- Comment on Trump Calls for Department of Education to Be ‘Closed Immediately’ 1 week ago:
Meanwhile they’re drafting an almost 5 trillion dollar tax giveaway for the richest people in the country.
Real money saving group they are.
- Comment on Trump Calls for Department of Education to Be ‘Closed Immediately’ 1 week ago:
Not that I expect someone like you will care about the actual details but he’s only just done it so it’s going to take time for the effects to be felt. This might go over your head but government agencies are huge and complicated entities and when you rip out the heart it takes a while for the limbs to die. The states with robust economies like California, Texas, Illinois, and New York will be fine but poor states like Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi will be seeing school closings before the end of 2025 of this isn’t stopped.
- Comment on Trump Calls for Department of Education to Be ‘Closed Immediately’ 1 week ago:
The department of education is what distributes funding to schools and sets standards for educational guidelines. Without it, certain states can and will say “well this rural town doesn’t really need kids to go to school, they can become factory workers instead.”
Want proof? Arkansas just recently signed a law that helps increase child labor.
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 2 weeks ago:
These are hot dogs not thought crimes.
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on It really is like this 3 weeks ago:
Assange and Snowden are not journalists. Snowden was a researcher who leaked government documents detailing how the government was surveiling its own citizens. Which was published in a western-based newspaper outlet. And Julian Assange is a complicated issue. The government’s after him are absolute assholes but you also weren’t censored from finding out what was done to him. And in the end he basically got a slap on the wrist. Not to mention that he himself is quite an asshole. Just listen to anybody who’s ever met the guy in person.
And neither of these people have disappeared into the dark. They make regular appearances and are reported on by Western media outlets fairly often.
And I love how you cite social media as some kind of free press. Like 90% of it’s not owned by oligarchs who have one agenda and that is to gather up every ounce of money and power they can get their hands on. That’s why they let misinformation run rampant on their own sites. Obfuscation is the best way to counter truth.
- Comment on It really is like this 3 weeks ago:
Oh so you can only find it on the open web where anything can be published and there’s nothing to back up anything and not on the actual site that it’s supposed to come from because we can’t trust that site which is where the information originally supposed to have come from.
And you’re saying I’m the unhinged one. 😂
- Comment on Forgive them, for they know not what they do 3 weeks ago:
Thank you, I needed a good laugh today. 😂
- Comment on It really is like this 3 weeks ago:
I actually tried searching Wikileaks itself in that exact date range. And nothing came up.
- Comment on It really is like this 3 weeks ago:
Okay even if those so-called cables are not completely manufactured they don’t prove anything at all. And that second article is a joke. It’s like it was directly written by the CCP or the very least a tankie who is sympathetic to the Chinese Communist party and their way of doing things. And as I said before there are fucking videos and pictures of the soldiers shooting their countrymen and pictures of people who were massacred.
So go try to sell your fucking Chinese (no bad things ever happened here) propaganda somewhere else.
- Comment on It really is like this 3 weeks ago:
It’s funny how I can’t seem to find these so-called “leaked us cables” on Wikileaks at all and that article has no links.
It’s almost like it was created by some agency to misinform the public.
- Comment on It really is like this 3 weeks ago:
You know that first link might be believable if it weren’t for the fact that there’s actual video evidence of the massacre.
As well as pictures.
Trigger warning on the pictures. Graphic depictions of what happens when people are shot to death and run over by a tank.
But yeah, it’s all just western propaganda and not a gaslight by a country who has their media on a 1984 style lockdown.
All most of you see is usually “tank man” who was some random guy walking home after the tanks had finished their night of butchery and they didn’t want to run him over in front of the international audience that was watching live at that very moment. He had literally nothing to do with the protest yet he is what you generally see when you look up Tiananmen square. I wonder why that is? 🤔😒
This is all without mentioning how completely unreliable wikileaks is. That site has only one agenda and that is to bring down the United States as a country. Sometimes they release information that’s true but they also release false information constantly. If you’re relying on that as a source then you are a fool.
- Comment on It really is like this 3 weeks ago:
Yeah it’s not like the West has a free press that can report on all the things that it does that is wrong or anything.
- Comment on It really is like this 3 weeks ago:
Found the Tankie
- Comment on It really is like this 3 weeks ago:
No matter how bad America has gotten, they have never successfully broken that first amendment line.
Trump is gonna have another go at it. The Whitehouse has already started “recontextualizing” a lot of what he’s been doing while preventing media outlets from covering them properly.
- Comment on It really is like this 3 weeks ago:
Yes, China not bad, China good. You should like China cause they don’t do bad things to their citizens and anything you’ve heard to the contrary is just western propaganda.
- Comment on Forgive them, for they know not what they do 3 weeks ago:
The “inadequate pay” one got me rolling. 😂
Inadequate pay for what exactly? Owning some land and squeezing money from the people who actually take care of it? Fuck landlords!
- Comment on I guess we are fucked now 3 weeks ago:
Obligatory “I’m sorry Jon”
- Comment on It's a good group! 4 weeks ago:
This is the answer right here.
- Comment on It's a good group! 4 weeks ago:
Well, the book is… The movie tho, yeah Paul Verhoeven has opinions about fascists. 😂
His commentary on that film is truly one of the better commentary tracks I’ve ever listened to.
- Comment on american culture 1 month ago:
I may be misremembering but didn’t the derogative “Chad” start in the UK?
- Comment on I walked all over the damn store looking for butter 1 month ago:
If looked at in a certain way butter is a chilled beverage.
- Comment on I don't want a lot for Christmas.... 1 month ago:
Too late… I’m already doing duckduckgo searches.
- Comment on Anon is SpongeBob 1 month ago:
Like one girl cock I think
This isn’t an impossible thing to do nowadays.
- Comment on Anon is SpongeBob 1 month ago:
This is where I remind you that 4chan has existed for over 21 years. Meaning that a kid born the day it started operation is now old enough to legally drink in the United States.
- Comment on A tense moment. 2 months ago:
Lou Gehrig has entered the chat.
- Comment on YEET 2 months ago:
The cover obtained all of it’s energy from the blast, it can only go slower than it’s initial speed unless acted upon by another force.
- Comment on alpha 2 months ago:
I’m an old version male. I’m out of date but stable and used by people who generally know what they’re doing and I don’t want something new that’ll likely blow up in their face.
- Comment on alpha 2 months ago:
From what I’ve heard it’s just bad research. He looked at family units and thought the father was designated as the leader due to size and strength but really he was just a dad.
- Comment on don't be a coward 2 months ago:
Someone needs to rule 34 crabs. And then delete their Internet history as thoroughly as possible.