Kind of jumping into the middle of yours and his here, but the ghosts of our past is quite frankly always relevant. As a gross oversimplified example, WW1 caused many hard feelings and set the stage hat led to WW2. The end of WW2 left the US in a position to consolidate a large amount of power, while the Soviet Union gathered allies to match. This put In place many scare tactics you see used even today. The collapse of the Soviet Union put Putin in position to become the president for 30+ years. One could say that Germany backsliding caused the Kaiser to put Lenin on a train to the Russian Empire is the reason the world is in the state it is in today.
The ghosts of our past are ALWAYS relevant and pretending things should be changed in a bubble does no good when planning the effects. Torture has been shown to be ineffective and counterproductive. Many voters opposed Citizens United, yet it was passed under Obama. Many citizens opposed the Patriot Act, citing it’s opportunity to be misused to indefinitely hold people. And sure enough Bush signed it and we are still dealing with the repurcussions.
Both Obama AND Biden ran on the platform to close Guantanamo so it could not be misused, and did not. Could Trump have reopened it? Sure! But then we’d be faulting him for reopening it AND using it as a camp. It’s not “both sides nonsense” to say that if Obama had succeeded in it before he left office, we wouldn’t be in this position. He stated as early as 2009, and had 7 years after that to get the votes together, ultimately handing it off to Trump in 2016 with 0 inmates because he failed to get a vote to approve it. Trump didn’t close it for obvious reasons, and then Biden had 4 years to take his crack at it and also failed to close it. And now, here we sit almost 20 years later with bushes prison island still open, being used for the same evil bush used it for - hiding people from the press so those nasty headlines stop because they can’t access the island. 4 weeks ago
You had 2 Democratic presidents since it opened. It’s a legitimate criticism. Trump is using existing infrastructure that could’ve been dismantled. 4 weeks ago
Thanks captain hindsight. You’re probably the only person who’s thought about gitmo in the last 20 years. 4 weeks ago
No, there’s at least two of us. 4 weeks ago
Did you know your inaction on the matter resulted in trump opening concentration camps. Good job. 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
Wow, thank you. We’ve done exactly what we should in this moment of deprivation. We looked to the past and blamed a black man while throwing up our hand saying, “nothing can be done.”
Well done everyone. Good job. Really pull through on this one. Thought we might be against concentration camps but how stupid am I to not forsee that the democrats did something and now that’s all that matters.