- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
with no reason
… If only there was a reason like everyone getting an extra 1000 dollars a month… Oh wait.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Most of them will accept slightly lower rents to keep the property occupied constantly.
They might, but Demand is high enough in California they’re still raising rates. Demand doesn’t change because of this. Supply doesn’t change. But the amount of available cash that a rents has will have changed, which means the market will change accordingly.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
If people aren’t living lay heck to paycheck, afraid of where the next meal comes from
You’re not solving the problem of the UBI being eaten up by what they already have to pay for as everything just gets a bit more pricy.
You have this VERY strange idea of what a landlord is. A landlord’s needs are already met, that’s why he has multiple properties.
… and it’s not a trivial difference. A Stimulus check is NOT UBI, it’s limited in who gets it, and it’s a one time payment, so it’s quickly spent whether on needs or wants, and then it’s gone. UBI is a ongoing payment meaning that the market will adjust to the new money everyone has every month. So you can’t compare the two. well you can but you just look foolish… which you’re doubling down on.
- Comment on Asking a girl out for comic book store date? 11 months ago:
And you burn bridges pretty quickly.
Listen, I get the modern mentality of “If women don’t want to date you who cares if you scare them away.” but having friends is more important to dating someone so maybe building a social network is better than just rushing to date every girl you meet.
If the other person thinks it’s just a friendly hang and you abruptly context switch into a sexual/romantic thing,
Yeah the key is you don’t treat it as a sexual/romantic thing at first, if you’re both interested, there will be SOME clue or at least get to know her first., rather than trying to date her immediately. This isn’t a speed run competition, you can take some time to get to know people.
There was 8 years where I “tried to be clear”… guess what, I ended up with 1 female friend because most women don’t want someone who tries to date them to hang around with them. And that was long before this whole incel.friendzone shit was popular. If you meet a girl and immediately try to date her, that’s the biggest of red flags.
But go do you, just don’t be surprised that “Being direct” keeps biting you in the ass.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
“No it’ll be so people can go be artists, and be writers and be…”
There are legit people who believe that.
And it’s not like this money appears magically the government will need to find ways to pay for this, we still haven’t solved that problem but even if we did, we’ll see that 1000 doesn’t change everyone’s situation. Stupid people will still be poor because they spend too much money. The rich will save their money, but the middle class and lower middle won’t change much because ultimately, 1000 dollars will eventually be factored into the new price of everything.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
more people spending money overall helps the economy
The idea behind this only works IF more people are spending. If Rent jumps that money goes to the landlord, who may (but probably won’t) spend the extra money, and it doesn’t benefit everyone.
I forget the term, but there’s an idea that talks about how many people/businesses touch money. So if you create a dollar into an economy (you can’t create money with out causing problems but let’s pretend it’s magic) if that money goes into a person’s bank it’s probably a bad thing. If that money goes through 10 people’s hands, you’re getting taxation on it in every place which is a good thing (for the government). Problem is landlords are usually well off (at least well enough to own more than one property). They might not be “mega rich” but they almost certainly will save that money, rather than spend it.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
If there was no external stimulus, they would have a slam dunk case. When every gas station jacks the price up 20 cents because the price of oil goes up, it’s just the market.
Put 1000 dollars in everyone’s pocket, every (smart) landlord will react and change their prices accordingly. That’s not “Collusion”, and the DoJ will never be able to make a case. That’s just landlords paying attention to what happened in the world.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Or are you saying that Landlords are ILLEGALLY colluding with one another to ensure Rent remains high?
No… I’m saying that a Landlord can read a paper and know that people have an extra 1000 dollars, so they can raise their rent 330/660/ or real dickbags 1000 dollars since you now have extra money.
- Comment on Asking a girl out for comic book store date? 11 months ago:
Ok dude… I’m going to go back and time and tell 15 year old me what to do. You can come and listen if you want.
First off, let’s not rush shit. You always rush shit, so you need to play it cool. Don’t say date… even if it’s a date, don’t say date. You asked two girls you liked as friends to go to see a movie you wanted, and one got mad you asked the other one first because she thought it was a date. So you gotta be cool.
So basically say “want to go to the comic book store?” She likes comics she’s going to say yes, if she asks “like a date” say “what ever” play it cool dude!
Second do a little research, find some place to eat that’s cool. If it goes cool at the comic store, suggest going to grab a bite. Don’t choose anything too pricy, casual just two friends chilling out. If she thinks it’s a date, it’ll work, if not it’s just a hang out. Great. Then play it by ear. She might suggest “What do you want to do?” She might just want to go home and even if she doesn’t want to eat that’s not the worst thing.
Now dude, I’ve given you the plan. Let me tell you the other side. You’re a fucking idiot, you’re going to flub that, but don’t freak out. If you say something stupid it’s not the worst thing in the world. You’re a nerd, but if she’s the one for you, she’ll like that about you. Just don’t rush shit… You got this.
Good luck Young kinglink ( Spoiler, never worked, didn’t find my first girlfriend until I was 24… ehhh now married and happy so you get there eventually ). And good luck Chris, but take it easy my friend, and don’t push the date aspect too hard unless she’s given you signs, and I’m guessing she hasn’t… yet.
Others are saying make it clear it’s a date, but if you do that, it’s binary. She wants to date you and says yes, or she doesn’t (and that might hurt your friendship)… she probably doesn’t know you well enough to date you yet otherwise you’d know for sure if this was a good idea.
Oh but to answer your question. For the right girl? A comic store date would be perfect, especially if you know she likes comics.
- Comment on Someone gets killed by a car, so they restrict e-bikes. 11 months ago:
As far as I read/understand, nope. But if it does limit the assistance to 28 miles an hour, that might be required if the bike goes above that speed. (Note: that’s only the point where the power would stop assisting, not the fastest speed the bike can do.)
- Comment on Someone gets killed by a car, so they restrict e-bikes. 11 months ago:
Umm that’s not exactly what they’re saying.
It would update a 27-year-old law to create three new classes of electric bikes based on the type of motor and how fast they can go.
Hell the ACTUAL statute is just defining what a e-bike is. You can see it here:…/HB4103
It does say class 1 can be operated by anyone, but 2 and 3 can be limited to 16 and older.
That being said it does limit the top speed of an e-bike to 28 miles an hour, I assume above that it’s now a motocycle, and honestly, that might be a good thing, because at that speed they no will come out of no where (hell at 20-30 miles an hour they still will)
This is hardly as bad as the title.
- Comment on Someone gets killed by a car, so they restrict e-bikes. 11 months ago:
“Well we clearly need to make it even more illegal then” -The Government
- Comment on Can you live a fulfilling life with autism? 11 months ago:
I have ADHD, and probably some minor form or Autism. (Just too old for it to be called that back in the day). Learn to cope with it. It’s what makes you different, but like I said, figure out what is a fulfilling life to you first, and then try to strive towards it.
And I don’t mean this as a negative but consider therapy if you can find a way to do it. It sounds like you might need to talk to someone about this and that can be a great help. That can take time too, it took my daughter 3-4 therapists and almost a year to find the right person for her and it’s definitely helped her.
- Comment on Can you live a fulfilling life with autism? 11 months ago:
Probably depends what level of autism you have or rather what type… But sure, just like you can live a good life with ADHD, having one leg, or just being an asshole.
The trick with it is managing whatever traits life has given you on your stat sheet. If you’re autistic understand your limitations, figure out if there’s anything you can do and work on it. If you have trouble in social situations, work on that. If you anxious at times, work on that. Don’t be afraid of using medication to help with your symptoms if you can, and working with a therapists to improve the quality of your life (if that works, not going to say there’s a catch all solution). Find people who understand and accept you as well. Not everyone is going to like you… and I say that outside of this. Not everyone will be your friend, and that’s ok.
Two things. Don’t let that be a crutch. Autism might be how you help people understand what you’re going through but don’t say “X is ok because I’m autistic” because you can always be better at certain things, it’s just that certain things may be harder. And always try to improve yourself.
Also don’t take someone else’s definition of a “fulfilling life” If you want to enjoy video games instead of going out to a bar or drinking, and you’re happy with that choice, do it. If you want to be social instead of playing video games, and you’re happy with that choice do it. Just like there’s no one form of Autism there’s no one form of a “Fulfilling life”. Find a way to be happy… similarly there’s no such thing as a “Normal life” there’s a life you want to live, and strive for that.
And besides we’re all weirdos on this planet, most of us just hide it better. You got this.
- Comment on Public trust 11 months ago:
Did I say that? Because I didn’t, but if you want to put words in my mouth you’re more than welcome to have a conversation with yourself at that rate.
- Comment on Public trust 11 months ago:
And yet social distancing was “obvious” because scientists said it u til they admitted they pretty much just made that distance up.
That’s why there’s an Appeal from Authority fallacy… But you just keep on trusting what ever they say with out questioning it.
- Comment on Weight Lifting: How are you supposed to know the weights of unlabled things? 11 months ago:
A big part is always going to be stabilization, when you’re using the machines you don’t need to focus on those muscles, so I usually recommend people doing free weights. It’s a similar story to doing chest flies. But the big benefit of the machines is they’re designed to conform to the “optimal” range of motion, and somewhat less chance of injury
- Comment on Why does the film press talk so much about box office income? 11 months ago:
Excellent point that’s absolutely true. It means “Marketing worked” (at least early on)
- Comment on Weight Lifting: How are you supposed to know the weights of unlabled things? 11 months ago:
Using the same bar every time, it’s the same weight, you don’t need to know what’s on it. Olympic bars (and most bars) are 45, so I just use that.
But let me give you another idea. WHO CARES? Yeah I know we all like to track progress when weight lifting, but at the end of the day did you lift the weight and bring it back down? Did you do it multiple times? Did you do it to exhaustion? Great, you’ll grow. If you truly care then ask "When I used that same machine could I do it with more weight? Could I do more reps with the same weight? The machine itself doesn’t change so just use that specific type of machine as the metric.
I’ve found weight machines are NOT comparable to Free Weights, Which are not comparable to even smith Machines… So ultimately… Compare apples to apples.
- Comment on Weight Lifting: How are you supposed to know the weights of unlabled things? 11 months ago:
Now lift it up 12 more times. You’ve done a set… do it four more times, move on to the next object.
- Comment on Why does the film press talk so much about box office income? 11 months ago:
I think it’s simply because people want to feel like they’re in “the biz” So rather than talking about how good something is, they talk about how much money it makes, how many people did something, what’s the revenue. It also is a bit hard to quantify “A good movie” but it’s SIMPLE to quantify a “popular” or “revenue generating” movie (At least in terms of revenue). So rather than discussing the movie itself we now discuss “how popular it is”. Kind of sucks in my opinion because all it means is “Other people like it”. It’s like the social media of news stories.
But I mean it probably comes down to "Variety did it so it was the news of the industry, and then others did it and didn’t notice a change in readership (or saw a positive change) and so they did it more.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on Saints Row developer Volition permanently shuts down 1 year ago:
Truthfully Agents of Mayhem isn’t Overwatch… Which is kind of the problem. It wasn’t saints row, It wasn’t a new game. It just kind of existed.
- Comment on Saints Row developer Volition permanently shuts down 1 year ago:
More like "We don’t want to say it was only that game… "
Though actually with it a year later, I would say their follow up effort wasn’t amazing them… which makes more sense. They probably were going through Pre-prod on “saints row too” or what ever it was going to be. And Embracer didn’t want to continue.
- Comment on ‘We are burned out’: UAW ready to take on automakers in contract negotiations 1 year ago:
UAW has been around for almost 90 years, they should be collectively bargaining for all their workers. 80 years, and they still are overworked… considering that’s the point that everyone seems to agree they think a union is supposed to solve, they probably should have figured something for that in all that time?
There’s a lot a union does, but if their purpose is to avoid letting workers get fucked over, I think most people would agree 60-70 hours a week is getting fucked over.
- Comment on ‘We are burned out’: UAW ready to take on automakers in contract negotiations 1 year ago:
Wait over worked that bad? Every time someone is overworked people say “Unions are the solution”… UAW is one of the most powerful out there, so why are they being overworked if a union is supposed to solve all these problems?
- Comment on Microsoft will sell Activision Blizzard streaming rights to Ubisoft 1 year ago:
I wonder if this is just a Hail Mary to try to stop the fear that the merger will make Microsoft the most dominant face in streaming.
Even if it’s agreed upon, it just means in two generations once internet speeds reach where they need to be for streaming to be feasible, Microsoft will get those rights back. Streaming means next to nothing today, but the fear is in a couple generations, that’s going to be the future of gaming, especially seeing how much publishers want to stop gamers from owning anything.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Sad none of those companies.
Listen, all those companies suck, but you don’t have to put words in their mouths, everyone seems extremely positive about Baldurate, and I would say almost all developer aspire to reach the same breadth and depth as Baldur’s Gate 3 with as much polish as they put on it. There’s a long list of reasons why they can’t or don’t (often publishers… or scope creep… but mostly publishers).
Unless there’s a massive thread of shit talking from other developers that I’m missing, but I’m pretty sure that doesn’t exist.
- Comment on "Sponsored recommendations": I pay for Spotify Premium, and yet somehow I'm still the product? 1 year ago:
Spotify has definitely helped me to discover new artists, but then I mostly listen to that artist on Spotify (Mostly because I’m not in their country.)
- Comment on I trapped a raccoon in my chimney. So... what now? 1 year ago:
LIght a fire.
Two possibilities, no more Racoon, or a delicious flame broiled Racoon.
Shit I forgot “Racoon drops out of the chimney, lights tail on file, runs around house like a racoon with a tail on fire, and burns down your house…” so three possibilities