- Comment on League of Legends Fighting Game 2XKO Will Have Just 10 Playable Characters at Launch, Riot Confirms 8 hours ago:
How else can they milk the fanbase for money if they just make all their characters available at launch.
- Comment on Silent Hill f has been banned in Australia, and no one knows why 5 days ago:
Good luck banning torrents you crotchety old fuckers.
- Comment on PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games, oh and there are apparently 908 million of us now 1 week ago:
There are good new games, but i cannot afford to pay for them. Especially when I blow through them in a couple of weeks/days.
Which is why I pirate them as a lot of new games lack quality content, are often buggy, and riddled with dlc/micro transactions. Why risk my money on a buggy undeveloped game when I can ‘test’ them for free, at times I have gone back and paid for a game I really enjoyed… but that is super rare.
Plus GPUs are overpriced, especially with AI taking over as it is, the price is just going to go up.
Why bother with all of that when I can just boot up Factorio again. Additionally mods really make old games feel fresh again… And they are free.
- Comment on The Simple Act of Buying a Graphics Card Is the Defining Misery of PC Gaming in 2025 2 weeks ago:
Probs the only reason for many to buy a console these days. For the cost of a high end GPU you can get an entire system and some games.
- Comment on M'Lady 3 weeks ago:
Love how it couldn’t decide if he is smoking a pipe or a cigarette
- Comment on A crazy crazy world 3 weeks ago:
My finger is reeee…blue!
- Comment on Anyone Please Help me Find This Wallpaper 5 weeks ago:
Coat hangers?
- Comment on (man picks up a newport 100) That thing was too big to be called a newport. Too big, too thick and too heavy, too rough, it was more like a large hunk of iron 1 month ago:
The most unrealistic part of this is the low cost fuel. Unless Guts was only buying a thimble of fuel
- Comment on DOOM: The Dark Ages | Gameplay Sizzle | Coming May 15, 2025 2 months ago:
No he is in interviews promoting this game
- Comment on Multi-lingual 2 months ago:
Love how English has an American Flag tho
- Comment on Looks like a ent to me. 2 months ago:
Plank in his later years, studying philosophy.
- Comment on droge 2 months ago:
Damn, that is way better.
- Comment on droge 2 months ago:
Its drogeday my dudes
- Comment on Bidenblast 3 months ago:
Hydro Trump
- Comment on Time for a road trip 4 months ago:
I always thought Twatt and Shitterton were so close to each other… Shows what I know
- Comment on Phil Spencer Confirms Xbox is Planning an Xbox Handheld, But It's a Few Years Away 4 months ago:
I don’t think I ever pitched a subscription as being better than ownership, just that your joke is divorced from the reality of the situation and the way Microsoft has operated for over a decade.
How is it divorced? You’re still spending money for the same things over and over again. Your argument is purely semantics" you’re not buying, you’re renting!" Like there is a difference… You are still giving Microsoft money to play old games.
If I changed my original comment to read ‘spending money’ instead of ‘buying’ would that make you feel better? Because this seems to be your only problem with it.
You are missing the distinction by several miles. A short list includes the lack of cert, the availability of competitors on the same platform, and backward compatibility whether they like it or not. If the value proposition is as poor as you expect it to be, then the launch of a portable Xbox will hardly be noticed next to the Steam Deck, but the more likely scenario is that it’s basically a Steam Deck that plays nicer with Game Pass and anti cheat technologies because it’s actually Windows under the hood. You’ve demonstrated a large lack of understanding about what’s changed between 6th gen consoles and today, but the short explanation is that I don’t see a reason to expect Microsoft to charge you for Halo again on this new platform, because it would be marketing suicide among plenty of other reasons.
Originally you brought this up to reinforce the idea that Microsoft consoles are transitioning to a PC with an xbox paint job. Which is what all consoles essentially are, but I got what you were trying to say that it’s a shared environment with a PC, which is somewhat relevant to the conversation… Kinda.
But now you are bringing up certificates, backwards compatibility, steam decks, anti cheat and other generations of consoles.
This entire section of your comment has nothing to do with my joke or the discussion so far, it’s a waste of time and nothing but a diversion. Can you get back to what we are actually talking about? I get it Microsoft rents not sells… You see that I get it right?
- Comment on Phil Spencer Confirms Xbox is Planning an Xbox Handheld, But It's a Few Years Away 4 months ago:
Way to ignore my entire comment lol. But thanks for proving my point that you’re a hurt fanboy by downvoting and quickly replying.
They really don’t care about you re-purchasing their old games because they want you to rent a library.
You get that’s worse right? You own nothing and now if you want to replay their old games you have to rent them again and again. It’s just another subscription… Yay Game Pass. Companies don’t decide to make less money just to give their customers more value, they are a business not a charity.
Besides once Microsoft has a stranglehold on the gaming market (If they ever get it) they will use the position of power to make as much money as possible. Like they did with operating systems or office suites (365). They even tried to buy out Nintendo recently, do you think they did that because they don’t want to re-sell their titles again? Why else try and build monopolies?
There seem to be a lot of people here who haven’t gotten the memo that future Xboxes are likely to just be disguised Windows PCs
What do you think consoles are? They are just a pc with proprietary software and hardware. Even a PS2 can run linux.
On an open platform, they couldn’t stop you from continuing to play your old games.
Yeah killing old servers would never force a player to swap to new hardware. Especially not Halo, you know the game that everyone loved to play online.
- Comment on Phil Spencer Confirms Xbox is Planning an Xbox Handheld, But It's a Few Years Away 4 months ago:
Just make better jokes next time.
Said the fanboy.
Many of them are redundant because the same license gives access to the game on multiple platforms.
Oh so I have a free copy of Halo 1 or 2 on other platforms because I bought it back on the original Xbox… No, if I want to play it on modern platforms I’ll have to buy it again?
What about Halo 3 on the 360, do I get a free copy of it everywhere else… Again no… Shit.
I’m a Linux fanboy and don’t own a Series X.
Yet you immediately downvote all my comments like that means anything, and get wrapped up defending Microsoft from some random jokes online.
I’m not defending them; your joke didn’t land because you buy the same games over again.
I love the non-conformational language you use here “they don’t typically make you do something”. You cannot even state plainly that they don’t re-sell their shit over and over because even you know it’s not true.
I look forward to your immediate downvote and reply.
- Comment on Phil Spencer Confirms Xbox is Planning an Xbox Handheld, But It's a Few Years Away 4 months ago:
Halo has been released on Xbox, Windows, macOS, Xbox 360, Windows Phone, iOS, Xbox One, Arcade, Xbox Series X|S. Then there is the Master Chief Collection which resold the series all over again.
Microsoft will happily sell you the same thing over and over and over. But luckily for them they have fanboys like you ready to defend the multibillion dollar corporation from jokes like mine.
- Comment on Phil Spencer Confirms Xbox is Planning an Xbox Handheld, But It's a Few Years Away 4 months ago:
Every xbox has a version of Halo on it, why do you think this one would be different?
- Comment on Phil Spencer Confirms Xbox is Planning an Xbox Handheld, But It's a Few Years Away 4 months ago:
Games include Halo 1, Halo 2 and Halo 3. Enjoy the thrill of purchasing them all over again!
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
No butt, just an asshole.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
You sure showed them didn’t you!
- Comment on Look at this Kinder toy I got. What? How? Who?! 5 months ago:
- Comment on Tesla workers in Germany complain about home visits from their bosses 5 months ago:
No you can’t come in…
- Comment on Bean beam 6 months ago:
Baked beam
- Comment on Woman Beats Friend, Beats Cop, then Throws the Most Insane Tantrum Ever 7 months ago:
“I hate my family, i am never going to think about them again”.
2 seconds later…
Screaming at the top of her lungs “I am going to kill them!”
- Comment on Uncle Rico 7 months ago:
What a glorious orange pos. I want one!
- Submitted 7 months ago to [deleted] | 8 comments
- Comment on Remember when 15% was the expected, not the minimum? 7 months ago:
In America anyways.