Only if people collectiely excercise that right by forming a militia, otherwise they’ll just raid your houses individually one by one and take your guns.
Ironically, its less likely for people who aren’t right-wing to have guns. Blue states, and especially Blue cities make it so difficult for people to get a gun due to all the permits you have to obtain from the police department, who would just find bs reasons to deny your permit because you know, pigs be pigs. 1 week ago
Gun rights are for everyone. Unironically everyone capable of responsibly owning a gun should. But you won’t get magically good with one if you never train.
If you have a friend who already has guns ask to join them on the range to learn the basics. If not find a class to learn safe gun handling, then go to the range to practice and build skill. Guns are a serious and powerful tool, but like most serious and powerful tools when you use them safely you have a ton of fun too!