The internet hates autistic people and has spent the past two decades bullying, harassing, and manipulating a man named “Chris Chan.” Most recently a woman, Bella, pretending to be his girlfriend tried (unsuccessfully) to get Chris to have sex with his elderly mother. When this didn’t work, Bella leaked some screenshots and recordings out of context to make it seem like he had done it. Chris was just recently released from jail after nearly two years after being found innocent
Comment on Coming soon to cinemas near you 1 year ago
Can somebody explain it to me? 1 year ago 1 year ago
Uhh, got any more context on that? Because the messages were VERY fucking convincing. 1 year ago
Chris Chan believes that she’s an interdimensional goddess at this point. I really don’t think we can take text messages from random internet trolls at face value. 1 year ago
Personally I don’t think it’s appropriate to use she/her pronouns with Chris
It kind of gives a message saying “I put a delusional moron who believes he’s the reincarnation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth who is both CPU Goddess of the Commodore 64 and ushering in a Dimensional Merge that will make characters from Pokemon and Sonic The Hedgehog real, on equal footing with someone who was assigned the wrong gender at birth.”
And that really isn’t doing anyone any favors… and as an autistic transwoman myself, I find the idea promoted from well-meaning people who don’t know the full situation that she’s “Just like you! Only a little more autistic and with a few more bullies!” to be… disgusting.
Especially since there is evidence that Chris is incredibly suggestible, and that trolls (specifically ones referred to as “The Idea Guys” may have planted the idea of him being trans in his head while he was emotionally vulnerable.
Now I know you can’t normally “convince someone they’re trans”, but Chris isn’t normal… Chris-Chan is someone who’s always had a loose grip on reality, I still remember how he literally broke into tears upon being told Santa Claus wasn’t real… he was in his mid-20’s and was told this in response to wondering why Saint Nick didn’t literally kidnap a young woman, groom her into loving Chris, and leaving her tied up under his Christmas Tree.
Chris-Chan’s story is disturbing form beginning to end. It has not heroes, only villains… The whole thing is also a warning about how you should definitely seek mental help sooner rather than later (Chris never received help because his parents were advanced in age when they had him, and still believed getting mental help meant locking someone up in an Asylum and giving them electric shocks…)
And I say this as someone who actually thinks fondly of Chris. To not recognize Chris as batshit insane as he really is, is hopelessly naive. 1 year ago
Didn’t the poilce do tests that proved that he did the… monster mash you can fake tech messages but it’s hell of a lot more difficult to fake medical tests 1 year ago
No, they didn’t. Why would they release Chris if the police “proved” that? 1 year ago
They did actually, and Chris admitted to doing the deed; claiming in several letters and statements that he did it to “heal her through soulbonding”
Chris wasn’t let go because he didn’t do it. (he did)
Chris was let go because the punishment for misdemeanor incest in Virginia is about a year or two in prison. Chris kept having his trial delayed because they didn’t believe him to be competent to stand trial, forcing more tests… by the time the trial could begin, the charges were dropped because even in the (highly likely) chance he was found guilty, they’d have to let him go anyway because of “time served” (If you serve longer in jail waiting for your trial than what a guilty verdict would have given you, they consider your time already served), so it wasn’t worth a lengthy expensive trial when he wasn’t even going to be punished anyway.
Please do not spread false information about Chris 1 year ago
Chris was NOT found innocent, they dropped the charges realizing that even though he was likely guilty, he’d get off on the “Time served” technicality. They don’t lock people up for two years over “he said, she said”
He sexually assaulted his own mother of his own freewill, he was not goaded into it, he did that and bragged about it.
Bella did doctor footage to make Chris seem worse than he really was yes, but that doesn’t change the fact that police didn’t formally charge Chris with the crime till they took Barbara to the hospital, had doctors speak with her, and examined her.
Chris’ trial only took so long to actually start because they weren’t sure Chris was competent enough to stand trial, as he kept not only admitting to the crime, but claiming that he did it as a way of “healing her” through “soul bonding”
DO NOT spread false information that paints Chris in a positive light, it just leads to what it always leads to. People trying to White Knight Chris and getting burned when he not only fails to take their advice, but winds up doxxing them as well. 1 year ago
You ever wonder if you could bully someone into commiting sex crimes? Well the answer is out there and you’re gonna hate it. 1 year ago
So basically a Mix of 4chan and kiwifarms? 1 year ago
Well kiwifarms is the main villains of the story, yes. 1 year ago
The haxker name 4chan 1 year ago
Ever heard of a tale as old as fine wine called Chris chan 1 year ago
Sonichu violates Grandma… 1 year ago
Go on YouTube/Spotify and search Chris Chan. You will be amazed at the amount of content. 1 year ago
Just do the DowntheRabbit video. No one needs 50 hours of that drama. 1 year ago
I just seee the thumbnails and i am already terrible scared and excited at the Same time…
I am not sure if I should click any of those links… 1 year ago
You are going to wish you could go back to the time when you didnt know. 1 year ago
I didn’t believe you.
I was a fool. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Soo i should be happy thst i still dont know? 😅 1 year ago
yes 1 year ago
I could, in great detail, actually, but I’d be defederated by half of Lemmy. 1 year ago
Don’t watch the entire 500 hour ultra in-depth documentary. 1 year ago
Um ashtually 🤓🤓 irs 99.99% lemmy you’ll be defedratef by