- Comment on How likely is the US government going to identify and arrest every online user who have disagreed with the current administration? 5 days ago:
As if the deterrent effect is from the possibility of suicide by cop instead of, idk, a critical mass within a community of armed people. It’s not like around 2019/20 we saw, firsthand, that when violence against cops increased their willingness to make frivolous stops decreased. But please, continue strawmanning this as some weird scenario where people are saying that suicide by cop will stop oppression.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
I get that and I totally agree, but I don’t understand the food of comments here arguing that there won’t be reduced turnout in the middle of a Wednesday vs on a weekend. Most people with a full time job can’t just up and leave in the middle of a weekday with less than a week of notice, especially in large states with capitals that are far away. Turnout would be much better if it was on a weekend, and anybody denying that doesn’t live in reality.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
No no, it’ll be a huge turnout and if you don’t agree then you’re an idiot for thinking that any significant amount of the population works 9-5 M-F. Just look at these comments! We can’t fail, we posted, “So when is the general strike and protest?” 78 times yesterday on every even vaguely political post, so turnout will be great in the middle of the day on Wednesday. Trust fam. /s
- Comment on May not be the right place but here it goes. One of my brothers passes or get extremely tired if he sees porn. Even a sex scene in a movie he has to go lay down. Is there something wrong with him? 2 months ago:
“Lemmy, my brother, for the last two years, has just said he’s tired and wandered off for EVERY single family porn might. He’s not even masturbating with us. What do you think is wrong?”
- Comment on why dont we do this??? are we stupid?? 3 months ago:
looks at Hungary, Poland, Italy, Germany, and whatever Greece calls it’s Coast Guard Suuuuuuuure it’s definitely just an us problem.
- Comment on Thanks for the warning I guess?? 3 months ago:
- Comment on Why is voting before the deadline in US elections referred to as 'early voting'? 5 months ago:
Solid pun.
- Comment on I hate people like this 6 months ago:
It takes fewer seconds for assholes like you to fuck off though, sooooooo…
- Comment on I wish there were more like him in the industry 7 months ago:
Still waiting to see Lady Stoneheart…
- Comment on Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed? 8 months ago:
Wait do other people really not get that this is sarcasm?
- Comment on Humanity making progress like it always does 9 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Noooooo this was a uniquely American phenomenon. We definitely didn’t fare better than comparable countries, and conservatives definitely aren’t forgetting that other countries exist… again.
- Comment on What's up doc? That's a very oink carrot you got there, doc? 1 year ago:
I’m sorry but I’m going to auto-downvote any meme that ends with “let that sink in” because I’m not an 80 year old on Facebook.
- Comment on puzzling 1 year ago:
No, everything is high stakes all the time. Laughing means civil war.