- Comment on history rhymes, or something 2 days ago:
I may be wrong but I think they are sarcastically self-identifying as a tankie?
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 2 weeks ago:
The further you look in the sky, the further back in time you are looking as well – there is no way to see what far way looks like “right now”. This image shows the visible universe as it appears from our perspective in spacetime, which necessarily smears together the “where”, “what”, and “when” of it all.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 2 months ago:
You’re honestly right and I regret the joke and lowering the level of discourse with it. Sorry everyone.
But isten, you’ve been heavily down voted in this thread, and it’s because we are all sycophantic anti-woke nut jobs. This community is for the most part intelligent, leftist or left-leaning, empathetic people who support the rights of all kinds to exist and be recognized and treated fairly. But many would agree there is a reasonable degree to which you can meet people halfway when it comes to communication and understanding.
Whether you like it or not, “guys” in the agendered sense, is a part of the language. It may not always have been, but it is now. When people use it in this way, they aren’t thinking about your gender or the concept of gender at all. They are trying to address a collection of people, simple as that. English doesn’t have a plural second-person pronoun, we have to use additional words.
When you get offended, you are deliberately misunderstanding them, and thus engaging in a bad-faith argument against their intended meaning. And it’s that audacity, the side-tracking of pithy, interesting conversation, that rubs some otherwise supportive and open minded people like myself the wrong way.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 2 months ago:
How does a snowflake screw in a lightbulb? They hold the bulb, and the whole world revolves around them.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 2 months ago:
Understanding is a meeting in the middle. It’s reasonable to correct the record on how you as an individual would like to be gendered. It’s not reasonable to expect all of society to drop the use of a word that is colloquially accepted as gender neutral. At a certain point, your outrage is the antisocial behavior.
- Comment on New social experiment 2 months ago:
- Comment on Most of the trick-or-treaters have been skipping my house, and I finally figured out why 4 months ago:
Why would you automatically doubt this? You are aware there are other places outside where you live, and different things happen there, right?
- Comment on Anon drinks milk 7 months ago:
My partner and I once went as Leon and Matilda for Halloween. I finished off a quart of milk and filled it with pre-mixed negroni cocktai to sneak it into a party as part of my costume. Boy howdy, I was so drunk I was speaking in tongues at the end of the night.
- Comment on Mildred 8 months ago:
Lol, Edith and Mildred are literally my grandmother’s names. Edith is a badass and just turned 99.
- Comment on Meet my new puppy: Ass! 9 months ago:
Mexican Bowl
- Comment on I feel old 11 months ago:
I bet they’re always on your lawn too