- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
What the fuck? Do people actually pay that for a virtual bullshit? That’s like the price of a used Honda!
- Comment on If I was a secret immortal how long could I keep the same US ID for before I get taken away for study. I'm thinking 150 years. 4 months ago:
I’m not entirely convinced that Highlander 2 wasn’t written on the back of the same straw wrapper they used to write Gremlins 2.
- Comment on Is there a name for the trope where a story is high fantasy at first glance, except for it's not fantasy and is actually set in a post-apocalypse dystopian future? 4 months ago:
I jave no idea the answer to your question, but I now know like 99% of people on lemmy have shitty reading comprehension.
- Comment on AskReddit 5 months ago:
- Comment on "30 minutes or it's free" back then was wild 7 months ago:
Where I worked we had a bigass map broken out into a grid. If you didn’t know where an address was you could pull out a huge book that had the grid sectioned by street/block address (at least where I worked). So for example if someone had 12013 Lemmy Ln. You could look up in the book Lemmy Ln. Block 12000 and find it was on A4. You learned the entire service area pretty damn quick so like 99% of the time you knew where it was off the top of your head.
It was fun as fuck. Like the most fun job I ever had. I wish money wasn’t as important cause I would’ve done that job for the rest of my life.
- Comment on I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07. 8 months ago:
Why would you need to defend yourself for ordering a pizza and being shocked by the high price? Sometimes I think I’ve gotten too old for the internet. People should be allowed to order a pizza every once in a while and not have to formulate a 5 point list of the reasons why it’s okay for them to order pizza.
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
I’d have hired you. At least I know you’d be honest and not try to hide shit for fear of embarrassment.
- Comment on Ok. Now they've done it. 8 months ago:
That’s a bit fucking dumb to reciprocate censorship, but also it would be hard to stop that functionalityas well. But yeah I logged out and checked and my comment is 100% intact. Should defederate from .ml and put them on an island. Editing my comment to make it clear what idiot instance is the issue.
- Comment on Ok. Now they've done it. 8 months ago:
Did you censor the word “bitch” or is this some sort of fucking idiot censorship on lemmy.world? Fucking swear I’ll leave this instance at a drop of a hat if it is dumbass censorship.
Words don’t need to be blanket censored on the internet. Go ham with moderation but censoring words is how we end up with weird phrases like “unalive” instead of what they actually are murder, suicide, and death. Which makes it fucking hard to talk about fucking real god damn mother fucking problems people are dealing with you corporate bitch ass shills.
- Comment on Anon gets unwanted attention 8 months ago:
Get the evidence before going to HR because there’s not a small chance they are going to laugh while escorting you out if the building.
- Comment on Every damn day 9 months ago:
My boss is like, “Okay cool.” I’m glad I have a good boss.
- Comment on Checkmate, science 9 months ago:
At least you didn’t pull upwards like I did. Glad the ceiling was there or it could’ve been much worse.
- Comment on Mama Mia. 1 year ago:
You did better than me. Every way I slice it, the set of circumstances required to get there are a lot fucked up.
- Comment on GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour 1 year ago:
Goes further back than that. In the late 90s early 2000s basically all 3 of the MMOs on the market were subscription models (Ultima, Everquest, and Warcraft are the ones that spring to my mind). Essentially a pay per time scheme where if you were playing the game you paid for it monthly.
This guy is just so far down the modern game industry rabbit hole he forgot that it wasn’t as profitable as the soul sucking microtransaction/whaling hellscape that’s become the norm.
- Comment on PEACHES COME FROM A CAN 1 year ago:
Here now you can pretend to be born in the mid to late 80s instead:
- Comment on What is going to happen when people realize climate change is rolling in? 1 year ago:
To where? Like where you gonna go that is more suitable than where we already are? You gonna rocketship your ass to Mars? Cause even with global warming earth is still more hospitable than a rocky desert with no oxygen. A bigass bank account with lots of zeros isn’t gonna keep anyone out of we’re collectively fucked line. Sure it might get you a spot at the back of the line, but we’re all getting in it together no matter who you are.
- Comment on built different 1 year ago:
I recommend googling his face, but it is very hard to tell the difference between the two.
- Comment on Reported UFO sightings. Aliens are very interested in the USA 1 year ago:
- Comment on Organic, huh? 1 year ago:
We can debate what it means effectively, but the term organic in the US means something. It’s a regulated term and you can just slap different stickers on something and call it organic. So much just straight up misinformation in this thread from people too jaded, or too lazy, to look it up.
Now I’m not saying that the regulated term “organic” doesn’t have some other weird side effects, or that people haven’t attempted to hoodwink the process, but the term itself carries the weight of regulation in the US. So it’s not some silly, “Hurrr derrr Organic means Organic” thing like people are making it out to be.
- Comment on Organic, huh? 1 year ago:
The natural world tries to kill you all the time. Why are you trusting that! Seriously though, both of these arguements are somewhat fallacious. Saying tha GMOs are safe because, “It happens all the time in nature.” Is the same fallacy that it isn’t safe because, “It isn’t natural to accelerate the process with genetic modification.” Both are just mental shortcuts for people so they don’t have to think about the insanely complex topic of GMOs, the effects, and what the right path forward is for all of us.