- Comment on Is Civilization 7 not fun? 1 week ago:
This right here.
I played 6 at launch and it was a huge downgrade from 5 but now it’s been updated so much it’s now unrecognizable from what was released as 6.
Every patch, update, and DLC will change it incrementally back into a similar experience as the others. They like to try to get real wild with the initial release but it tends to get back to the same sort of things eventually.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Thank you! I didn’t want to have to dig up the episode by hand. The YT short missed the excellent stinger that seals this joke.
- Comment on Tough question 2 weeks ago:
Both are recoverable but the astrology daughter is much cheaper to handle. Tarot, crystals, and star charts don’t eat retirement funds.
Daughter with a Psychic, much tougher call.
- Comment on I got the money saved in my mansions safe. 3 weeks ago:
Doesn’t putting the $$ anywhere that’s not retrievable miss the point of having an emergency fund? It’s supposed to be liquid assets you can spend if you had to. Putting it anywhere with good returns would keep it from being available at 11:45pm on a Saturday night when the ER is demanding payment now or they won’t treat you.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 3 weeks ago:
Not 7.5 times higher though. No other factor is as big a predictor as gendered violence. Men commit violence against women and other men much, much more often than women do.
And if you are a man, you should be just as mad because the chances that you are a victim of a violent firm by another man is much higher too.
Not all men are violent, but men and women are both victims of the anger of this small-subset of men that we have been unable to identify what else they have in common beyond gender.
- Comment on Can we stop asking people who are on the brink of death and suffering greatly to sacrifice themselves for a bunch of able bodied people who refuse to stand up and sacrifice themselves for us? 3 weeks ago:
Its the exact same thing I tell every libertarian asshole. You are all chained dogs who think you are lone wolves, can’t survive without whatever master you serve and bark at the rest of us to “do better”.
You told OP you think less of them for the post but call me disrespectful. Get fucked.
- Comment on Can we stop asking people who are on the brink of death and suffering greatly to sacrifice themselves for a bunch of able bodied people who refuse to stand up and sacrifice themselves for us? 3 weeks ago:
So, you a cat? You do nothing for anyone else and pretend you don’t use any resources?
There are plenty of people who took care of your dirty ass, whoever you are. If you are still breathing, someone gave a shit enough about you at some point to stick a bottle in your mouth to keep you from starving.
Hence, no one is an island and when you pretend otherwise, you prove what a kept, babied, ignorant person you are.
- Comment on Can we stop asking people who are on the brink of death and suffering greatly to sacrifice themselves for a bunch of able bodied people who refuse to stand up and sacrifice themselves for us? 3 weeks ago:
This is the exact ableist attitude the OP is talking about. Getting armed and defending yourself isn’t a useful option when they don’t need to storm your house to kill you and even if they did, you might not be able to physically use the gun.
Self-defense is an ablest concept, get out there and defend one another!
- Comment on Phoenix Labs (creators of Dauntless and Fae Farm) just laid off most of their dev team 3 weeks ago:
I played Dauntless hardcore in the beta. My team and I really enjoy it and it was going to great but it went to Epic we never gave it another thought. A real pity because the combat was fun. IDK how it evolved but the chainblade started out really enjoyable.
- Comment on Accurate cartography 4 weeks ago:
Wales gets it it’s own Island? Fuck yes! I vote for this map.
- Comment on 90% of porn videos from the 2000s [Day 48] 5 weeks ago:
I’ve never bothered to watch The Room and this is a really pleasant way to do so.
- Comment on "PowerSchool has informed us that they have taken action with the hackers to ensure the unauthorized data was deleted without any further replication or dissemination." 1 month ago:
I’m upset about this but I’m way more upset to be finding out about it from Lemmy instead of from my school district or PowerSchool directly. My Pennsylvnaia school district hasn’t said anything about this.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
And have them follow to new number after number because they are one of the 100s of people who have OP’s number legitimately? Why disrupt your whole life for this asshole. Better to get them caught and be done with it.
- Comment on I am not alone. 2 months ago:
Someone got told their topic wasn’t original enough and took that as a challenge.
- Comment on Cowboy 2 months ago:
- Comment on Are illegal streaming sites really getting shut down a lot lately or has it always been like this? 2 months ago:
There’s always churn and turnover, I’ve been part of communities that lost up to 3 of the top 5 sites for something etc. and the community bounces back in a couple of months. Streaming sites aren’t horrifically difficult to set up so they will often reappear shortly with similar interface.
- Comment on What do zoos do with dead animals? 3 months ago:
I was gonna say this was some high-quality bullshit but after this year I just assume RFK Jr. was involved somehow.
- Comment on The most powerful brain on Twitter 3 months ago:
Dude needed to get his wildlife handler paperwork or shut the fuck up. He called he was getting it repeatedly and there’s evidence he did fuck all.
He got his animals killed by failing to adhere to the basic laws he already knew about. It wasn’t a surprise.
- Comment on Ghost jobs are wreaking havoc on tech workers 3 months ago:
As someone on the other side of this in just one private company of thousands:
I put out 2-3 job ads a month. Of those 1 will get past interviews to a negotiation phase, one will get stuck with a hiring manager who only wants to interview the perfect candidate, and one will be pulled for budget reasons and held to try again next month because the candidate for the first job asked for a little bit more money. We hire about half of the people who make it to negotiations.
My feeling is it’s that no one has any money to spend. Every company I can think of is desperately waiting to get paid so they can pay their own bills. Most contracts with the government were horribly delayed by the shutdowns last year and it’s been knock-on effects ever since.
- Comment on Source: Father, H. , Son, H. Spirit, H. (2024). Visions from God 3 months ago:
That’s what the “Personal Communication” citation type is for.
- Comment on Trickle down 3 months ago:
I was taking control of a big department in a non-profit where funds were tight but I had a lot of flexibility so I read a book about how to reward employees instead of money. I was hoping for non-tangible rewards like first pick of schedule or Employee of the Month type stuff.
Every single suggestion in the book was something that needed money to be spent first but not given to the employee. It had a whole chapter about how giving cash was rude and terrible and your employees would hate you for it so you had to give gift cards or worthless garbage to give them instead.
This was nonsense advice. Nothing motivates like cash. In the end I just taped my own $20 bills to the back of the ‘Certificates of Achievement’ I have for good work and warned them it was a personal gift and not from the org.
- Comment on Goodwill is out of control 4 months ago:
Support your local thrift stores!
- Comment on I was there in the beginning, when finding one of these in a waiting room was a miracle 4 months ago:
That’s a waiting room, not a day care.
- Comment on Suddenly firefox on ios shows ads on homescreen 4 months ago:
Is there a Browser where I don’t have to turn off these type of sponsored links? I’ve done it in Chrome, Firefox and Opera at minimum.
- Comment on Stages of grief 6 months ago:
- Comment on Sitting and shitting on my high horse 7 months ago:
Nonsense, posting on that toilet without styrups would be damn near impossible.
- Comment on "Select a size" when it's just standard paper towel roll. Literally the same way it's always been. 8 months ago:
For reference, they still sell these too: [imgur.com/a/ASsJyUj](Full Sheets)
- Comment on Gen alpha has no fucking clue 8 months ago:
I don’t think most gen alphas are tall enough to use a post driver effectively. I’ve got early model alphas and they are barely 5’4".
- Comment on So, I found a cat in the river today... 8 months ago:
Congratulations! That looks like a Hubley cast iron cat doorstop. I had one as a kid and they are all over eBay.
- Comment on Futures 9 months ago:
That’s why balloons! You can have sick blimps on Venus and IIRC you can capture atmospheric gasses to burn as fuel for them and to create water too.