- Comment on The Nightshade Family 19 hours ago:
Eggplant out here catching strays.
- Comment on When you see signs like this you know all is lost 3 days ago:
That’s a bold move, Cotton, threatening people with a good time. Let’s see how it plays out.
- Comment on Gottem. :) 3 weeks ago:
Only two ways to find out. Time to fire up universe sandbox, cause I’m fresh out of the ability to delete the sun in the production environment.
- Comment on Gottem. :) 3 weeks ago:
The real question is if the earth becomes a rogue planet or if Jupiter captures most/all of the remaining solar system. Jupiter is technically a failed star, so could it finally get it’s glowup from being the sun’s understudy and keep us all together until we fall into the gravitational well of a new star?
- Comment on Same 1 month ago:
The only caveat to that is that the card must be using x16 bus speed for the negligible impact, which only the high-end cards reliably do. A bunch of the 70 series and under cards are actually x8 bus speed, and then pcie 4 actually matters. ~20% vs 5% performance loss for 8x bus cards over pcie 3.
- Comment on SteamOS expands beyond Steam Deck 1 month ago:
All the talk the last few months about SteamOS and Bazzite (plus Windows 10’s imminent death) got me to finally let up a Linux dual boot. Choosing a distro is a fairly contrary process with half the review lists being useless “tech media”, half AI buzzword word salad, and half distro stans trying to sell you on their version by pointing out flaws in the others.
I jumped in and am now on Manjaro as I use my computer primarily for gaming and media consumption. I originally planned this because of Manjaro Gaming edition, but Manjaro Gaming edition hasn’t been updated in years so looks like abandonware. Regular Manjaro it is, and add what I need as I go. I hope.
I decided to try Manjaro over PopOS due to enough anecdotal reviews about PopOS stability issues to make me second guess it. I have used Mint on old hardware in the past, and it was ok but I was concerned about gaming support and Nvidia drivers (accidentally jumped from Nvidia to Amd anyway, but that’s another story). Ubuntu has the same issue as PopOS on top of being the corporate distro. I also still have a bad taste from trying Ubuntu years ago and gaming attempts on it sucked.
I do not want to distro hop to find the promised land or just to see what the other grass is like, it’s just not something I am interested in and never have been. As bad as Windows can be, I have usually been able to ride an installation for multiple years barring external incident. I want to primarily sit down and use my computer. Reinstalls should be reserved for hardware refreshes and new builds.
If SteamOS can simplify the decision paralysis involved in making the jump to Linux, it is going to be an absolute win. As a hard core techie with decades of experience building PCs, if I had this much trouble making the switch then I expect an even worse experience for the regular Joe.
- Comment on Destiny 2 Players Struggle To Find Fireteams As Population Drops To All-Time Low 2 months ago:
Behind the scenes Bungie decided they didn’t want to be a single franchise studio and sunk all the money from Destiny 2 into a bunch of failed projects. Something like 8 new IPs they tried to get off the ground and none have seen the light of day. Marathon or whatever it might be called now might get a release, but no guarantees. Basically squandered all the money and good will for the Destiny franchise trying to become the next Activision or EA and committed corporate suicide.
Add the new massively expensive campuses while having a mostly remote workforce, and the CEO buying millions of dollars in classic cars to display, and you have this worst timeline we live in. Expect Sony to replace the board and completely take over the studio soon.
- Comment on Destiny 2 Players Struggle To Find Fireteams As Population Drops To All-Time Low 2 months ago:
Sunsetting killed the game for me too, I wasn’t able to replace ever piece of gear to keep my stat split correct and there were still entire element and weapon types missing entirely a year after it went into effect. I took a break, then a longer break, then never went back because I felt like I missed too much.
I heard they fully un-sunset everything they had sunset, but at this point I have zero desire to play the game anymore. This is after having played thousands of hours and having D2 as the only game I played for much of that time. As a 50/50 PVE and PVP player, the slow death of PVP and the removal of half the raids kills the game for me.
- Comment on Improve your Wi-Fi with this one trick 2 months ago:
Yes, but the tailwind becomes a headwind on the way back to the router so you won’t see any actual speed changes. Putting a fan on both ends will cancel each other out too.
You need to change all the gaseous air out for either liquid or a solid as waves propagate faster through them. You should start with filling your house with liquid oxygen as a nice half step so you still have something to breathe easily, as solids are a bit more tricky.
- Comment on hard to argue with 4 months ago:
But look at how small and dexterous the children are, able to squeeze and clamber through the tunnels. And look at what they play all day: Minecraft. Clearly the children are best suited, as they yearn for the mines.
- Comment on Oxygen 5 months ago:
The sun is a giant lithium battery that became a spicy pillow and then exploded, and as everyone knows you can’t put out a lithium battery fire like a regular fire. The fire department just pushed it out there into space beyond the environment to let it burn itself out, which is expected to take at least 5 billion more years.
- Comment on Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? 5 months ago:
And there you go from the moral/intellectual high ground, mocking them as toddlers and saying it’s right and normal to laugh and make fun of them.
I can’t stand vaccine hesitancy and anti-science bullshit. I’ve had to deal with this becoming a Fox News thing in my own family, and lost too many people from alternative “Eastern” medicine over “Western” medical science. But the mockery and ridicule only feeds into the Christian persecution complex most of that rural white population already embraces, and causes the wagons to circle.
- Comment on Bill! BILL! Bill! BILL! 6 months ago:
Still have the theme song stuck in my head to this day. Good times. The 90s was a great decade, which was definitely only 10 years ago because the 80s was 20 years ago. No need to check my math on that.
- Comment on Mamma mia 6 months ago:
Technically you are fall for the positive stereotype fallacy, like saying Asians are good at math or the endowment of black males doesn’t count as prejudice because those are “good things”. Same boat as the Model Minority myth for East Asians.
People from those cultures may lean into those positive stereotypes or be less bothered by them, but they are still a prejudice. They also make it a little easier for less positive stereotypes to be believed by less educated or less tolerant people.
That said, as an Italian American you can pry my cooking stereotypes from my cold dead hands.
- Comment on Is it just me or do Lemmy communities tend to skew left wing? Why might this be? 8 months ago:
I don’t think those are inherently opposed, the whole point of libertarianism being about liberty. Power gained through free market principles is no different than any other power, and thus can and should be opposed through competing ideas/services. If I don’t like your service being provided, I or anyone should be free to provide a competing service that matches my needs/values.
Being a libertarian doesn’t require keeping Fountainhead as your Bible and worshipping at the feet of oligarchs instead of politicians/the State, and I would argue selling your soul to the company store is as antithetical to liberty as selling your soul to a centralized State. But as you’ve indirectly mentioned, there is a rather huge spectrum under the libertarian umbrella.
I won’t speak for other libertarians, as I know there are those that think do worship the oligarchy, and many of my views do probably put me on the left side of libertarianism. If I didn’t believe that government has a role is keeping free markets free and providing stability and peace for liberty to exist (most fiscally conservatively paid for by collapsing all social safety nets into an actual UBI requiring miniscule overhead, Universal Healthcare, and more Georgist tax codes), I’d probably be closer to the anarcho-capitalists maybe? Maybe some offshoot or flavor of Minarchist?
- Comment on What is the absolute max level of ear protection you can get? 8 months ago:
This may only be within the range of human hearing, and you can and do still suffer damage from excessive amplitude by frequencies above and below what is human detectable. ANC is not a protective technology for this reason, it is a quality of life technology.
- Comment on Anon shares their highschool mascot 9 months ago:
Yes, but he won’t tell you because it’s none of your business.
- Comment on Goodbye matpat ❤️ 11 months ago:
Game Theory is a hard mathematics concept and not an applied scientific theory, so you’re in the ballpark but slightly adjacent. The fact that so many people can graduate high school without the basic understanding of the scientific method and the differences between a hypothesis, a theory, and a scientific law is concerning, I grant you that, but the number of graduates who can’t read proficiently is even more concerning.
MatPat may not have been a Mr Wizard, Beakman, or Bill Nye, but he was not the worst Pop-science entertainment platform out there. Just like comic books didn’t corrupt the youth and kill reading for the generations since the Golden Age, I doubt the Game Theorists did much harm to the public’s knowledge of science. It is not the job of YouTube entertainers or ticktockers to teach science, and if a few people become interested in science because of channels or programs like these and go on to learn more or focus in STEM in school, then I think that’s probably a net positive.
- Comment on No one really understands our struggle 1 year ago:
Indeed, we should eliminate all landlords and then everyone who wants to not live with family or friends who already own a house should obviously just get a 15 or 30 year mortgage. I’m sure you qualified for one at 18, or maybe 26. And it is really easy and convenient to sell your house/condo/apartment every few years if you want or need to move regularly. There is never a viable condition for renting. But if somehow there were to be a magical condition where one would rent, then clearly the trading of goods and services for money only works if each transaction is specifically priced to only and exactly cover the input costs. Making profit is immoral after all. You know what they say, people and businesses only exist because of the joy derived from watching others consume the products of their labor. Has this comment gotten annoyingly snarky yet?
Now we as a society should start treating housing as a commodity and produce it in vast numbers so that supply continuously meets or exceeds demands. We should also implement a Georgist land use tax to prevent mass corporate ownership of housing so that housing prices fall comparably to what they were in the 50s and 60s. We probably want to slowly phase that change in though, because housing as an investment is the only thing propping up the middle class currently, and if every primary residence home owner was suddenly under water by double or tripple or more of their existing mortgages then bad things happen. Tenent owned cooperative housing complexes might even be cool too.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It’s easier to dehumanize and homogenize the opposition than view them as people with real convictions. It happens on both sides, and it’s getting worse and worse as the polarization increases. Driven by the media and the 24 hour news cycle, capitalized on by the DNC and RNC, and keeping everyone fighting amongst ourselves instead of looking too closely at the accelerating wealth gap and banding together by class to restore healthy and competitive capitalism.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It was super shocking to find the Republicans actually knocking the third leg out of their wedge issues stool. All they really have is gun rights now, as the regular culture war stuff isn’t nearly as powerful as abortion was. It’s going to be very interesting to see what happens in the next 2 election cycles, but so help me if the Democrats manage to get back control of all 3 and STILL don’t codify abortion rights, gay marriage rights, interracial marriage, etc so they can capitalize on these suddenly stronger wedge issues. Again. So God damned pissed off at the Obama admin still because of that. Also the lack of federal legalization/decriminalization. And this is from a pro 2A former classical libertarian who wants the government shrunk by replacing all of the bloated agencies and welfare programs with a simple and solid universal healthcare system and true UBI, funded with a aimple tax code with no loopholes that incorporates something of a Georgist land tax.