Trump won "democratically"
- electoral college
- Gerry mandering
- first past the post voting
- the Democratic candidate wasn’t even chosen with a party primary
Comment on This is getting bad. Like, really really bad. 5 weeks ago
Democracy was never a good idea. Trump won democratically. People are easily manipulated by populists.
Unfortunately republics and totalitarian states are also bad ideas.
And anarchism doesn’t work.
So just ride the wave of history. Let it take you. This is what it’s like to be alive, fighting one monster just to make another.
Trump won "democratically"
Voter suppression enhanced, and forced provisional ballots that were never counted, was enough for margin of victory. That no one liked Harris, and DNC loved the pro Israel result, had more of an effect on not exposing the fraud.
Gerry who? Never heard of 'em.
dont forget the bomb threats called into polling locations and the burning of ballot boxes
Why do you say anarchism doesn’t work?
i don’t think there’s ever been an experiment with controlled variables that shows that, and when you control for as many variables as possible, it shows it is plausible
Because an organized state will always overpower it. And history is a story of power.
I always say, show me the theory that allows anarchists to maintain a complex network of nuclear armament. You can’t “anarchically control” the nukes.
I don’t think you fully understand what anarchism is. Lack of hierarchy does not mean no organizational framework. It means there are no hierarchies.
Nukes have no purpose existing to begin with. The best thing to do with them would be to dismantle them and use their resources for other things. I don’t know why you have immediately decided to imagine an anarchist freed territory as requiring nuclear armaments. Or why you think the litmus test of whether a political ideology is valid or not depends on the answer to “can it allow for nuclear holocaust at the push of a button”.
You seemingly have imagined that an anarchist revolution would intend to preserve the functioning of modern geopolitical superpowers. Needless to say, no. Anarchism in practical implantation results in societies that look dramatically different (including extent anarchist free territories). Ones that don’t partake in overproduction and vast environmental destruction. Ones that are concerned principally with the well-being of the people who live within them.
Your second paragraph just proves you don’t understand the nature of power. Why did Russia Cuba and NK need nukes? Because people without nukes are weak to their enemies. So until the anarchist territory is global, it needs to participate in global geopolitics, in which nukes are actually one of your primary bargaining chips.
Otherwise you’re just a piece of land with no government, and most historical invasions take place when land becomes an easy conquest. Because land is materially useful.
All of those doom scenarios are already possible and have nothing to do with anarchism
They are already possible so we have massive networks of laws and security to try and detect and stop them. That security imposes its will by force into the perpetuator. Thats not anarchism
Sounds like a dmt thought tbh
Democracy wasn’t a good idea? Might want to check your notes on that one.
Is it? Pretty much every philosopher thought so, even the federalists, which is why they made a republic. And it’s always been a bourgeois republic. Democracy pure is a bunch of idiots listening to social media influencers picking good talkers at the margin of 1% every 4 years. It’s always been theater. 5 weeks ago
If what you seek is a new master, I promise you will have it