Comment on That explains a lot 4 days ago
There isn’t enough mass in our solar system to sustain a black hole, less on a scientists’ research budget.
Comment on That explains a lot 4 days ago
There isn’t enough mass in our solar system to sustain a black hole, less on a scientists’ research budget. 4 days ago
There absolutely is. Any mass, no matter how small, will turn into a black hole when sufficiently compressed. 4 days ago
yeah but not sustain 4 days ago
Sounds kinda sus 4 days ago
Sounds kinda tain 4 days ago
Sure, but it won’t sustain itself at any mass. A black hole with a mass of 500,000kg lasts about 10 seconds and is harmless. If you managed to compress 300,000,000kg into a black hole you’d have it last about 100 years and it would still be too small to do any damage to the earth during that time.
You’re correct there’s enough mass in the solar system to create a self sustaining black hole though. Anything around the mass of the moon or larger we should worry. A black hole the mass of the earth would definitely be self sustaining. 4 days ago
The black hole with the mass of the earth would have a diameter of around 4 cm 1 day ago
And Jupiter would have an event horizon 2.8m across and last about 10^67 years (still not forever) 4 days ago
I like to believe all that mass in an impossible tiny space is a result of all the multiverses stacked on each other.