- Comment on This is getting bad. Like, really really bad. 5 weeks ago:
dont forget the bomb threats called into polling locations and the burning of ballot boxes
- Comment on This is getting bad. Like, really really bad. 5 weeks ago:
maybe, it goes back to the civil war when instead of handling the losers we let them continue to exist. They never stopped trying to get their slaves back. They have never had an alliance with the union.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 5 weeks ago:
It is important to understand we are being attacked by capitalism. Our freedom is a publicly traded product. It is not just Trump dictating orders. Capitalists make money by taking away our liberties because that is how the system functions. And it is global. Anyone can invest in these companies and give them a stronger platform to remove our freedom.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 1 month ago:
Biden made a gesture, but it was feckless and performative. He EO’d not renewing DOJ contracts with geogroup and core civic, but the current contracts stayed in place and were years from expiration. And, it was just DOJ which does not include ICE. Geo and core run the majority of these detention compounds on the border. They have been buying political influence with the money they get from government contracts. Of course Trump is all in for it. They have been lining his pockets for a long time. The more people locked up, the more money they make. And by “they” I am reffering to shareholders, which consist of cops and teachers and other municipal workers who have their pensions invested in geo and core. Capitalism has started to eat its own tail.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 1 month ago:
call these camps or detention centers whatever you want. It is the wrong language. These places are not owned and ran by the US gov. They are owned and ran by mostly 2 companies. Geogroup, and core civic. I encourage everyone to learn this, and to relay it. Instead of getting ride of these compounds, we need to get rid of these companies who have turned our justice department into a for profit billion $$$ industry. These companies are publicly traded. Cops and teachers have their pensions invested in them. YOU could have investments in them and not even know it. Esp if you work for the government
- Comment on How are Americans supposed to survive the next 30 years? 3 months ago:
I moved to Detroit from a HCOL city I was established in. I was renting and the options I had to buy were not hopeful. The taxes alone would have kept me working for more money year over year for the foreseeable future.
I took what would have been a down payment and bought a place outright. I bought a project and it was cheap, only half my down payment fund.
Now I am all set up. I have no mortgage to pay. My house costs me taxes ($1700/yr) and insurance ($1500/yr) plus utilities ($50 internet, $150 gas&electric, $60 water) That is about $550/month.
In michigan, taxable value increases are capped at 5%.
I figure I can work any job and stay ahead of the bills. Yesterday I did a brake job for a friend of a friend for $200 and didn’t even need to leave the house. I can do things like this here and there and get by without even having a job.
I have never known this amount of stability in housing as an adult before. It is wild. I own this whole damn house and everything in it. I also made a bunch of equity right out the gate by fixing up an abandoned trap house.
Not trying to lay out a plan for others, just wanted to share how my plan has been a success and that Detroit is a place where home ownership is attainable.
Oh, couple other things. I have no kids and the schools were not a problem for me. Although the neighborhood kids are all wonderful.
I am not interested in living in “the country”. I am a city person, I want my resources close. I can walk to a hardware, grocery, and auto parts store from my place. No thanks on 30min drives to dollar general and TSC on the fancy days.
- Comment on I wonder why people litter in the USA? 3 months ago:
reduce, reuse, recycle.
That shit is in order of most impactful.
I buy as much as I can second hand. Doing so, I am not bombarded with trash. No boxes, no bags, no plastic wrap.
We should 100% just not be producing all this trash. Coffee at home has zero waste, no plastic cup, no receipt, no carrier, no lid,… do that shit everyday x millions of people. smh
- Comment on Amazon Subscribe & Save percentages not adding up 1 year ago:
I roll with no tracking/cookies/accounts. I check out as a guest. Prices change depending on location and purchase history. The best pricing is when the site has never seen you before. This also works for things like ISP new customer promotions and stuff.