- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Ok boomer
- Comment on Sounds wonderful 2 months ago:
Classic godless tankies
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
You sound butt hurt
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Yeah? Ok n. Go to China and see how they call black people’s just straight monkeys to their face. Or anywhere that isn’t western. Theyll treat you like literal dirt. Cuz they’ve been programmed to think black = poor/criminal. Maybe if Africa had less warlords they’d be doing better. Or if they hadn’t enslaved their own people to sell to the euros. If you’re black and read this and are mad: you should kick your head in so that we don’t have to deal with your pissy bullshit.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Are you seriously lecturing me, an american on Lemmy about racism? What country are you from? China? They straight call black people monkeys to their face in China 🤣 tell me what other country gives a shit about racism more. The Nordics? The ones who are swinging hard right now because of migrants? You should really check yourself.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Absolutely yeah the people who say it in hatred are why it is taboo. It’s just a word. Albeit one with a toxic history
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Lulzzzz ya I’ve heard outside of Hamburgerland saying the n word is not a big deal at all. Funny how american centric global social media platforms are when 90% of the population that isn’t American doesn’t give a shit. Can understand why using it IN the US is a stupid fucking idea ofc, say that to the wrong person they will beat the shit out of you.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
At least we can all hate each other with public logs.
- Comment on Average Slovenian here 2 months ago:
Lollll you ain’t wrong. Social progress and all that
- Comment on if you've had or have anger issues, how did you become a better human? 2 months ago:
Lost a close family member a few days ago. Haven’t experienced loss like this before so not handling it great. Appreciate you writing this out
- Comment on if you've had or have anger issues, how did you become a better human? 2 months ago:
Yeah that’s fair you’re right
- Comment on Average Slovenian here 2 months ago:
That’s a very valid point. Appreciate you sharing that a lot actually
- Comment on Help me out: which looks better for the Duck - the neck tie or the bow tie? 2 months ago:
- Comment on if you've had or have anger issues, how did you become a better human? 2 months ago:
Uh, the Nordic countries. You should go read a history book before speaking.
- Comment on if you've had or have anger issues, how did you become a better human? 2 months ago:
ooga booga hivemind go downvote
- Comment on Average Slovenian here 2 months ago:
This is what happens when family values stop mattering
- Comment on if you've had or have anger issues, how did you become a better human? 2 months ago:
Nope that’s the rest of you.
- Comment on if you've had or have anger issues, how did you become a better human? 2 months ago:
White people are very set in their corporate slop eating ways. They like slaving away for billionaires, some of whom buy child sex slaves with the proceeds. FYI white men are the most likely to be pedos… For some strange reason lulz
- Comment on if you've had or have anger issues, how did you become a better human? 2 months ago:
That’s not true. You sound like you’re white as fuck :| you don’t think there are things that can influence someone’s brain and body? Human, human technology, or a wide variety of non human things?
Should Google DMT trip reports as one example.
- Comment on nd snow 🥰 i love securing barren wilderness for oil 2 months ago:
Sheeeeshhhh didn’t even think about that aspect of the flags being at half mast. Trump is probably being such a lil bitch about that in his inner circles lmaooo
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 3 months ago:
What’s your day job? From my understanding if you can get a CCNP you’re gonna be making over 100k after a few years if you’re able to get your foot in the door experience wise
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 3 months ago:
Should shoot me a DM, have been studying for my CCNP and do want more networking buddies to potentially socialize with.
- Comment on No meme today 4 months ago:
- Comment on Dear Americans, be prepare to get screwed! 4 months ago:
God Emperor*. I had to correct you or it would go against my Trump Score.
- Comment on Nuclear Demonology 4 months ago:
I didn’t think this was real. Then realized it’s Tucker Carlson, and he had talked about the bed demons clawing him. Realized it was, indeed, a real quote. The tech tree is getting fuckin’ WILD this patch.
- Comment on Mammals 4 months ago:
Boondocks meme format in the wild what a treat
- Comment on Do you want to go to Ohio? 6 months ago:
What’s this with Saddam Hussein being everywhere now?? Did they find him
- Comment on Get in the Hilux 8 months ago:
- Comment on The moon landings were single-staged! 8 months ago:
kek gottem.
- Comment on every company right now 8 months ago:
Classic MBA holders. They don’t understand where their companies profitably comes from and why, and are just trying to squeeze out profits. What parasites. Ah if I could deworm them. Individually. Up the butt kek. With actual dewormer. Maybe they’d get their act together.