- Comment on Shorebirbs 4 months ago:
based though
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
don’t eat lead it is bad for you
- Comment on Weevil time 5 months ago:
My first instinct was A, at the base of the neck. But now that I think about it I think I agree with this more. I think it could be argued that at the joint is where the neck really begins, and that the narrow part beneath that is still part of the body. And I think it would look better (and more professional!) if our weevil friend wore his tie there.
- Comment on AI Artefacting 6 months ago:
These tricks have never worked for me, I wonder if that has some implication. I can see working clocks in dreams, both the digital and analog kinds. Reflections look normal. Hell, I’ve looked directly at myself (or a doppelganger?) in dreams before.
- Comment on Hermit Crab Housing Market 7 months ago:
You know I’ve never quite bought the hermit crab shells = houses analogy. They seem much more analogous to armor.
- Comment on Valve "White Sands" project spotted on Starfield voice actor portfolio, prompting Half-Life speculation 7 months ago:
Half Life 2 Episode 4
- Comment on W Earth 7 months ago:
give it a few hundred million years and ours won’t be able to do a total solar eclipse either :(
- Comment on Geography 101 7 months ago:
I was gonna complain about the same thing, whole image is ruined angery
- Comment on Breast Cancer 7 months ago:
I pointed out what I considered (and still consider) to be the most likely use for the tech you were describing, while asking you if that was your intention. A simple “no, actually I was thinking more about another use case” would have been a far more neutral and reasonable response. Instead, you assumed I was acting in bad faith and responded in kind. You are the only one making assumptions or starting fights for no reason.
- Comment on Breast Cancer 7 months ago:
I just criticized your behavior assuming things, before you know the whole truth.
I didn’t assume anything. I asked you what your intended use case was and you responded with vague platitudes, sarcasm, and then once I pressed further, insults. Try re-reading your comments from a more objective standpoint and you’ll find neutrality nowhere within them.
- Comment on Breast Cancer 7 months ago:
Ever thought about identifying ships full of refugees and send help, before their ships break apart and 50 people drown?
No, I didn’t think about that. If you did, why exactly were you so hostile to me asking what use you thought this might serve?
- Comment on Breast Cancer 7 months ago:
no u
- Comment on Breast Cancer 7 months ago:
My intended use case is to find possibilities how ML can support people with certain tasks.
weaselly bullshit. how exactly do you intend for people to use technology that identifies ships via satellite? what is your goal? because the only use cases I can see for this are negative
This is no reason to stop science entirely
if the only thing your tech can be used for is bad then you’re bad for innovating that tech
- Comment on Breast Cancer 7 months ago:
5 years ago I created a model that was able to spot certain types of ships based only on satellite imagery, which were not easily detectable by eye and ignoring the fact that one human cannot scan 15k images in one hour.
what is your intended use case? are you trying to help government agencies perfect spying? sounds very cringe ngl
- Comment on Basic 7 months ago:
spilling a bottle of water in my house: aw shit better get the mop
spilling a bottle of water in the lab: aw shit now we gotta evacuate and call in the chemical spill guys
- Comment on Shocking 8 months ago:
Checks out. I’m a man and I would definitely administer at least one shock to myself. Probably upwards of ten.
- Comment on Shocking 8 months ago:
- Comment on The Circle of Life 8 months ago:
My area doesn’t have huntsmen unfortunately. We do have wolf spiders though which are similar I think. They’re lil guys though.
- Comment on The Code 8 months ago:
tbf the confusion is not so much that the author would be allowed to but that they’d want to. people would naturally assume that like with many things people put time into creating, such as novels and video games and whatever else, that the fee required to access it is desired by the author and in some way benefits them.
- Comment on The Circle of Life 8 months ago:
I’ve walked through so many spider webs over the past few weeks. I do find them very rude. And it’s just like, man, if you put your web where I’m going to walk through it then it sucks for you too, then you gotta go rebuild it.
I still don’t kill them, though. Just relocate them to somewhere sufficiently far away that hopefully they don’t build their next web in the same place.
Except for one spider that I maybe killed. I walked into its web and it stood on my arm and bit me so I flicked it away. No idea where it went or whether it survived. But honestly, what a jerk.
- Comment on Modders uncover a last-minute Yennefer betrayal in The Witcher 3 cut content 8 months ago:
She lets Triss escape though, font of goodwill that she is.
better than Triss deserves to be fair
- Comment on Mythbusters 8 months ago:
I just looked up the elephant vs mouse segment. The way the elephants reacted, I kinda feel like they’re being cautious because they recognize a harmless lil animal and don’t want to step on it. Like they behave pretty much exactly how I do when I see a little spider or frog or cricket or something. like “whoa there buddy, you dont wanna be under my feet”
- Comment on Elsevier 8 months ago:
the artists still exist and would continue to make art even if we abolished the systems of exploitation we apply to that art.
frankly, art would instantly become far better without capitalism weighing it down
- Comment on Mushroom ID 9 months ago:
you know who this asian man reminds me of? yellow cartoon character. how is that racist btw?
- Comment on Mushroom ID 9 months ago:
you came to a deleted post hours later just to add a racist redditism?
- Comment on Mushroom ID 9 months ago:
President Xi mandates it, unfortunately.
- Comment on Mushroom ID 9 months ago:
At least I’m trying to have a conversation instead of just jumping into a thread and insulting people for no reason.
In other words, fuck off, asshole.
- Comment on Mushroom ID 9 months ago:
Yeah, it’s a very common joke which I argue does not work because despite the fact that there is leeway in how words are defined (that’s kind of what my entire comment is about) there is no valid definition of edible which includes mushrooms that definitely kill you if you eat them.
- Comment on Mushroom ID 9 months ago:
You’d have to use a very strange definition of edible. For something to be edible it does not only need to be able to fit down your throat, it has to be capable of nourishing you without harming you. You can swallow paper and it won’t harm you, but it also can’t nourish you and is thus inedible. You can eat this mushroom and it’ll probably provide some kind of nourishment, but then it will swiftly kill you and thus it is inedible.
- Comment on Mushroom ID 9 months ago:
joker-shopping i didnt even consider that this AI shit was going to claim to be able to ID mushrooms
ok ive been a little skeptical of the idea so far but now im fully convinced. this dumb ai shit is going to get people killed. like straight up more than one person is going to die because of these upjumped autocorrects masquerading as intelligence. and no one is going to be held responsible.