Comment on Breast Cancer 6 months ago5 years ago I created a model that was able to spot certain types of ships based only on satellite imagery, which were not easily detectable by eye and ignoring the fact that one human cannot scan 15k images in one hour.
what is your intended use case? are you trying to help government agencies perfect spying? sounds very cringe ngl 6 months ago
My intended use case is to find possibilities how ML can support people with certain tasks. Science is not political, for what my technology is abused, I cannot control. This is no reason to stop science entirely, there will always be someone abusing something for their own gain.
But thanks for assuming without asking first what the context was. 6 months ago
Marxism-Leninism? anakin-padme-2
Oh, Machine Learning. sicko-wistful
in an ideal world maybe, but that is not our world. In reality science is always always political. It is unavoidable. 6 months ago
Typical hexbear reply lol
Unfortunately, you are right, though. 6 months ago
that’s just going through life with blinders on 6 months ago
Yes, typically hexbear replies are right.
It’s not unfortunate though, it’s simply a matter of having an understanding of the world and a willingness to accept it and engage with it. It’s too bad that you seem not to want that understanding or that you lack the willingness to accept it.
How can you possibly square that first short sentence with the second? Are you really that willfully hypocritical? Yes, “your” science is political. No science escapes it, and the people who do science thinking themselves and their work is unaffected by their ideology are the most effected by ideology. No wonder you like your bubble - from within it, you don’t have to concern yourself with any of the real world or even the smallest sliver of self reflection. But all it is is a happy, self-reinforcing delusion. You pretend to be someone who appreciates science, but if you truly did, you would be doing everything you can to recognize your unavoidable biases rather than denying them while simultaneously wallowing in them, which is what you are openly admitting to doing whether you realize it or not. 6 months ago
i-love-not-thinking 6 months ago
weaselly bullshit. how exactly do you intend for people to use technology that identifies ships via satellite? what is your goal? because the only use cases I can see for this are negative
if the only thing your tech can be used for is bad then you’re bad for innovating that tech 6 months ago
Holy shit, dude, STFU. 6 months ago
no u 6 months ago
Ever thought about identifying ships full of refugees and send help, before their ships break apart and 50 people drown?
Of course you have not. Your hatered makes you blind. Close minds never were able to see why science is important. Now enjoy spreading hate somewhere else. 6 months ago
No, I didn’t think about that. If you did, why exactly were you so hostile to me asking what use you thought this might serve? 6 months ago
who the fuck is going to have access to this satellite bullshit and be in a position to send help? all the governments that actively want ships full of refugees to fucking sink and die?
brainless is honestly too good of a term to describe how carelessly fucking stupid you are 6 months ago
how did I know that they’d use the jew gassing chamber to gas jews, or use the torment nexus to create a nexus of torment? I was only doing the science
you’re a fucking moron, jesus fucking christ
imagine being a scientist, a person whose entire career and body of work relies on very specific premises of cause and effect, only to go on and make some shit without thinking it’s even possibly your responsibility to consider the subsequent effect of what you make
brainless 6 months ago
🎵 Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down? / That’s not my department," says Wernher von Braun 🎵 6 months ago
These shitlib whiners don’t care and my comments have been removed for the horror of incivility towards dr von braun 6 months ago
“Removed by mod” suck my nuts you fascist fucks lol