Gotta be xenophobic Xenia now, sorry, I don’t make the rules
Comment on Anon introduces himself 5 weeks ago“Xylophone Zelda”. Really fucked over Xenias introduction 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
I don’t know what’s worse, naming your kid after a fox that uses Linux or a suburb of Dayton. 5 weeks ago
“Zyougottabekiddingme Zelda” 5 weeks ago
Uh, xylophone doesn’t start with Z, back to kindergarten until you learn your letters. 5 weeks ago
He can blame english phonetics. Also X being kind of a joker letter. “Why does eks make the sound zee?” 5 weeks ago
The teacher clearly said “letter” though, so phonetics shouldn’t come into it. If they were named “Pete,” “Psycho Pete” would be reasonable and probably accurate.
Also, xylophone is a noun anyway, so after they redo kindergarten, they’ll need to go back to second grade (or maybe first?) and relearn basic grammar.
Finally, English phoenetics is an oxymoron, but I don’t think kids get into that concept until later on in school, so I’ll give you a pass for now. But everyone knows English pronunciation and spelling aren’t related and you just end up memorizing everything anyway. 5 weeks ago
But X starts with Z, so q.e.d. 5 weeks ago
Can’t fault that logic. 5 weeks ago
Skill issue