- Comment on Anon casts a healing spell 5 months ago:
Yeah, if someone at the table wants certain attributes for their character, the DM should not allow others to mess with that without very good reason. This guy being a dick about it? He can find another table.
- Comment on Don't look now 5 months ago:
To be honest I still chalk it to to that.
- Comment on i like welch's 6 months ago:
I was looking around at rental houses a few years back because the owner of our current rental was kicking us out to sell. I visited a house that the owner was “flipping” for rental and noticed there was no stove/oven. I asked the owner about it and he said “oh, tenants usually bring their own.”
Place was sketchy as hell in other areas, too; tons of those cheapo plastic panel walls propped up at odd angles hiding god knows what, bare hardwood floors that had clearly had the carpet ripped up without refinishing or even removing all the staples, and slanted floors that really made me feel like I was about to fall into the basement. Luckily we were able to find another place, but it was a low CoL area and I’m sure some desperate family got stuck in that heap.
- Comment on Anon wants to play a game 6 months ago:
I mean it’s more likely that they just don’t give a shit anymore.
- Comment on Sloths 🦥 6 months ago:
I think so, looks like Prince Wu up to the right there.
- Comment on It will outlive us all 6 months ago:
Out of curiosity, what is the practical use of full N-key rollover? I can’t think of many things that require me to press more than maybe five keys at a time.
- Comment on What should I know about using a wheelchair for the first time? 6 months ago:
Definitely this, and maybe a motorized scooter for days that really require you to move around. Also check the conference site or call them to see if they offer any accommodations. But, OP, you’re probably not gonna be making it 15-25 miles a day no matter what you do. Be honest with yourself and others about your limitations and don’t push yourself too hard. Have a backup plan to get around if you need to.
- Comment on Look you've just to got read the prologue that was a limited edition IHOP giveaway in 2015 and the story is awesome 7 months ago:
I have the opposite experience, I only watched it a couple years ago and thought the hype would totally kill it for me, but I actually ended up really enjoying it and EoE in particular stuck with me. I loved the idea that love is born of the risk we take of truly being known by other people.
I will say that the quality of the Netflix dub probably helped a lot. I know they changed some translations which kinda sucks, but overall the voice acting is so much better. No hate to Spike Spencer, he’s obviously a very prolific voice actor, but I think his performance of Shinji is at least part of why people thought he was so whiny. We were originally going to watch through the rebuild movies dubbed, too, but it was so bad we decided to switch to sub.
- Comment on Look you've just to got read the prologue that was a limited edition IHOP giveaway in 2015 and the story is awesome 7 months ago:
Yeah, I can get into a series if people say to skip the first couple episodes/seasons because it takes a little to figure itself out (like how you can skip the first season of Parks and Rec and miss nothing of importance), but weird watch order is not something I’ll bother with.
- Comment on Look you've just to got read the prologue that was a limited edition IHOP giveaway in 2015 and the story is awesome 7 months ago:
I wouldn’t bother with anything weird, just watch the series through and then the movies in release order. Yeah it won’t be quite chronological, but I don’t think it really needs to be.
- Comment on Progress happens with every death 7 months ago:
Tumblr has made a lot of… questionable UX decisions, but the users have found ways around them.
Something I forgot to mention as a possible origin for putting text in tags: Tumblr used to allow you to edit other peoples’ posts when you reblogged them, leading to a fear of Danny Devito and, infamously, the Hank Green post. important addendum
- Comment on Remember when planes and hospitals had smoking sections? (Probably a lot of you do not). 7 months ago:
I think smoking rooms in hotels are still a thing, but they’re certainly less common than they were. My mother and I got stuck in a smoking room despite booking a non-smoking room well in advance and it was awful. Stayed just one night and our clothes smelled like cigarette smoke for the rest of the trip.
I don’t really care if people smoke, but gosh, ya’ll need ventilation.
- Comment on Progress happens with every death 7 months ago:
Yep, though there’s certain punctuation that will break them. I think this practice is why even regular Tumblr posts tend to have strange grammar.
- Comment on Progress happens with every death 7 months ago:
When you make or reblog a post, you can add tags at the bottom. Ostensibly these are for searching/categorization, but people often use them to write out responses to posts so that their followers can reblog the it without bringing their comment along (Tumblr just puts all replies into a single extended post so it’s a bit cumbersome to have long comment chains). The tags are visible in the “notes” section of the post, so people can still see it.
When you see a screenshot like this, it likely means that the response was made by someone else and the OP self reblogged it because they thought it was important.
- Comment on Hello lovelies!!! 8 months ago:
Potato salad is fucking amazing and I will die on this hill
- Comment on Old-timey doctors 8 months ago:
Something about the phrasing “you should do a lot of cocaine about it” really tickles me. I wonder what you call breaking grammar rules for humor like that.
- Comment on Get Pasteurised 8 months ago:
I think it’s just the overwhelming stupidity. The covid stuff I can kinda understand because it was a scary and uncertain time. And maybe, to a point, I had kind of just accepted that the antivax “movement” had gained a twisted sort of legitimacy in some people’s eyes purely because it has been around so long.
But this… this is just beyond dumb. Dollars to donuts these people have been drinking pasteurized milk their entire lives and never had an issue. Missing vitamins? Take a multivitamin and have more than your body knows what to do with. Want probiotics? Eat yogurt!
I also just read that Louisiana might approve milk for pet consumption and that’s just so god damn sad. It’s one thing to spew from both ends due to your own stupidity, but quite another to inflict that stupidity on creatures who have no choice but to rely on you for their health and comfort.
- Comment on Everyday, as an American 8 months ago:
Out of curiosity, what would you consider “too cold to go out”? Not really about the metric/celcius system, but 0c is light jacket weather for me.
- Comment on Is there any significance to people using emojis that match their skin tone? 8 months ago:
I kinda like using emoji that are similar to my skintone. Not really making a statement, but somehow it feels a little more “me.” Hard to explain why it matters.
- Comment on Yup 8 months ago:
You don’t know the same guys I know
- Comment on What is skibidi toilet? [Serious] 8 months ago:
Honestly the entire thing evolved quickly from silly random humor to a full-blown story with recognizable characters and drama.
- Comment on Remastered for modern audiences 8 months ago:
- Comment on Dedication 8 months ago:
Christ, well… thanks for your work.
What does not being adaptive mean in this case?
- Comment on IGN immediately lays off every non-UK person at their newly bought sites, including some key members like debuty editor Alice Bell 9 months ago:
Really hoping that we see more stuff like Second Wind, though that took some real name recognition (and I suspect some pre-planning) to pull off.
- Comment on Kingdom Hearts is coming to Steam - June 13 9 months ago:
As a huge fan of these games… absolutely. I keep coming back because I love the characters so much, and the story arcs within each game can be fairly satisfying, but the overarching plot is a complete mess.
- Comment on The Spectacular Failure of the Star Wars Hotel — Jenny Nicholson 9 months ago:
She has a great followup to the evermore video on her Pateron that I highly recommend just getting a month for.
- Comment on The Spectacular Failure of the Star Wars Hotel — Jenny Nicholson 9 months ago:
Her doing an entire section with the porg mask and not mentioning it once is top tier content.
- Comment on The Spectacular Failure of the Star Wars Hotel — Jenny Nicholson 9 months ago:
I keep thinking “surely I won’t watch the entirety of this Vampire Diaries video yet again.” 5 hours later…
- Comment on meme 9 months ago:
You can now see kids in YouTube comments talking about how the early 2000s had all the good music and new stuff is crap. Time is a flat circle.
- Comment on Blast! 9 months ago:
I feel this so hard! Sometimes I wanna be a little quiet, mysterious, wait for them to come to you. But someone says anything that remotely interests me and I’m suddenly jabbering like a turkey.