Mentioned COVID tests around my dad cause my brother was going to see my Aunt sick with an aggressive cancer. He exploded about how COVID is fake and the Flu will kill her too… Shes sick with cancer, dude… Shut the fuck up…
Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago
The funniest thing about conservatives is how they’ll complain the left are a bunch of snowflakes, but you say a single word like trans and they’ll probably explode into a million pieces because you said a bad word that scares them. 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
If I’m honest, I think your dad’s logic is sound:
Whether or not your brother has COVID is immaterial to the fact that he has an illness that is likely contagious and is still planning to visit your compromised aunt.
If she’s ill enough that any illness could tip the scales for her, then it doesn’t matter which illness. The real question is why the hell is your brother considering visiting at all.Not that you’re wrong for asking that, it’s just that your question is superseded by a question that it seems your dad forgot to think about while contradicting you. 4 weeks ago
Except they were possibly exposed to it. So you know. 4 weeks ago
Ooh. Yeah. Possible exposure. Definitely grounds for testing. 4 weeks ago
Lol this same person once told me that he doesn’t support LGBT or Black lives matter or any of that because he doesn’t agree with those communities and thinks that they are hateful 4 weeks ago
They are hateful of him. And should be. 4 weeks ago
Have you ever considered that your buddy just might be a fucking idiot? 4 weeks ago
Sometimes I’m struck by the way that framing impacts a situation. To many people feeling that a minority group is hateful is a legitimate reason for them to oppose our rights, and the response so often is (rightfully and accurately) that that group isn’t or that it’s ridiculous to imply that they’re hateful. It was even my gut response to say that as a white person who’s protested with black lives matter I was treated as one of them.
But the framing is wrong. Even if every blm protestor is a belligerent asshole, does that mean that the facts of american policing aren’t still horrifying? If every gay person was an annoying jerk why would that have any away in whether you should be allowed to discriminate against us for being gay? If trans people were all unpleasant, why would that matter for our right to live as we please and to be seen and recognized as the genders we live as?
Because while you can probably find people in each group who argues the majority should have less rights or should suffer as we have, they’re a small and powerless contingent. Majority rights have never been on the table, except when necessary to further oppress the minority (such as the right of cisgender girls to compete in athletics without genital examinations). 4 weeks ago
It’s cause they never know what trans people are packing, and a penis scares them more than a gun. 4 weeks ago
I love telling transphobes that they’re only mad because the ladies dick’s are bigger than theirs. 4 weeks ago
They want to secretely fuck trans people, that’s why. 4 weeks ago
I was reading a standard celebrity obituary article the other day. It was an actor nobody really remembers and it mentioned his family and the shows he was on.
In the comments someone said something like:
I don’t know why you had to mention his husband!!! Why does everything have to be so woke?
Sure, pal, if he had married a woman, everything would be ok, but since he had a husband, we need to pretend that he doesn’t exist around you so you don’t feel icky? 4 weeks ago
Earl Holliman? 4 weeks ago
Doesn’t sound familiar, but maybe. 4 weeks ago
I just googled “news dead gay actor” and he did episode 1 of The Twilight Zone, which is a pretty notable resume item. He died a month back unfortunately.