- Comment on Fossils on Fossils 1 week ago:
Second relevant xkcd of the comments
- Comment on Good morning I choose redneck air conditioner. 2 months ago:
There’s something reassuring to me about hacks like this (also standard Tempo experience?). Borrowed a friend’s truck last week and he have me a list of things that might seem like problems but not to worry about
- Comment on Good morning I choose redneck air conditioner. 2 months ago:
I still do that in my fiesta. Easier than kicking out a passenger
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
That’s the same age difference between me and my dad, and bigger than my mom and me. And I don’t want to date someone more than 5 years younger/older
- Comment on Any relations experts? 2 months ago:
Is it just perspective, or is the picture on the left side of the window lower than the one on the right?
- Comment on So I cut my wrist and black my eyes 2 months ago:
It’s an Ohio world
- Comment on Simple spelling rule. 3 months ago:
For me it’s always been Grey: cool (blue/black tones) Gray: warm (brown/orange tones)
- Comment on Be on the lookout for Taquito as you go about your day today. 3 months ago:
I see now, thank you for teaching me the ways of lemmy
- Comment on Be on the lookout for Taquito as you go about your day today. 3 months ago:
Yours shows for me, what did you do differently?
- Comment on Be on the lookout for Taquito as you go about your day today. 3 months ago:
Reminds me of this business card I found in a coffee shop Image
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 3 months ago:
I’m 40 and have friends my age who rent because they don’t want to own even though they can afford to. I’m not sure what percentage of renters are like them.
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 3 months ago:
The comment I was responding to said it would be nice if the people running the organizations would do it for free or survival wages. I agree the salaries in OP’s example are extreme, but what I see more often in my industry is burnt out people doing work for survival wages because they’re passionate, while everyone else makes a ton of money.
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 3 months ago:
As someone who has worked at a non profit and works at a low profit company now, the idea that because it’s work we’re passionate about that we should do it for pennies is so toxic, and how teachers, nurses, childcare workers, etc are abused by society. We’re actively out here trying to fix the problems caused by capitalism and the top 10% who are fucking over the world, and we deserve to be fairly compensated, not do it for free because we’re so passionate. I’m not saying OP’s example is right either, but charity workers shouldn’t need to rely on charity to survive, or be so wealthy they didn’t need to get paid.
- Comment on I live in the green part 3 months ago:
I’m wondering what bias there may be for people from a place versus moving to a place. Many have noted the culture of activity in Colorado, and that may be pulling non-obese people from other states to Colorado. Not that it would sway the numbers that much, but as an anecdote, everyone I know in Colorado moved there from a different state and fit, and moved there for activities.
- Comment on Binary search 3 months ago:
Ah, obvious now, thank you. For some reason
myhis brain couldn’t get to actually turning off half the breakers in one go - Comment on Binary search 3 months ago:
My friend has some upcoming electrical work in his house, can you explain how to use binary search in this instance so I can tell him?
- Comment on Narrow is the road that leads to Publication 3 months ago:
I’m going with Ford Taurus on the left and Oldsmobile Intrigue on the right
- Comment on That's Quackers 5 months ago:
Relevant XKCD
- Comment on Krillin 6 months ago:
"Rice is great when you’re hungry and want 2,000 of something"
- Mitch Hedberg
- Comment on Birds and the bees 6 months ago:
I didn’t know wasps did either until I bought a plant for my garden that is primarily pollinated by wasps. They were as chill as any other pollinator, not at all what I expected.
- Comment on Get sorted... 8 months ago:
Is this a kid Rock joke?
- Comment on no it do not 9 months ago:
The banality of evil. A roku remote, Christmas themed tea towel, a Christmas snowman countdown calendar, and a suicide vest to and paying taxes
- Comment on How do you get into wild camping, it seems so overwhelming and a lot of information to try and gather? 9 months ago:
I highly recommend the book The Lost Art of Reading Nature’s Signs by Tristan Gooley. It’s far more applicable for the roaming in nature possibilities in the UK than where I am in the US.
- Comment on Ape gives audience the Ol Razzle Dazzle before flinging hot feces on them. 1 year ago:
10/10. Amazing routine, the transition from dance to shit fling was so natural
- Comment on Kelly Oubre injured in hit and run 1 year ago:
The car fled the scene but what about the driver?