. I guess you really should know the kid before trying something like that. I usually find that making mine laugh is enough to start to reset them, and then helping them calm down is a lot easier.
- Comment on It's never a bad time to check your biases 3 months ago:
I was told that one way to help a young child break out of a tantrum is to ask them an odd question, something like “What color shoes are you wearing?” It does seem to work sometimes, usually by annoying them so much that they forget what they were upset about in the first place. I can well see it working for someone who needs to get out of a mental spiral.
- Comment on It hurts me. 3 months ago:
Isn’t one of the main issues with carbon-monoxide that hemoglobin preferentially binds with it over oxygen, and so it doesn’t get expelled from your bloodstream via your lungs? You can tolerate quite large doses with little more than a headache, so I doubt you could overdose from internally generated amounts, but a large enough dose dangerously reduces your blood’s oxygen carrying capacity.
- Comment on Anon has a plan 4 months ago:
Spray-paint a polar bear orange and stick a mane on it. Confusing and scary.
- Comment on This made me so angry, enjoy! 4 months ago:
- Comment on Effort require Effort 4 months ago:
Oof, that sounds rough. Are these the kids got hit hardest by the pandemic lockdowns? If so, maybe there’s a glimmer of hope that this is an aberration and next year will be a bit more 'normal ', if you can get through this year with your sanity intact. It’s got to be rough on the kids too, the ones who aren’t causing trouble must still be struggling to deal with itm and the ones who are just sound desperate.
I enjoy teaching, or at least, transferring knowledge and experience, I’ll do it to pretty much anyone who sits still long enough, and I’ve been told I’m good at it, but you couldn’t pay me enough to teach a classroom full of kids all day, so you have my respect for that.
Good luck, and I hope things get better for the kids and teachers everywhere.
- Comment on Anon can't sleep 5 months ago:
Do you swing them to and fro?
- Comment on Launches 5 months ago:
A suitably large catapult would deliver the necessary delta-v, not release pollutants into the atmosphere, and would make a satisfying ‘sproing thump’ noise in doing so.
- Comment on Magic 5 months ago:
You could say you just go round and round hunting for it, but no matter how hard you try you just can’t corner it.
Well, you could.
- Comment on Inaccuracies 5 months ago:
Bend them the other way. Start with all fingers open for zero, and curl them as needed. You only need to move them a bit, so even twenty (thumb and ring finger back, the others curled) isn’t too hard.
- Comment on This took me a great deal of strength to publicly acknowledge 5 months ago:
Don’t go cold turkey, but if you reduce your intake slowly you can probably wean yourself off of it.
(Please don’t do this)
- Comment on AI Creates step by step instructions on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich 5 months ago:
- Comment on Lucky to be alive? Come on now, thats a stretch. 5 months ago:
How’s he doing? Well, he’s been up and down.