Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 3 days agowhat about it?
Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 3 days agowhat about it? 3 days ago
It implies that for a man, sucking cock (a legitimate sexual act for any gender) is an insult because that would make him gay. So Homophobic. 3 days ago
imo the pejorative connotation of that word is (like many expressions of homophobia) ultimately rooted in misogyny
“always has been” meme with “wait, it’s all about maintaining the patriarchy?” 2 days ago
Dam I thought it was just a thing boring white ppl say. Imma used that retort. 3 days ago
I swear, if left-leaning folks like you had your way the future would be a world like Demolition Man where there’s microphones listening to everyone’s conversations and people get fined every time they say something someone finds offensive, which is a retarded future I don’t want to live in.
BZZZZT! LudwigVonPseudonym, you have been fined one credit for a violation of the Verbal Morality Statute. 3 days ago
“Don’t be a bigot” = dystopian future
Sound logic 2 days ago
LMAO you know what’s funny? That fucking high horse you rode in on.
For over a decade now, you far-left liberal Democrats have always thought yourselves the “good guys”.
You aren’t.
You’re just the lesser of two evils, which is the only fucking reason I vote Democrat at all.
Princess, I’m sorry the word “cocksucker” gets your panties in a bunch, but this is not the time for you to be blindly accusing people of being “bigots” just because they hurt your feelings.
No, this is the time for YOU to reflect on how bad of a fucking loser you and your party is at the moment, and how you’re going to do better in the future.
Want to see the problem with the Democratic Party? Look in the damn mirror.
You lost an election to a con man, a fraud, and a felon. Instead of wagging that fucking finger at me, how about YOU “do better” and take some time to reflect on exactly why that happened.
Either that, or continue being a fucking loser. Your choice. 2 days ago
I think you’re getting caught up in the state being abusive and controlling to it’s citizens (as Dump is doing now) and society self-regulating itself for it’s own benefit (something that happens in all social groups) as being one and the same. Just because someone calls out another person’s bad behaviour, that does not equate to supporting a dictatorial, or similarly controlling, leadership. 2 days ago
Hard disagree. Far-left-wingers would absolutely start jacking themselves off at the idea of someone being fined by a bot the moment they used a word like “retard” or “cocksucker” in conversation, and there’s no way you can convince me differently at this point.
The dystopian Demolition Man future that left-wingers want might not be as awful as the Cyberpunk 2077 future that right-wingers want, but it’s still not a future I want to live in.
The funny thing is, the majority of you folks on the left are utterly convinced you are the “good guys”. You aren’t. You’re just the lesser of two evils, which is the only reason I vote Democrat at all. 3 days ago
Where do they say that they want microphones listening to people? Just because someone doesn’t like some ways of talking, doesn’t mean that they want 1984-style surveillance of everyone. 2 days ago
You fucking left-wingers would absolutely start jacking yourselves off at the idea of someone being fined by a bot the moment they used a word like “retard” or “cocksucker” in conversation, and there’s no way you can convince me differently at this point.
BZZZZT! LudwigVonPseudonym, you have been fined two credits for a violation of the Verbal Morality Statute. 2 days ago
^ This bitch is a genocide supporter 2 days ago
Which one? 2 days ago
Man, I love cocksuckers I’d get me one of those 3 days ago
its because hes submissive. its a power thing not a gay thing 3 days ago
That’s still degrading to fellators.
And idk if I’d say it’s a power thing, cocksuckers are the active participant in a blow job, and I’d say the submissive one is the one with their meat between a pair of teeth. 3 days ago
its still at the end of the day giving pleasure to another. giving the key word: power thing. its the same atmosphere as bootlicker 2 days ago
find me people who suck cock that actually give a fuck about other people calling people cocksuckers and we can talk.
nobody is arguing that sucking cock is submissive??? The argument is that being a cocksucker is a submissive thing.
Or you trolling? Or are you actually serious? 3 days ago
I swear, if folks like you had your way the future would be a world like Demolition Man where there’s microphones listening to everyone’s conversations and people get fined every time they say something someone finds offensive, which is a retarded future I don’t want to live in.
BZZZZT! LudwigVonPseudonym, you have been fined one credit for a violation of the Verbal Morality Statute. 3 days ago
He could have also said “vaginalicker” but he didn’t, he used a well known homophobic slur. Also, if he wanted to say submissive he could have used well known submissive insults. 2 days ago
literally nobody says vaginalicker though? that’s just not the commonly understood variant of “cocksucker” 2 days ago
So what if i just argued that “cocksucker” just meant that you would suck someones cock if you got you something. I.E. you’re easily bribed/manipulated. As far as i know, that’s how most people use it.
That’s literally the implication like 99% of the time. If you wanted to insult someone for being gay, you would just call them a faggot or something lmao. No need to mince words at that point. 2 days ago
Just learn a bit before bothering others with educating you. History matters, the way that this slur has been used historically and presently, is mostly homophobic.
Sorry for the short temper, this thread has been too long and I already explained this on another comment. 1 day ago
to be clear, the wiki page you explicitly linked literally say it has a historical connotation, and the primary example it lists is from checks notes 53 years ago.
I’m going to hazard a guess that the sentiment has probably changed, a little bit. Since 1972. 1972 to be clear, was 8 years after the passing of the civil rights act. It’s a bit of a different time period now.
anyway point is, i’m not convinced anybody cares about using this as a homophobic slur anymore.
it’s whatever, that’s how the internet is lol. This thread has been more than amusing for me thus far. 3 days ago
Or you’re Swearingen from Deadwood. 3 days ago
I think I know where he got his name now