- Comment on why women's pockets are useless | Answer in Progress 6 hours ago:
JNCO is making a comeback. Go find those pants and live your uncomfortably lopsided dreams.
- Comment on Anyone notice how Brian Thompson dies and suddenly aliens start attacking? 5 days ago:
I’m guessing you mean just the disposable kind of drones popularized in Ukraine? We’ve been dropping hellfire missles from Reaper drones at 10,000+ feet for a couple of decades now.
- Comment on The burden of being different 1 week ago:
It’s an interesting concept but no way I would play that. Building a career is a boring concept in real life. I don’t want to emulate someone else doing something I wish I didn’t have to do in real life.
- Comment on Trying to retain your sanity while married 1 week ago:
Being content despite less than ideal circumstances is not a character flaw. Deferring to a partner with stronger preferences is not laziness. Stop conflating things you don’t understand with bad behavior.
- Comment on Trying to retain your sanity while married 1 week ago:
Your example ends with the man realizing that he actually did care about the hotel when in reality he would have probably said something like “oh well, we’re only going to be here a few hours and we’ll be unconscious for most of them”. That is what it means when someone says they don’t care. They’re not hiding their true feelings from you just to be annoying.
If you are tired of making decisions tell the other person to book the hotel. Most laid back people will be fine with that. Just don’t complain if that ends with you not getting what you wanted.
- Comment on ohh ... 1 week ago:
If that’s the lesson then when were we supposed to learn it? I am old enough to remember very well the last time Democrats tried to do something about healthcare. They gave up on single payer before the debate even started. Was that when I was supposed to learn to vote for them harder or was it one of the times they fucked over the only person with actual plans to implement universal healthcare?
Yes, Democrats are clearly better than the fascists masquerading as conservatives, but that doesn’t mean they’re fighting the good fight. They don’t even try to force a vote on most things people actually care about. They just throw up their hands and complain that doing things is hard. Then everyone sits around blaming voters for not loving these ineffectual dipshits enough. Fuck that, they suck it’s been that way for a lot more than 12 years.
- Comment on Should we create a new political party in the US, specifically for shitting on the rich? 2 weeks ago:
I think it would be easier to convince a few people to take out more CEOs than it would be to convince all the progressives in America that the DNC is worth investing more energy in.
- Comment on Creep. Smdh 2 weeks ago:
Also, I keep seeing people quoting stuff outside of the bible like biblical truth, like The Rapture, and stuff from Dante’s Inferno which is, at best, Bible fan-fic.
So much of the average person’s understanding of Christianity comes from sources other than the Bible. That is true for Christians and non-Christians alike. It is a really interesting phenomenon. So many arguments over things that are essentially unrelated to the actual debate people think they are having.
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 2 weeks ago:
They don’t have to do this. They’re choosing to. It’s not like these guys can just walk into the unemployment office and say “I’d like one CEO job please”. There’s more people interested in executive positions than there are positions available. Why is it only acceptable to use that knowledge to negotiate lower wages for lower ranking positions?
- Comment on circuits 3 weeks ago:
EE’s are the best E’s. Yeah, I said it.
- Comment on Map of Eastern Europe and Western Europe 3 weeks ago:
I’ve always dreamed of visiting Northern Western Ireland. Too bad there’s a war in Southern Eastern Europe.
- Comment on BACK IT UP 4 weeks ago:
You’re looking for logic in the wrong place friend.
- Comment on How are Americans supposed to survive the next 30 years? 4 weeks ago:
Yeah those voters aren’t turning in Republicans. Trump will piss enough people off that, if there’s a free and fair election in 2028, Democrats will win. However, every problem Trump causes will get blamed on Democrats, who won’t win a large enough majority to override their token centrist villains and pass meaningful reform, so we’ll end up with another even crazier Republican administration in 2032. From there climate change fucks us all up and we die in the water wars of 2035 or the great famine of 2038 or some other horrible thing that we’re too stupid to address before it slaps us in the face.
- Comment on There are Minimum Wages, Why Not a Maximum Wage? 1 month ago:
Ok sure, but if you frame the conversation to mean the limit would be set at $400k/year then you’re missing the point. We’re talking billionaires not single digit millionaires. Despite how those numbers sound to the average person there’s several orders of magnitude between them.
- Comment on Pretty sound reasoning here. 1 month ago:
Why are both of these so veiny? And why does the word veiny and both of these pictures make me think of dicks? Am I the inevitable perverted product of an overly sexualized society or are these drawings intentionally evoking phallic symbolism? WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?
- Comment on Eat lead 1 month ago:
No one is having a comprehensive theological discussion with you jackass. We were talking about a very specific thing. Stop being obnoxious.
- Comment on Eat lead 1 month ago:
I know it’s tough to pay attention for four whole sentences but if you read them again slowly I think you’ll see that I did not use the words Jesus, sin, or metaphor in any form which should make it pretty clear that, no, I’m not saying that at all.
- Comment on Eat lead 1 month ago:
The Bible is a couple thousand chapters long. The creation story is the first two chapters. It’s pretty obviously only attempting to establish that God created the universe in some ambiguous way and move on with the story. That doesn’t stop people from inferring all sorts of things from what is essentially a poem.
- Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 2 months ago:
- Comment on I know what I got. No low balls 2 months ago:
If you’re part of the beans on toast clan then you can still shush it. This is 10x the flavor of that survival ration. You would be lucky to have this masterpiece grace your mouth with its juices.
- Comment on Anon needs help responding to his coworker 2 months ago:
Yeah definitely, just saying I’m not sure polite is the right label for a response with that kind of subtext.
- Comment on Anon needs help responding to his coworker 2 months ago:
Is that polite though? I get that it isn’t explicitly rude but I pretty much only use that phrase as short hand for “why are you talking about this you fucking weirdo?” I think it’s subtly rude at best.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
That’s a retarded description of the fall of Rome.
- Comment on I think Sims is a dead franchise now 2 months ago:
I’m not saying it’s not possible that the Sims franchise has gotten worse. I’m just saying that lots of people would have described every Sims game in the same terms OP did. I’m also saying that your tastes and preferences can change over time. It’s possible, but certainly not the only option, that these two things are more true than it is that Sims is getting worse.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 2 months ago:
Star Trek is a great example of what I’m talking about actually. How many legitimate scientists do you think are out there right now who either had their interest in science first sparked by or at least significantly influenced from watching some version of Star Trek? I would bet it is a lot of them. Not every concept in Star Trek is worth diving into from a scientific perspective but not trying to do that at all would be a huge mistake.
Now, Graham Hancock isn’t writing Star Trek but people listen to what he’s saying for the same basic reasons they watch Star Trek. They are curious about a science based approach to the world. They don’t know he’s exaggerating some things and taking other things out of context. Use the opportunity to teach them.
In other words, don’t call them idiots for watching Star Trek, start a conversation about space travel.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 2 months ago:
Lots of things people are interested in could reasonably be described as ridiculous. Why is it so hard for you to see those topics as a conversation starter rather than basically calling people idiots for wanting to learn about something?
- Comment on I think Sims is a dead franchise now 2 months ago:
There’s nothing fun about the game, and you see people streaming it, it’s just building. That’s all they are ever doing. Just building crap.
To be fair, that’s always been a reasonable description of games like Sims, Minecraft, and most other simulation style games. Maybe the fact that you’re choosing to use it now means you aren’t as interested in that style of game, or even video games in general, as you used to be. Maybe not, but I think it’s worth considering at least.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 2 months ago:
You’re ignoring the interesting questions he asks in favor of the easy to hand wave away stuff and that’s exactly what I’m talking about. To be clear, I’m not defending the things he says. I’m pointing out that his more outlandish theories gain more traction because the scientific community doesn’t lean into the softballs and use them as an opportunity to both teach people actual science and understand what different groups of people want to learn about.
Ignore the star / soul example and focus in on the possibility of an ancient and semi advanced civilization existing. That’s the part grabbing people’s attention. Talk about what that would change about our understanding of the past and what sort of evidence we would expect to find if it were true. Showcase people working in related fields and what they have found already. Propose other locations we could look for that evidence and discuss other topics we could study while looking for that evidence in those places. Engage the curiosity, don’t dismiss it. Anyone listening to Graham is likely uneducated in science but interested in it so use that as your jumping off point instead of judging those people for not being farther down the path.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 2 months ago:
I don’t see how getting more people interested in ancient history and geology is a bad thing. Part of the reason Graham has the wiggle room to make the claims that he makes is that the subject is relatively unstudied.
Obviously there is actual science taking place in the field and has been forever but funding for that kind of thing is notoriously difficult to come by compared to many other fields. Getting grants to study the distant past for essentially no reason other than curiosity is not a priority within an economic system that prioritizes profit over all else. The best way to break through that particular obstacle is getting more people to pay attention and ask questions. If we need a benign conspiracy theory about “big geology” hiding the truth from us to make that happen then where’s the harm in that? The vast majority of people prone to conspiratorial thinking are already farther down that rabbit hole than Hancock’s ideas will take them.
Additionally, actual scientists would do well to learn something from Graham about presentation. Despite what you may think of him, the way he talks about the subject resonates with people. People don’t want hear a regurgitation of facts in a research paper. Speculate a bit and get people excited about your future work. You don’t need to go to the extremes that he does but don’t refuse to branch out from what can be conclusively proven today either. Talk about your theories and what you’re hoping to find / learn just as much as you talk about the results of your research.
- Comment on I've bean missing these memes 3 months ago:
No but I can feed my bean cats