- Comment on The other shoe drops, and this time it is covered in dog shit 1 day ago:
Definitely not me spending all of my savings on a new clutch and slave cylinder :(
- Comment on "Americans can't coo-" 1 week ago:
Unless you’re buying from a fish market or catching it yourself, the majority of seafood is flash frozen on the ships that catch them. If you grab a salmon fillet out of the freezer section of your grocery store, odds are it’s flash frozen, and thus, safe to eat raw. Fresh caught salmon is similarly safe to eat raw provided it’s consumed or brought below 40f in sufficient time.
Raw seafood is recommended to be stored at room temperature for under two hours if you’re intending to consume it. Tap water is usually heated to 120-140f in the US. And the drying cycle is normally 110-170. A typical rinse and dry cycle is 30-90 minutes. With the increased thermal conductivity of water and metal foil, the rinse cycle should rapidly increase the temperature of the fish and the dry cycle, aided by the increased ambient humidity of the rinse, will easily maintain that for long enough to raise the internal temperature of the fish to, at the very least, the usual 125.
The only way this could not be the case is in an extreme outlier. Say a washer with a 30 minute total rinse/dry, with tap water that does not exceed 120f, and a dry cycle that does not exceed 110, and with fresh caught fish that has been sitting on the counter for a couple of hours before being placed in the washer. It’s very unlikely for this to be the case.
I’m not saying anyone should do it, it seems pointless and weird. But it’s technically possible and should be reasonably safe
- Comment on "Americans can't coo-" 1 week ago:
People eat salmon raw all the time, as well as “undercook” it. Salmon really shouldnt get above ~125f, it’s super delicate and overcooking ruins the texture. Run a hot rinse and dry cycle and I have no doubts it would be cooked through, if not overcooked.
- Comment on "Americans can't coo-" 1 week ago:
For real! Southern and soul food, texmex, barbecue, Cajun dishes, pizza (Italians can get bent on pizza, we perfected that shit), Mac and cheese, lobster rolls, MOTHERFUCKING CHILLI, chocolate chip cookies, buffalo wings, New York style cheesecake, the majority of the good deli sandwiches, even hamburgers! As much as people shit on hamburgers, that shit slaps. Hell, we even invented the grilled cheese. I fucking hate america but the one thing I’m unapologetically proud of is our food. Don’t let Americans cook? Eat a po boy and shut the hell up
- Comment on Late 1900s 1 week ago:
I was born in 96. I’ll be turning 30 next year
- Comment on Hopefully, Future School Kids Will Have to Write Essays About This 2 weeks ago:
Knees definitely need to be a bit darker. Who the fuck has a thing specifically for knees?
- Comment on This Cybertruck shaped man is destroying our government 3 weeks ago:
The shortened pejorative form of the word communist, born out of the red scare and McCarthyism? I’m familiar with the history of the term. I’m also familiar with the history of the word communist. And if you were as familiar with the history as you were pretending to be, you’d know that there’s such a thing as anti-authoritarian communists such as anarchists, syndicalists, communalists, Marxist autonomists, and council communists. Ignorance is key to maintaining your libshit binary thinking
- Comment on Please answer. 3 weeks ago:
And 0.00001% makes me see and feel funny things
- Comment on This Cybertruck shaped man is destroying our government 3 weeks ago:
Don’t loop us into that nonsense. It’s 1000000% fascists at the top. The closest you’re getting to a communist in the federal government is Bernie
- Comment on Fruit 4 weeks ago:
Why aren’t you listening to me?!
- Comment on Anon achieves optimal testosterone 1 month ago:
Part of the problem with using tobacco this way (basically diy dip) is that tobacco leaves themselves contain carcinogenic nitrates that will still have long term health impacts. If you’re going to consume nicotine, it’s best that your source is as close to chemically pure as you can get. Synthetic nicotine is by and large the safest option outside of simply not consuming nicotine in any form. It’s still incredibly addictive and cardiotoxic
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
- Comment on naughty naughty 2 months ago:
Definitely don’t use mobilism for a solid archive of epubs and audiobooks. It’d be awful if people had access to free and enriching entertainment
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I use it when I’m trying to ease people into what anarchism actually means. Also gives me an excuse to shit on right “libertarians” lol
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Libertarian as in anarchist or libertarian as in “the age of consent should be lower”?
- Comment on There are some downsides to marriage 2 months ago:
Haha I hate my wife!
- Comment on master manipulators 2 months ago:
We had an indoor/outdoor cat growing up that liked to hunt squirrels. He was so good at it that the squirrels had a special cry for him. Anyways, he liked to leave nothing but their heads (with spine and tail still attached) on our front door step. I miss the little serial killer
- Comment on Excellent anti smoking ad 3 months ago:
Motherfucker looks like bukowski
- Comment on I don't know where I'm going to keep them all 3 months ago:
An e-reader and libgen have made me read more than the shelves full of books in my house ever have
- Comment on I'm thinking taffy. 3 months ago:
Idk. I’m an EMT with two semesters of community college under my belt lol. I was just googling and correlating things that I have no practical knowledge of
- Comment on I'm thinking taffy. 3 months ago:
It’s called molecular gastronomy and it’s art, m’kay?
- Comment on I'm thinking taffy. 3 months ago:
Alright so I got curious. For the non people-who-know-what-viscosity-is-measured-in people out there, viscosity is measured in centipoise, which is 1/100 poise. Water is 1 centipoise, hence why we use centipoise over poise. Don’t ask me any more than that because I have no idea what I’m talking about.
Lava is anywhere between 10,000 - 1,000,000 cP. According to this chart, there are many edible things that fall within that viscosity. Now lava is very hot, so if we’re going to simulate the experience of eating lava in a safe way with edible ingredients, we need something that is that viscous at high temperatures. This page (PDF warning) says that 140f (60c) is the highest temp food can be without burning you immediately.
There isn’t much on the above chart that is both edible and has its viscosity measured around those temps. The most promising one was chocolate, which is about 25,000 cP. But it doesn’t have a temperature listed. According to lived experience and my ass, melted chocolate has a pretty consistent viscosity at various temperatures, making it a suitable stand in for molten lava.
However, viscosity isn’t the end all be all of a lava eating experience. Lava is rocks and rocks are dense. Lava also looks like it would be sticky. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything on the chart that matches the density of lava that is still edible (2600-2800 kg/m^3 for those who were curious). And there is also no unit of measurement for stickiness. But google tells me that some lava is sticky like peanut butter. So our edible lava needs to be considerably dense (thus, chewy) and sticky.
With these things in mind, I think the best edible stand ins for molten lava would be hot peanut butter (250,000 cP), with honorable mentions being rice pudding (10,000 cP @100C), and hot toothpaste (70,000 cP @40C). Color them bright orange and maybe throw in some Carolina reaper for authenticity and baby you’ve got some edible lava going
- Comment on Make sure your priorities are straight 3 months ago:
It’s what the Renaissance men would’ve wanted
- Comment on Make sure your priorities are straight 3 months ago:
Wikipedia says the term analingus was coined in the late 19th century and my cursory glance at google showed that there were explicit references to eating ass in early modern texts (~1500s). So tongue punching the fart box is at least as old as the Renaissance. Take the precautions you would normally take for butt stuff (disease free, recently bathed, haven’t pooped or eaten in 3+ hours, an enema if you’re fancy) and you should be just fine. Eating ass is fun and I will die on this hill
- Comment on why is my whisky evaporating? 3 months ago:
My suspicion is that your stopper isn’t sealing well, possibly from wear or just odd positioning. If you feel like ruining what’s left of that Jim beam in the decanter you can run a little experiment. Clear the condensation out of the decanter and mark the current level. Leave it for a week and see if the level dropped to establish a baseline. After marking the change, coat the stopper in Vaseline and leave it for another week. See if that helped or not. If it helped then you’ve got a leak
- Comment on One wolf only tells the truth, the other tells only lies 4 months ago:
You put the goat in the boat, huck the cabbage at the bear/wolf/worm, grab a slice of man cake, and cross the river
- Comment on Anon needs cooking advice 4 months ago:
Use it while it’s hot. Warm, caffeinated TP
- Comment on Het Pijnstillersparadijs: Europese Zelfbeheersing vs. Amerikaanse Pillenfeest 4 months ago:
Wish I could be of more help. I’ve had two different types of generic instant release and they both tasted lightly sweet and went down with 0 issues . Maybe I got lucky haha. Idk if name brand or generic makes much of a difference price-wise for you but you could always try parachuting your pills (without crushing them obv) to put a barrier between your tongue and the pill
- Comment on Plans for the weekend 4 months ago:
- Comment on well, at least I wasn't the only one to wonder 4 months ago:
Came across an unironic use of “momgoloid” in a paper from 1992 once