- Comment on Okay, but Mötley is a pretty awesome name. 11 months ago:
Honestly I find most of them pretty cool.
- Comment on Stamina Exploit 11 months ago:
get good or get dommed
- Comment on What animal could you take in a fight? 11 months ago:
Well, if somebody poses aggressively in front of you randomly on the street, the wise thing to do for you would be to run away. You could probably overpower them, but iz just isn’t worth the risk most of the time.
Just run away and you’ll probably be fine.
- Comment on Still wanna know 11 months ago:
the faces are so generic they don’t even render them
- Comment on Peak technology 11 months ago:
I need to print once a year. When I do, I print at my local library.
- Comment on Stamina Exploit 11 months ago:
these boots are made for walking
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Theoretically, yes, practically, no.
Like, if you got epilepsy, your muscles can cramp, and destroy your body tissue that way. That doesn’t mean it happens under any normal circumstances.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 2 comments
- Comment on Wisdom from Ralph 1 year ago:
You raise “your words”, it’s another way of saying, to use proper argumentation instead of emotional speech.
- Comment on Me IRL 1 year ago:
Well my serious theory would be that it has some sort of “healing effect”. That is why so many people do it.
- Comment on New server policy. Lemmites who misbehave get sent to Disney land with a bus full of Disney adults. 1 year ago:
Sorry english isn’t my native language. Maybe “kink” isn’t the word I was trying to use. My bad.
- Comment on New server policy. Lemmites who misbehave get sent to Disney land with a bus full of Disney adults. 1 year ago:
You know, what I’ve always felt is really weird is how, in the US, it seems to be more socially accepted to wear a gun around than to be nude publicly.
Kinda like, a device to kill someone, is more accepted, than your own body.
So stupid.
Anyway, it’s the same for posts like this. Posts that go like “oh you’re an adult and are into disney/childish things” is more harshly shamed than “oh you’re a CEO of a big company and earn lots of money while exploiting your subordinates and the environment”.
Please, don’t kink shame. If everybody had kinks like these, the world would be a less hurtful place.
- Comment on What do mean things so small we can't see them with the human eye? Are you crazy? 1 year ago:
Well, I’m not so sure about that. Consider this:
Quantum Mechanics (QM) makes accurate statements and predictions about a lot of physical experiments.
That doesn’t mean, however, that the theory in especially well-liked, especially among common people. There are a lot of people who think that QM is incorrect, or at least incomplete, simply because it contradicts their intuition.
- Comment on It's dangerous to go alone. Take this. 1 year ago:
The frying pan, the penny and the glasses.
- Comment on Slap a "quantum" on it = Instant flux capacitor 1 year ago:
Yeah ok, I get your input. The point is, that most of the arguments, that say that QM is “unintuitive”, boil down to the fact that some people are simply unwilling to accept that the world is “not made of particles”.
Some people adhere to this worldview like to a religion. You cannot argue with religion. Therefore, for most people, there is little hope to come to terms with QM. However, I am saying, that if you “give up” on a particle worldview, then QM isn’t so super weird as lots of people always make it seam.
Yeah, there’s some strange issues going on. But I’m saying, that a lot of these aren’t so mad to think about if you give up on your particle worldview. Coherence, for example, boils down to a system which isn’t simply described by “that atom goes there and this atom goes here”. It’s different, but consistent. It still reveals a consistent model with a measurable outcome. Just that this model is like taking public transport instead of riding your own car. Sometimes, you gotta mix things up to see the bigger picture.
- Comment on Slap a "quantum" on it = Instant flux capacitor 1 year ago:
a hopeless romantic
so basically french, then
- Comment on Slap a "quantum" on it = Instant flux capacitor 1 year ago:
So, continental philosophy then simply introduces more variables to tackle the problem, while analytical philosophy tries to make actual progress?
- Comment on Slap a "quantum" on it = Instant flux capacitor 1 year ago:
Hey, that’s racist against asian people.
- Comment on Slap a "quantum" on it = Instant flux capacitor 1 year ago:
Actually, I think it’s time to reveal, that to some people QM is actually pretty intuitive.
It’s just that the masses and the news media don’t understand it, so they assume that nobody does. The particle worldview is deeply ingrained into many people’s brains, because it’s deeply useful to them on a day-to-day basis. If you loosen that requirement, then there’s literally nothing standing in your way to accept a wave-worldview.
- Comment on Slap a "quantum" on it = Instant flux capacitor 1 year ago:
What would oceanic philosophy be then? Dilute everything?
- Comment on Slap a "quantum" on it = Instant flux capacitor 1 year ago:
I wouldn’t call it weird, just unconventional.
- Comment on The Fuck Operation 1 year ago:
The Fuck operation, also known as dual pairing.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 5 comments
- Comment on Take that to the privacy of your own home. 1 year ago:
Coconut milk?
- Comment on Does anyone else hoard memes on lemmy for no apparent reason? 1 year ago:
You’re incubating ideas.
- Comment on I Can't Drink Now Like I Used to a Few Years Ago (26M), is that Normal? 1 year ago:
Yes, I have the same thing.
- Comment on I wish 1 year ago:
Weekly Downloads: 293.319
- Comment on Circle of life 1 year ago:
I’m not so sure about this. If you die and you leave debt, someone makes a loss. Now in the abstract case of monetary debt, that may not be a problem. But there is also an emotional debt. It is not healthy to carry that to one’s grave, I beliefe. Scars must be properly healed instead of ignored, ideally within one’s lifetime.
- Comment on Wake up. 1 year ago:
… right? I’m not the only one feeling that way.
And … nightcore … it’s all connected.
- Comment on Bad Steak 1 year ago:
Next time, tell her you are bad.