- Comment on Is it a red flag if a potential employer rushes you? 1 day ago:
maybe they just really need the help?
- Comment on What's easier to shoot, a bow or a firearm? 4 days ago:
I shoot as a hobby and I’ve dabbled with archery
Bows are also harder to be consistent with. The way you nock the arrow on the string, keeping constant pull while aiming and inconsistencies in the arrows all play a part. Guns have similar stuff too but not nearly as bad as long as you have good fundementals.
Ballistics are a big deal with ranged weapons. Arrows don’t go very far or very fast so you really need to know how the arrow will arc and account for that as you aim. The farther the shot the more wind, drop etc will have to be factored into your aim.
I’m going to make up a number but let’s say 50 yards would be a tough shot for a bow. For a rifle that is no problem and most rifle bullets’ paths won’t start to arc significantly until it had travelled several hundred yards.
- Comment on Why do people love Ukraine so much? 4 days ago:
And you couldn’t beat them
- Comment on i took an iq test and it was nice and i took my time doing it but the answer was 86, is that bad?? 5 days ago:
The only people I’ve encountered that unironically cared about IQ were the most insufferable assholes
- Comment on What would the realistic ramifications be, if some (EU) country leader told Trump to his face that he's stupid? 6 days ago:
nothing, maybe some trade shit? It would make the leader in question look worse for stooping to his level
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
oh behave!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
One article I read put it this way- The appeal of James Bond is that he has enough skill to handle himself in any situation. Competence is his superpower
It doesn’t matter if he is playing high stakes poker or being in a gunfight. Skiiing or ordering a drink. Using high tech gadgets or driving a classic sports car. Going to a formal party or swimming at night in SCUBA gear to get there. He can do it all and look cool doing it
The movies still aren’t my thing but from that lens I can understand the character.
- Comment on Is there really nothing the EU or NATO can do to stop Russian vessels cutting energy and communication cables at the Baltic sea? 1 week ago:
We should just track all the boats! Easy!
- Comment on Why do people from Western societies always seem to complain? 2 weeks ago:
I think it’s part of human nature to try to improve things. If we just said “be happy with what you have” we wouldn’t have the very nice things we enjoy today.
But at the same time people are wary of change, and if something works well it is a risk to try to improve things. Older people have been around a long time, so nostalgia and routine is more engrained so they’ll be more critical of change even if it works out in the long run.
But no matter how good it gets people can ALWAYS find something to bitch about
- Comment on Why hasn't the deep state stopped trump? 2 weeks ago:
Deep state (is generally agreed to be) non-elected officials who have the ability to sway govt functions. It’s more about making things not happen.
The “resist” movement from the first admin could be seen as an example of deep state. If an elected person wants to do something that they have the power to do but the lower levels of govt disagree (ie it isn’t in someone else’s best interest) suddenly there will be things to stop it from happening or make it so slow, painful and costly that the elected would rather do something else instead.
Errors in paperwork, extra “random” inspections, key people in the process calling sick, insisting on following all procedure step by step no matter what.
- Comment on Catalyst 2 weeks ago:
I can hear the sax now
- Comment on Some examples of video games with an UI layout ripped off of another game? 2 weeks ago:
Yup goes for controls too! I remember PS1/PS2 games having WILDLY different control schemes even between games in a series. COD pretty much standardized shooter controls to the point that playing any shooter that broke that mold was a real struggle at first
- Comment on Would you consider me a “dry texter”? 2 weeks ago:
Bare minimim add some punctuation if you are really going to stick with one word replies
“Good!” comes off happy or excited “Good?” is confused and unsure “Good.” is just a touch more serious than no punctuation
I’m not fantastic at conversations but adding just a little something is fundemental to keep the ball rolling. It gives them something to go off of.
“No I didn’t do much, you?”
- Comment on Would you consider me a “dry texter”? 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on pew pew 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
The inflation reduction act was in 2022, everything but amazon was built and operational prior but I get what you mean. I should have phrased it better.
Yes the federal govt likely had some role in getting favorable conditons for factories to be built. For people living there the following years and years of company cash flow caused a lot of the actual second and third order effects, not federal programs aimed at the region specifically. That is what I mean by “the fed govt had little to do with it (from the residents’ pov)”
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
I guess it’s storytime! The rural area I grew up in was full of unionized industry jobs that shut down in the 80s, and then the auto industry followed in the 2000s. Many moved and for those that stayed life had sucked for a long while.
But the local mall stayed relevant (there’s not a whole lot else to do) and is now being filled with all kinds of new restauraunts and stores where old dead ones were. This was to meet demand since electric vehicle factories were built as well as amazon warehouses and other stuff. Then the taxes led to libraries and schools being built and upgraded.
Now it’s not all sunshine and rainbows of course but for the people there the world seemed cold and uncaring for decades. Now in their eyes it’s starting to come back and the federal government had little to do with it. I guess what I’m saying is that it’s all pretty subjective
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
It gets said over and over but the country is huge and your experience can vary greatly. If you are a govt employee work is likely more chaotic, some more than others. Telework people coming back to the office, looming layoffs, people resigning/staying, big organizational shifts etc.
If you know a person deported of who may be deported you probably are concerned for them and the world feels turned upside down.
But for most people the gas prices are about the same, groceries are about the same and their life is about the same. If it wasn’t for the news/internet most people probably couldn’t tell the difference. It takes a big event you can’t easily ignore (Covid 19, hurricane helene, LA fires) for SOME of the country to notice and take any action at all.
- Comment on A website with a library of game fonts 3 weeks ago:
I know right? Hopefully it improves with time
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 2 comments
- Comment on Speaking honestly, what has to happen for you personally to take to the street in protest of the current administration. 3 weeks ago:
You think him not being mentioned is a coincidence? I think it’s mainstream media doing damage control
- Comment on anyone else LOVE how their sleeping s/o looks? (Obv not in a creepy way) 3 weeks ago:
Idk anything about roombas, but aside from those basic algorithms I assume there’s a ton of telemetry going back to corporate
- Comment on people who drink, how long do your hangovers last? 3 weeks ago:
Pedialite is great for rehydrating
- Comment on When will we have auto turrets mounted on plane engines to stop birdstrikes? 3 weeks ago:
The pilots would be evading hard so the center is moving around a lot too
- Comment on When will we have auto turrets mounted on plane engines to stop birdstrikes? 3 weeks ago:
On the other hand fuck pigeons and seagulls
- Comment on When will we have auto turrets mounted on plane engines to stop birdstrikes? 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on When will we have auto turrets mounted on plane engines to stop birdstrikes? 3 weeks ago:
Spoken like a real shareholder
- Comment on Why was Hitler so mean and hateful toward one group or another? I find it hard to believe he woke up one day and said you and you suck but these people over here are good. Taking it so far as killing? 3 weeks ago:
If you have some time check out the Hardcore History Addendum episode “Superhumanly Inhuman” that delves into the nazis and the Holocaust. I just started it a few days ago
- Comment on Anon was mysterious 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 4 weeks ago:
It depends on the definition