Nobody likes a sucker, especially the kind that fall for fruit tarts like you. I knew there was trouble. I could smell it on the hot evening breeze. Fortunately for me, trouble is my favorite thing… Because I’m Joe Milkshake. I kicked down the door with one swift, decisive motion.
- Comment on Yes, please! 2 months ago:
Is that the Gen Z version of “Avengers assemble”?
- Comment on Pretty interesting when you really think about it. 3 months ago:
Yes, but… did you know, if you kiss a mirror you will always kiss yourself on the lips. How’s that?
- Comment on Need those unit conversions 3 months ago:
Like, a gram of weed, or just a gram in general? More precisely, whose gram?
- Comment on how badly could a pelican fuck me up in a fight? 3 months ago:
Alright, story time. How did it come to that? Just the typical youngster “wanted to check if I can?” vibe?
- Comment on how badly could a pelican fuck me up in a fight? 3 months ago:
- Comment on There's a new Sonic Racing game in development 3 months ago:
You haven’t played any of the previous Sonic racing games I presume?
- Comment on Thought we wouldn't notice, but we did. 3 months ago:
- Comment on Funko gets community noted 3 months ago:
Uh no, this was annoying but none of the companies involved deny care for sick people which increases their chance to die.
- Comment on Funko, BrandShield speak out about takedown 3 months ago:
I think this is a very important point. Why would you talk to a registrar of the domain to get a specific page offline. This doesn’t make sense.
- Comment on Physics be like that 3 months ago:
Yeah, that’s called room temperature.
- Comment on Everyone talking about the Indiana Jones game lately, so I gave in and bought it. It's a 10/10 recommendation from me! 3 months ago:
Daaang, blast of the past, totally forgot about this one!
- Comment on what a moment to live 3 months ago:
They probably know which Walgreen’s it was bought in and can check when it was bought, likely there are cameras in the store. Hope the dude was wise enough to wear a mask or some other disguise.
- Comment on Deceive Inc. Developer Sweet Bandits Shuts Down 3 months ago:
Excuse me, what? And have good games actually survive over decades if people are interested in them? Surely not!
- Comment on Heads up, don't link to the Guardian on 5/6 December 3 months ago:
This guy ddos’s! Well, hopefully not since it is a crime after all.
- Comment on Heads up, don't link to the Guardian on 5/6 December 3 months ago:
It’s also actually effective.
- Comment on Heads up, don't link to the Guardian on 5/6 December 3 months ago:
I mean, sure, more power to them but that is not how the internet works? Just ddos your page, come on.
- Comment on Me on dates 3 months ago:
The one where the characters dig themselves into some kind of parallel universe is… interesting.
- Comment on Cats are Healers 3 months ago:
So what you are saying is the more cats I get thr richer I will be?
- Comment on Blizzard is delisting the OG Warcrafts from GOG, but GOG says it's gonna preserve them forever anyway, hands out a discount, and announces new policy for its preservation program to boot 3 months ago:
Yeah, I said I will not. I didn’t say no one should. I think it is great that GOG preserves them but the price is still to high for something from a scumbag company.
How does it work with the money GOG is charging, does Blizzard see anything of that? If not, then nice, makes it more worth to me to pay so GOG gets more funding.
If Blizzard does get a cut then GOG should give a rather hefty discount as a final “fuck you” to Blizzard. Because that’s all they deserve.
- Comment on Blizzard is delisting the OG Warcrafts from GOG, but GOG says it's gonna preserve them forever anyway, hands out a discount, and announces new policy for its preservation program to boot 3 months ago:
I will not pay 15-ish bucks for decade old games that I already purchased long time ago at release. Also not with another buck discount off. Definitely not since they are Blizzard games and these days that studio is not worth supporting anymore.
Good initiative from GOG, but this feels like wasted money to me. Warcraft 1 is definitely a hard sell because of how terrible playing it will feel. Or did they change that in the Remaster? You used to be able to only control one unit at a time. In Warcraft 2 they upped it to 9 units? Or am I off and it was 9 units in 1 and already more in 2?
- Comment on There's a storm hitting us in about 6 hours. We're going to find out who's who. 3 months ago:
No thanks!
That poor dog there on the other hand…
- Comment on Man in charge of Diablo thinks we should start calling games that he thinks are like Diablo 'Diablo-likes' 3 months ago:
Well yeah but we also call anything that’s like Doom a boomer shooter now. So you see, your argument is invalid * tips fedora, vanishes into Cheeto dust *
- Comment on cuke division 3 months ago:
This doesn’t explain anything that the term “cell division” wouldn’t cover.
- Comment on CENSORED!!!!!!!!!!1 3 months ago:
You need a deflector dish to do that.
- Comment on For when it gets real 3 months ago:
Its the wrong type for a toilet.
- Comment on Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest! 3 months ago:
- Comment on The design is very human 3 months ago:
- Comment on The design is very human 4 months ago:
Thank goodness not another Saddam meme
- Comment on Tesla Cybertruck Becomes Instant 'Tourist Magnet' After Breaking Down On Side Of The Road 4 months ago:
Tourists: Image
- Comment on Quack 4 months ago:
New life goal… denied.