- Comment on Developers: "Yes, the users love cluttered homes, just put everything there and ignore guidelines" 5 days ago:
I see your point, but as someone who preferred my home folder be my home folder, I prefer they put it under
regardless of what operating system is being used. - Comment on Developers: "Yes, the users love cluttered homes, just put everything there and ignore guidelines" 5 days ago:
No. Hiding files is still just an attribute.
- Comment on Steam now warns about Early Access that have not been updated in months. 6 days ago:
Epic Games is also a private company… and they’re the posterchild for “fuck the consumer, we want a monopoly.”
It might have something to do with Epic being partly owned by Tencent and Disney, but it more likely comes down to the philosophies of their CEOs. Gabe came from a corporate shithole and runs with the diametrically-opposed view that good service = loyal customers = profit. Sweeney, not so much.
- Comment on Babyllionaire Musk got r/whitepoepletwitter banned 1 week ago:
“They broke the law,” tweeted the motherfucker who never respected it in the first place…
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
I would be careful with recommending trying to price-optimize power supplies. Sustained/average power draw under load is not peak power draw, and tolerances beyond the rated PSU wattage vary by manufacturer.
The OP is also looking into the RTX 5090, which is even more power hungry.
- Comment on Can 2025 please be the year more games add Text and UI Scaling 4 weeks ago:
>Mom, can we get quality options? >Mom: We have quality options at home.
\Quality options at home:
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Knowing how useless the cops are when it comes to doing anything that involves them having to voluntarily fill out paperwork, I imagine the legal avenue won’t do much until after OP has been assaulted. Violence is bad, but it’s hard to argue against results.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Yeah, don’t do this… If the guy is a Nice Guy™, offering up fake nudes is just going to feed into their delusion as confirmation of their approach and make them feel even more entitled. And if the nudes end up being a dick pic, they usually end up getting violent and threatening instead of backing off.
- Comment on Day 1 Reddit Refugee 1 month ago:
Dbzer0, good. ML, bad. Their admins are trigger happy with instance-wide bans against users who criticize them or their political ideology.
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 1 month ago:
Neat. The guy’s argument with you has accidentally leaked into another community, with him replying to me and another poster with ad hominem attacks and desires to see us (who never mentioned religion) institutionalized.
- Comment on GOG reportedly suffering from staff turnover and poor management: “Current business model is likely running out of steam” 1 month ago:
I guess, yeah. I will say, though: it feels morally wrong to acknowledge their existence, and thus give them legitimacy as a competitor to Steam, GOG, and Itch.
- Comment on GOG reportedly suffering from staff turnover and poor management: “Current business model is likely running out of steam” 1 month ago:
I’m not sure which part of that guys comment suggests anything other other than “fuck epic,” but here’s a short and sweet list:
- Designing a service for their customers instead of relying on paid exclusivity
- Halfway decent customer support
- Unreal Engine 5’s performance
- Keeping their old of games accessible
- Not scamming kids out of virtual money
- Comment on GOG reportedly suffering from staff turnover and poor management: “Current business model is likely running out of steam” 1 month ago:
The approved competitor to a monopoly is… *checks notes* a wannabe monopoly that’s trying to buy their way into the position by providing less for the customer and instead bribing the publishers for exclusivity?
No, thanks. I would rather stick with the existing monopoly than reward Epic’s anticompetitive and anti-consumer bullshit.
- Comment on Evil 1 month ago:
>TOML has entered the channel
- Comment on Is it time to start a campaign against kernel-level anticheat? 1 month ago:
But how would we get through to normie 12-year-olds who just want to play Valorant and not have their face constantly rubbed in the dirt by “hackers”?
I think it would be good for them to be told the truth: you aren’t being killed by hackers, you just suck.
- Comment on Ice cream machine is also broken 2 months ago:
Are they actually going to pay that out?
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
I don’t think he would make it to trial. The wealthy don’t appreciate those who unite the public against them, and they certainly wouldn’t want him to send another message.
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
Fair point with neither being publicly traded. I should have been more clear on that.
Unreal the engine, or the game series? From the perspective of a consumer, I don’t think either of them seem to be in good shape these days, unfortunately.
Er… Carmarck is in Id. Epic’s founder and CEO is Tim Sweeney.
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
“Fucking hypocrite” and “Tim Sweeney”. Never have any other set of 4 words fit together so perfectly.
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
“Making yourself suffer” by boycotting Steam.
It goes against every fiber of my being to not utterly despise a multi-billion dollar corporation, but I just don’t have the energy that I used to. I have to pick the battles I want to fight, and they haven’t done enough to make it worth it for me to do that.
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
Some perspective from someone vocally against Epic:
They entered the market and tried to get their foot in the door not by providing a better service or experience to the consumers, but by being underhanded and anticompetitive while accusing their competition of being underhanded and anticompetitive. Add on that with the fact that their CEO lacks any sort of humility and integrity, and I simply do not trust them to give a single shit about me as a customer.
While I don’t think Valve is my friend either, they at least have a history of doing things that provide some benefit to me (even if its clearly out of self-interest).
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
When it turns to shit, we have the high seas. Until then, we might as well enjoy the fact that Valve isn’t a public company obligated to chase short term profits for shareholders.
Everything goes to shit eventually, but you don’t need to pre-emptively make yourself suffer.
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
Epic is the pro-developer storefront.
I think their historically-bad UE5 documentation and laser focus on adding features optimized for Fortnite but terrible for other uses beg to differ.
They’re the pro-shareholder storefront. Nothing more, nothing less.
- Comment on What do people who promoted the "FEMA camps" conspiracy theory think about Trump's mass deportation? 2 months ago:
I see you’ve just met Kaboom. It would be wise to add a tag for future reference.
- Comment on 'Stop talking s*** about us' - Half-Life 2 mod blacklists a handful of YouTubers as 'anticitizens' and blocks them from playing 2 months ago:
Those mod devs are absolute assholes.
As per the decompiler code, the game will refuse to load in certain cases with the message “Upgrade your PC, the current hardware is just ridiculous.” I can understand not wanting to field support requests from extremely outdated hardware, but being condescending and not even giving players the option to continue…
BriJee, Amigus, and Obsolete— sincerely, go fuck yourselves.
- Comment on Meal prep 2 months ago:
“Do you have any visual impairments?”
“Yes, I wear glass.”
“You mean glasses?”
“Well, actually…” - Comment on Subscribe now for more clicks! 2 months ago:
Vim users are laughing from their high horses.
- Comment on I wonder why people litter in the USA? 2 months ago:
Unless you want hepatitis C, that’s probably not the best idea. Nothing short of medieval plate armor would eliminate the risk of accidentally stabbing yourself on something.
- Comment on I guess at least I can opt out... 2 months ago:
Oh, I think I know how this is coded.
DELETE FROM applications WHERE ai_review_consent=FALSE
- Comment on The Witcher 4 has entered full-scale production, CD Projekt has confirmed 2 months ago:
If I recall correctly, the “next gen update” for The Witcher 3 was UE5.