liberals hearing about ‘faux fur’ obama
liberals hearing about ‘microplastics’ pronounjak-rage
They’re the same thing
Comment on Stephen Fry wants King's Guard to ditch bear fur 11 months ago
Is there any reason why it can’t just be faux fur?
liberals hearing about ‘faux fur’ obama
liberals hearing about ‘microplastics’ pronounjak-rage
They’re the same thing 11 months ago
Not that I’m a massive fan of killing bears or anything, nor am i a massive fan of the royals, or war — so I’m only saying this in the interests of discussion: but would making tiny black plastic fur even be better for the environment in the long term? 11 months ago
The best thing for the environment in the long term would be to cull about 60% of humanity, can’t separate trash enough to beat that. That can’t be the only argument for whether something is good.
Personally I’d take a tiny amount of pollution in exchange for the cruelty. 11 months ago
They could just not wear silly hats. 11 months ago
I’d have said 80% 11 months ago
“We could make hats out of them.” they selflessly proclaimed assuming they are in the other 40% 11 months ago
Jesus Christ the lengths some would go to… redistribution of wealth and ending dependence on oil, monocultures, and factory farming is right there. 11 months ago
I am on the fence about this subject. On one hand I would like to see a world someday where we don’t need to kill animals for food or fur. On the other hand, we haven’t yet found environmentally friendly material replacements for some of these applications. I hear on the news about things like pineapple leather and mango fur, but I have yet to see them used in something practical that would help reduce the use of animal products. Like sure, I can buy a purse, but when will there be an alternative for car seats or shoes that isn’t made of plastic. I really hope someone out there is working on a solution, but until then I’m really not sure which is worse. Fake fur hats will just add to the piles of plastic like everything else :/ 11 months ago
SCOBYs (Symbiotic Cultures of Bacteria and Yeast) could have some possible applications as fake leather but I don't know if anyone is working on it or if it could actually be made strong enough.
One example where we just do not have an equivalent is motorcycle gear. Yeah we have textile jackets, and I have one because where I am the risk of heat stroke in a leather jacket is more of a concern, but if you want abrasion resistance, leather is the best you can get. Can SCOBYs compete with that? I don't know.