- Comment on Starbucks continues to be terrible 2 weeks ago:
I’m never said he should. I’m saying I understand why he did. I would not do the same thing in his position.
Remember most CEO’s are psychopaths so they are not very concerned with the impact on the people they fire.
- Comment on Starbucks continues to be terrible 2 weeks ago:
Since I’m sitting negative I should clarify that I do not think the actions are moral. Only that he is incentivized to do things like this.
- Comment on Am I the only one? 2 weeks ago:
I hope that should have said “…so far”. Did he survive 101 days?
- Comment on Starbucks continues to be terrible 2 weeks ago:
I mean he has been rewarded for making the line go up. Part of making the line go up is reducing overheads. So he is being directly rewarded for actions like firing 1000+ employees. So is it a surprise?
- Comment on low iq in love with high iq person, is that bad?? 3 weeks ago:
Just be yourself and let him decide if he loves you. Don’t decide for him.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
If you can smell something, part of it is airborne. Pretty sure I know what peanuts smell like.
I’ve been on a lot of flights and never been served peanuts since the 90s. I was under the impression they did not serve peanuts on flights any more but those stories you linked say otherwise, but of course you can’t stop people bringing their own.
I think you have to speak to a doctor and maybe see what the options are.
- Comment on We've increased our subscription from $9.99 to $29.99 a month 1 month ago:
You might be thinking of upload? Digital afterlife where premium users get to experience everything normally and when you run out of money your bandwidth is limited.
- Comment on Are you getting read for Valentine's Day? 2 months ago:
Or is he just casting a wide net…
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
This will be unpopular but I have found Marijuana users to be extremely biased against any negatives raised about the drug and conversely very biased towards accepting anything positive. Because of this and the fact that psychosis is rare, i.e. not the typical experience, the answer you are mostly likely to get here is that Marijuana doesn’t cause it. You can only trust their personal “had it or didn’t have it” but not what they say about never seeing it in others.
Imagine that it causes psychosis in 1 in 1000 users (I don’t know the real ratio this is just for example). That would mean, based on personal experience alone, you would get 999 answers saying it’s totally fine, and 1 saying it causes psychosis. You walk away thinking it’s safe when maybe for you, it’s not. Even if it was 1 in 10 you’d probably still think the consensus is that it’s safe the 1 saying its not is going against the consensus so must have an agenda. Not what if the rate in the general population is 1 in 1,000,000 but the rate for people with a family history of mental illness is 1 in 3? Both can be true but which is the one that matters to you? Here you’d only be finding the 1 in a million number when you really want to know the one in 3 number.
Things like this are not about opinions they are about statistics. As someone else said, don’t ask social media for medical matters, science is not about consensus it’s about evidence. The laws of physics don’t change based on how many people believe something.
Many comments here are the equivalent of saying “I’ve never seen a car crash so they must be made up, it’s just fear mongering by the auto industry to put useless air bags and seat belts in the car to charge you more”.
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 4 months ago:
Why do people insist on saying “The American experiment”??
- Comment on New RoboCop TV series has James Wan as executive producer 5 months ago:
I’d buy that for a dollar
- Comment on Anon needs viewers 5 months ago:
Better hope you don’t have a small dick, or you’ll tick all the terrorist profile markers and be in jail before you know it.
- Comment on Anon falls in love 5 months ago:
Ah didn’t realise you deleted it. It was in my inbox in sync and I replied directly there.
- Comment on Anon falls in love 6 months ago:
Reading lips is a visual representation of a sound. A teacher teaching you to read lips is only the relationship between two visual representations. Written word and moving lips. I think my point stands.
- Comment on Anon falls in love 6 months ago:
How could you possibly know what a visual representation of a sound sounds like if you’ve never had the relationship between the two pointed out to you??
- Comment on Anon is a good samaritan 6 months ago:
“You ruined my death”
- Comment on Wise words 6 months ago:
Just because you don’t like her music doesn’t mean it’s mediocre or that you are somehow more evolved. When it comes to personal taste, how do you decide who’s opinion is the right one - like you have taken it upon yourself to do and gate keep ‘good’ music. Her music is undeniably popular and all of those people who like it would disagree with you about it being mediocre. So what makes you right and them wrong? There is no objectivity when it comes to things like music, only subjectivity.
Before you jump on me and label be a Taylor Swift fan, the big reveal is, I’m not. I have no problem with you saying “I think her music is mediocre” but that is different to saying " her music is mediocre" the former is an opinion, the latter is trying to paint an opinion as a fact.
This comment will probably not be received well simply because so many people seem to dislike Taylor Swift on here and will miss my point. Take swift is irrelevant to my point, sub in any band or artist if you need to understand that.
- Comment on An informative martial arts infographic 7 months ago:
He did a follow up study in 1998 co-authored by some people he met at a bus stop which confirmed these results. hoo cha
- Comment on Anon watches LOTR 11 months ago:
To me, modern says more about the techniques and methods used. In that respect, not much has changed even though 25 years has passed. Even stylistically it is more similar to a current film than one filmed 25 years before its release, i.e. mid 1970s. As someone else said, contemporary is a better word for describing its age than modern.
- Comment on Anon watches LOTR 11 months ago:
They need to shoulder bump too, otherwise they could just be former colleagues or perhaps two men who met for the first time yesterday.
- Comment on jants 1 year ago:
- Comment on Does anyone feel like an actual adult? 1 year ago:
I’d call ‘actual adulting’ having responsibility for another’s welfare. Whether a dog, cat or human, they are all varying levels of “if I fuck up, someone else suffers”.
I still don’t feel fully like an adult, but I do feel the responsibility of ensuring there is food on the table and a roof over our heads. My partner is also responsible for these things so it is a little less pressure.
All said I do not feel as adult as I saw my parents when they were my age. They seemed very grown up and very responsible compared to how I feel today. I was 11 when my dad was my age.
- Comment on Billionaire grindset 1 year ago:
I remember one of the question styles in those crappy online iq tests being: If some clots are blahs and all blahs are ploots, are all clots ploots?
Interesting that the meme is about iq
- Comment on MS to update Windows every 3 years 1 year ago:
Many many people have no choice.
A number of software companies have software which has become industry standard and do not support windows. That means any new employees have been educated and trained in using that software. So to defy that , you are either the odd man or in the company, or the odd company out in the industry.
That causes you disadvantages of interoperability with colleagues or a need to train your new employees with skills that are typically only useful within your own company and delay the return on investment of your new hire which has financial implications.
Wine has come a long way but many industry standard softwares do not play nicely. E.g. Adobe software, autocad, solidworks. If you get it running, you are not guaranteed the next version will work and if your whole team upgrades except you, you might lose the ability to work with their files. Your boss may not be happy if you need to spent x hours or days getting up and running again because you had to upgrade from v21 to v22 and it didn’t work out of the box in wine.
Businesses need and require a different level of support vs home users so that issues can be fixed in a timely and reliable manner. Adding wine into the mix means every software problem now has potential causes not just in the software itself, but also in the wine setup.
So ultimately where no native application exists and no compatible application exists, wine is not yet an acceptable solution for business use except in very fringe cases. So that leaves virtual machines as a solution, but then you are running windows with extra support issues again. So why would you not just run windows.
I offer this answer as the reason windows is and will remain ubiquitous not as my own personal preferences or opinions.
I tried working in Linux for several months but I kept coming up against barriers that cost me time , solely because of my choice to use not use windows. When I encountered issues, it would not and could not help. In the end I deleted my Linux partition because I simply could not work with file formats colleagues were exchanging and I would have to switch to windows.
I’d you want windows gone, the only way is to convince large software companies to support other operating systems natively or for wine to reach 100% parity with the experience on windows. The former will only hassocks if there is a financial positive for the companies and the latter with likely never happen, or take a very long time due to windows being a moving target.
- Comment on Capitalism indoctrination in progress. 1 year ago:
It is pretty simple. Respect your employees and they will respect you. Respect starts with calling the employee’s contributions by paying them a fair wage. It continues with treating them well. A post of treating them well might be a point ping table, but that comes on top of a fair wage, not instead of.
A good manager might recognise a hard working team needs a way to relax and gets a pool table or something. The employees are happy and tell their friends they’ve got a pool table at work, everyone is jealous. It seems like the pool table is the reason but it is just a symptom of them being generally treated well.